
Wednesday, October 5th

Dear Diary,

So yes, Cam knows me amazingly well. Once we both got to Geko’s room (I was there first, and waited on her bed, but then I felt too sad, and remembered too much about her and what she told me and all that stuff, so then I went to wait by the mirror, but then when I looked in at it, it was as if it wasn’t me standing there, but Geko instead, so that got a little creepy, so I just ended up waiting by the door) so once he actually came in, he rushed me out of the open space, the door hadn’t been closed yet, and into the closet. Before he did this, I thought that I saw Yazmin staring sadly into the room, to be specific, staring sadly at me! Or Cam. Either way, she looked at us weirdly. Anyways, while Cam and I were in the closet, NOTHING HAPPENED! I REPEAT, NOTHING HAPPENED WHAT-SO-EVER! Well, that’s not entirely true, because he just explained to me what we were going to do in order to escape safely. He had to repeat the plan again, ‘cause the first time he explained, I was just too dazed to understand anything that came out of his mouth. Heh, yeah, that’s me for you. BUT OTHER THAN THAT, NOTHING HAPPENED AT ALL! Now if you go telling anyone about that, I’ll…I’ll…Well, I don’t know what I’ll do, but it’ll be bad. Oh man, look at me. I’m talking to a book that can’t even talk! Man I’m weird. But I guess that with everything going on around here, I need someone to keep my secrets safe, and someone to not keep secrets from me, and at the moment, that would be you little black book.

Anyways, so Cam told me the plan. It was quick and easy, well, it sounded easy. Here’s what it was:

Step One: Go out of closet one at a time, leaving at a five-minute interval (I left first)

Step Two: Meet each other at courtyard (There was a courtyard at the place where we’re staying, it’s in the back)

Step Three: If come upon meeting with anyone, say that you’re-I’m- going for a walk

Step Four: If person doesn’t believe you, either:

a. Go back to room like good little child I am (Yeah right!)
b. Run like hell out of the courtyard gate into the open yard
c. Sit down on courtyard bench and watch the koi-pond (Don’t ask me, it’s the first time I’ve been to this Godforsaken place)

Step Five: If no one stops/catches/suspects anything, go to back wall, meanwhile waiting for other person

Step Six: Jump/Use gate to get the hell away from there

Step Seven: Enjoy self while possible

Step Eight: Get back before anyone notices you missing

Sounds easy, right? Not so much. But, who am I to complain? I like danger, I’m not scared of anything, well, that part’s not quite true, because I am scared of a few things. Like Geko dying, for example. Trust me, if you there, you’d be just as scared/freaked out/distraught as I was. I’m better now, but I think that Eliza’s still depressed at the mere thought of it, I mean, she did fight with Geko the last time they talked to each other, before, you know, the accident, as Flip calls it. Apparently she doesn’t like the term ‘death’ or at least, anything that somehow goes along with the term ‘death.’ Back to the point. So the first part was going perfect, well, step one went pretty good. As planned, we left in a five-minute interval, but when I got out, there was something different about Geko’s room. It wasn’t the bed, no, that was the exact same since I sat on it, or was it? Yeah, it was. It wasn’t the mirror, except that it was a little crooked. Was it like that before? Eh, it must’ve moved like that when I was looking at it. I honestly have no idea how that’s possible, but whatever. No, it wasn’t those things. So what was it? Well, I’ll tell you. It was the thing that was outside, waiting in the hall, behind Geko’s closed door. Sure I couldn’t see it, but I sensed it. I really don’t understand it, but it’s just who I am. Yes, so it was the thing in the hall that had changed. See, before it had just been an empty hallway-except for the few passer-biers (I really have no clue how to spell it) every so often. That was normal. But this one thing, this person to be exact, was just standing there, staring, watching every moment of Geko’s door, as if to be able to see right through Geko’s door, and the closet door, watching everything going on in her room. No, it wasn’t a stalker. Actually, this person just happened to be Yazmin. Scary, yes, I know. I still don’t completely understand it, but somehow, I’m not quite sure how exactly, but she knew that Cam and I were going to “try” to sneak out. This thought keeps coming into my head that Cam had told her, but that would be impossible! Wouldn’t it? I mean, sneaking out was his idea. I don’t know, it’s just not clear to me, but then again, what is? Oh well, it’s probably just my conscious.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! Yazmin.

