
Tuesday, October 4th(Later)

Hullo again!

So Azeral won’t tell me where she’s been. Neither will Flip. And I know that Flip knows where she’s been to! It’s all just so frustrating! Anyways, so when Azeral came in, Flip just let her put down her bags and then made her follow her into the study. Obviously, I tried to follow. You can probably guess what happened.

‘No! You can’t come!’

‘You’re not old enough!’

‘Let me and Azeral talk first!’

‘This is too important for you!’

Well, the last one I just made up, but otherwise as soon as Flip noticed that I was trying to follow them, she said the rest of them. She may have also gone into one of her incredibly long and boring lectures, but I’m not entirely sure. I mean, even when I think that Flip’s about to go into one of them, I try to blank her out. Not sure if that’s a completely smart move on my part, but whatever. If you knew Flip, you’d do the same. Just trust me on that. Anyways, so I went to the door -after Flip had closed it- and put my ear up against it, which didn’t exactly work. Cam them came over, seeing what I was doing. When I told him, for some odd reason, he just laughed! I was so fucking pissed at him! How dare he make fun of me! I was seriously about to punch him in his face then and there, but then I remembered that I was a mage and that he wasn’t. HA! So I got into position, there was a weird position that Yazmin taught me, and I then was about to say a spell, but then that bastard moved out of the way and ducked into the next room! I followed him, still trying to conduct the spell. When I finally found him, for he had been hiding under a couch, he was laughing hysterically! What a bitch. Anyways, so I got into position again, and then was once again about to speak, when I felt his wet, sweaty hands on mine. Ew! It was so gross! So, as if on instinct, I quickly pulled my hands away. What the hell would you do if you were a person anyways? I then wiped my hands off on his shirt, which wasn’t as sweaty, but still kind of sweaty, and then asked, “What the hell is so funny? I was about to blast you, then you wouldn’t have thought it funny.”

He was trying to breathe, but I stepped on his foot hopefully making him talk faster. It worked. This is roughly how the ‘conversation’ went:

Me-C’mon, talk!

Cam-(Still laughing, but trying desperately to hide it) Nothing

Me-Yeah, right. So you just expect me to believe that when I was about to blast you, possibly killing you, you just started laughing for no apparent reason?

Cam-(Nods head) Yup, basically

Me-Uh-huh, not working. What’s so frigging funny?

Cam-(Gasping) Riley! Watch your language! There are little children possibly running around here! You need to set a good example for them

Me-Oh, and who would those ‘little’ kids be? Hm? And it’s not like I actually swore. And seriously, you, of all people, should not be talking. You swear all the time back home!-

Cam-Shhhh! You don’t want to let Flip hear you!

Me-Right. Why is that exactly?

Cam-‘Cause then that’ll get me in trouble!

Me-And I care why?

Cam-I’m the only one who can get you out of this joint without telling and without getting caught. Oh, and I’m the only one who can tell you what’s so hilarious.

Me-(Trying to think of some kind of amazing come-back, but having no luck) Fine. I won’t tell. But only if you tell me what’s so funny and get me out of here! (I did want to get out of here desperately)

Cam-(Grinning his adorable smile) Ha! I knew that you’d give in to my amazing superpowers eventually! (Strikes pose while I burst out laughing)

Me-(Still laughing) Yeah, yeah. Now tell me!

Cam-Oh fine. Well, first of all, I knew that you were gonna try to blast me, you just gotsta get over getting into that messed up position! It totally gives you away! And yes, I know that that was what Yazmin taught you, but frankly, I don’t care. Do you want to save the world from Jack or not? (I quickly nodded) Thought so. So, get over that, I’ll teach you some helpful tips, well, at least they helped me!

Me-And now you’re powers are gone?

Cam-Hey! That’s not the point! Do you want them or not? (Once again, I nod) Good. And plus the position that Yazmin taught you just plain looks hilarious. Now, about the getting out part. We should go to Geko’s room to talk about that.

(I looked at him quizzically)

Cam-Yeah, she has a room here. It’s the only non-proofed room there is here. You know, there’s no hidden microphone or something along those lines. I can’t remember what they’re called right now at this exact moment. But anyways, I’ll met you there in ten minutes, wait, make that twenty. Yeah, that should give me enough time.

And then Cam just left, leaving me to ponder what just happened. I quickly shook my head as if to clear my thoughts, and then ran back to my room. Which is where I am now, waiting for the twenty minutes to pass, which is in a few minutes. YES! See ‘ya little black book for now!