
Thursday, October 6th

Dear Diary,

Ever since yesterday, life around has been pretty bleak. I mean, not to complain or anything, but seriously, Flip has been keeping an annoyingly close eye on me! I’m not sure if she’s doing the same for Cam though, considering that Cam got past the gate by the time that the guard – man I hate him! – caught me…but Flip seems to know things that everyone else doesn’t even know! It’s kind of awkward, and I think that Flip does know ‘cause she hasn’t been letting me even go near Cam! How the hell does she do it? Seriously though, whenever I even walk by him Flip tells me to go with her and help her on some random thing that has absolutely no relevance to what’s going on here anyways! For example, just this morning she had asked me – as I was walking past Cam – to help her find a book! Come on now! A book! Even I can come up with better excuses than that! Although, in my defense, I have been doing it for my whole life, or at least since I can actually remember my life. Don’t ask, it’s for the best of us all. Anyways, so, what would you do, that is, if you were alive? But you aren’t, so why am I wasting my time asking you questions? This is just all so frustrating! If only Geko were here, then I’d at least have someone to go to for guidance. ‘Cause honestly, I’m not about to talk to Flip purposefully, and Azeral, well, let’s just say that she hasn’t been very helpful, and then everyone else! No one seems to listen anymore! Especially Jaye, but he’s never really listened, but when he did he gave amazing advice! I guess I could attempt to talk to Rick, but then again, maybe not. No way I’m talking to Jessica, or Katy, so I guess I could talk to either Marina or Sara. Yeah, that’ll be good. Although first I have to find them, or one of them and that could take a while. One time when I was a lot younger I was playing Hide-and-Seek with them, Geko, and Cam and they were the last ones to be found. Turns out they were hiding under the stairs. There are so many spiders and bugs and crap back there that no one seems to think that anyone will go there by choice. Now I always check there first, or at least, I used to, before I came here, to this hellhole. Man I miss back home. You know, when I actually was back there, I always wished that something like this would happen to me. A grand adventure, fighting evil, all that jazz, but now that it’s actually here, I wish that I could just go back to my old life, or second life, considering that my old life wouldn’t have been much different from what I have right now. Oh well, what can I going to do ‘bout it? Although I’m supposedly supposed to be really pissed at Cam for making me forget my old-old life, I actually kind of thank him. See, if I had gone on and kept being a Mage and he hadn’t made me lose my memory, I never would have gone to that academy, and I never would have met Geko, or Rick, or Azeral, or Sara, or Sofi, or, for that matter, Jessica. Don’t ask my why I’m glad that I met Jessica, but I am, for some odd reason. Although, since quite a few people who went to the academy came with us on this trip and knew that I was a Mage, I probably would still know them, but I think that they would’ve treated me differently, like some type of object that needed watch over all the time, which I probably still got, but they – or, Geko and Cam – treated me like an actual human being, it’s just so amazing. Actually, everyone seems to be mad at Cam but me. They all act like it was some kind of tragedy, but I made so many more good friends that I probably could’ve gotten anywhere else. Although I probably wouldn’t have to be re-learning all this crap now ‘cause I would’ve already known it, or, most of it, but that’s not the point here. The point is that it is possible for one person to change your life for the better, or worse, if you aren’t lucky, but Cam changed mine for the better, and I will never forget it. I miss my life back there so much, I don’t think that I can write anymore right now, instead I think I’ll take a nap.