So she was just standing there, it was so weird! When I came out, she immediately started to follow me, it was kind of creepy at first, but then I turned around, well, I stopped dead in my tracks first, almost making her run into me. It was a hilarious moment, but it was also a have-to-be-there moment too. So as I mentioned before, she almost ran into me, but when she stopped, which was about half-a-foot away from where I was standing, I turned around and started to talk to her. This was roughly how our conversation went:

Me-What, what is it that you want Yazmin?

Yazmin-I-I-I was just wondering if I could take a walk with you

Me-Oh, right. You just wanted to take a walk with me. So that totally explains the following me!

Yazmin-Oh, uh, well, you see, um-

Me-Save your breath, it’s doing absolutely nothing, okay?

Yazmin-(Thinking of something to say) Well-. Fine, if I did actually just want to take a walk with you, I would’ve asked you or something along those lines.

Me-So that explains that part, but what about the ‘stalking’ part?

Yazmin-Fine, I saw you go into Geko’s room, and I knew that you never go in there, so I was just curious about what you were doing in there.

Me-What, you thought that I was giving ‘Classified Information’ to some of Jacks’ people?

Yazmin-More or less. I actually was thinking that you were going to try and sneak out through her window, she did it all the time and it never failed. Absolutely never.

Me-What? Geko snuck out? She was a rebel?

Yazmin-In a way, yes. Or at least when she was here, in this very building.

Me-Well no duh she was in this building! I was just in her room! But, it’s just so hard to believe.

Yazmin-Why? Couldn’t you tell that she hated Eliza?

Me-What the hell does Eliza have to do with this?

Yazmin-What? You don’t know? In that case, it will be a story for later, possibly tonight.
Me-Whatever. And seriously, why did Geko always want to sneak out here, but when I wanted to sneak out at the, old place-

(NOTE-I just couldn’t get myself to say the school name, and I don’t dare write it either)

Me-(Continuing)-she wouldn’t let me? She said that it was safer where I was, and that I had other work to do, though it was strange ‘cause she never specified what ‘work’ was, even though we had all our classes together-


Me-She knew that this was going to happen! She knew everything!

Yazmin-Not everything.

Me-Huh? Oh, right, her death. Other than that though, she knew?

Yazmin-(Nodding) Basically yes. But you still can’t see it? Why she was so desperate to get out of here? Why she didn’t dare let you leave the school? You can’t see it?

Me-(Shaking head confused) Honestly no. But do you think that we can please hurry this up?

Yazmin-What’s the rush?

(I was about to speak, but then Yazmin interrupted again)

Yazmin-(Now laughing) It’s fine! You don’t have to answer that! Trust me, this place can make you crazy if you don’t have any certain kind of place that you can just escape. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Flip, and tell Cam to keep a better cover, and that I know that he’s pretty good at this sort of stuff, but he’s lost his touch. Got that? Thanks! And just so you know, the password is ‘Geko.’

I was still totally confused, but soon found myself, without Yazmin, for she had left right after she told me the ‘Geko’ thing, in the courtyard, by the bench where I had to be, right by the Koi pond. Ironic, isn’t it? Cam arrived a few minutes later, out of breath, having me confused, and told me that we had to get out of there then. I soon found out why he was out of breath, I guess he saw how confused I was. So apparently he saw Yazmin walking towards him, making him run the other way back towards his room when she called after him and told him to come to her. At this point I rolled my eyes. He, obviously, just laughed. Man I hate it when he does that! Anyways, so Yazmin called to him and told him all the stuff that I was supposed to tell him – what a load off! – and said that the night guard will be at the gate in a few minutes, so if we wanted to make the escape, we needed to do it then. After he told me that, it looked as if he was about to go on, but suddenly stopped himself, it was honestly creepy, but it may have just have been my imagination too.

Here’s a little note about me: I have a crazy imagination, I swear, half the time I hear voices that aren’t there, and the other half I see people that aren’t there – And no, I’m not a freak, I don’t think, but it’s just always just been a common thing for me. Oh well.

So anyways, where was I? Oh, yes, the stopping himself. After that, I-we, snuck over the wall, I honestly have no idea how, but we managed, and then it was like seeing a whole new world! It was amazing! Flowers, daisies, I think they were, had been lined flower upon flower! Colors were everywhere! It was like a dream come true! Except, that it was actually forbidden to have been out there, I guess. I’m still not entirely sure why, though, considering how pretty it all was. Even so, I didn’t have much time to ponder over my thoughts, instead, we just kept running away from the gate, even though I just wanted to stay and look at all the pretty colors blend together. Ah, maybe another time. So we were running, and running, and running, even when my feet couldn’t take it anymore, we still kept running, farther and farther away from the place where we were staying. Okay, so it was only a mile or so, but I may look like I’m in shape, but I can’t run for crap! By the time that we had stopped, I was completely out of breath, and fell down upon the grass that lay before us. Man that line sounded all poetic and crap! And I can’t even write poetry! Well, I kind of can, but not really. I mean, there are so much more amazing poets than I’ll ever be, just wish that I actually knew one so that I could get some writing tips from them. Okay, that got off-topic.

So there I was, sprawled out on the grass like I had just run a marathon, with Cam standing over me, literally, he was looking down on me like I was a complete and utter wimp! Anyways, when I had finally caught my breath, I actually looked up at the building where we were and saw what it was. And do you know what it was? It was a fucking bar! Sure, I had drunk a few times, but I mean, seriously! A real-life bar! So we went in there for a few minutes, but when Cam realized that he wouldn’t get me to drink anything except a pop, we left. You’ll never believe where we went next, though! Man, it was one of the most amazing places I’ve ever been! No, it wasn’t a spa or something like that, I’m not that kind of chick, but it was instead an arcade! I know that boys are supposed to like arcades more than girls, but honestly, that isn’t always the case! Look at gays, for instance. Sure, call me crazy, I don’t really care, but that’s just who I am, and no one can change a thing ‘bout it. Man, I was so incredibly happy there! And I did so well on the games, that as a prize, I got to choose out two things that I wanted. You’ll never guess what I chose. It was an amazing green candle that smells like freshly cut grass, which came free with a white one, which smelled like vanilla, and then for my other prize, I chose out a book, Of Mice and Men, weird title, isn’t it? Yes, I know I probably sound like I’m crazy, but frankly, I don’t give a damn. Oh, and the candles came with matches, so I was good on that. Well, after that we walked, thankfully, back home ‘til we were at the gate, at which point Cam went over the gate first, and luckily no one caught him, but that was about when our luck ran out. See, as soon as he had gotten up and over, one of the night guards came over to where I was and caught me trying to sneak back in over the gate, and unfortunately they thought that I was one of Jack’s people, so he held me by the collar – not comfortable – and then brought me in to see Flip. As you can guess, Flip wasn’t very pleased.

It was honestly the first time I had truly seen her pissed, I mean, real pissed. Obviously, I had to come up with some kind of excuse, mine was that Cam and I were playing catch, and he threw the ball over the wall, and so I was sent to go get it, but I couldn’t find it, and by then it was starting to become dark, so I came back. Flip then asked why I hadn’t just used the front gate to get back in and want to know what my reply was? It was that the exact same thing probably would’ve happened. Flip clearly thought that this was a fair point, so she said that I was okay to go and told the guard something after I left, so yeah. Man, that was one of the best times in my life I have ever had! I can’t wait for tomorrow!