
Friday, October 7th

Dear Diary,

I think I now know why my entries are so long. It’s been a question of mine since I started this trip/adventure/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Well, I think that answer has always been simple, but in a confusing way. I always put too much thought into it. So you know how I’ve always loved English, right? Well, whenever I get a notebook I always immediately look for some kind of writing utensil, usually a pencil, but that’s beside the point. See, whenever I come across one, I’m all ready to just use the notebook, but I never know what to write. I used to not dare keep diaries or journals of my thoughts because I could never trust anyone back home, so instead I used them for classes when I needed it. Sure, that may sound logical, but it wasn’t what I wanted. Plus, back home I didn’t need a diary or journal; I just needed my friends, especially Geko. See, Geko was my lifesaver, besides Cam, but back then, I didn’t know that he helped my life drastically, so it was Geko. Whenever I needed something or just wanted to play, she was there. It’s confusing, but true. Also, when I needed help, the first person that popped up into my mind was Geko, not Flip. Back then I just saw Flip as a cat that can speak; I didn’t put two and two together and go into further depth about it. It never crossed my mind, and I think I know why. It was because of Geko. I never took second thought to it because I knew that she was there and that I could always count on her for something, whatever it happened to be. She was, in a way, my scapegoat, my escape from reality. Now, I have this to turn to because Geko’s not here and Flip won’t dare let me go near Cam if her life depended on it. I love writing, too, so that helps out a lot. I guess that if I loved to draw, then I’d just draw everything, lucky for you, I can’t draw for crap, but as I said before, I love writing, so yeah, there you go. That’s why I think that my entries are so long. I just had to write that down ‘cause otherwise I know that I would’ve forgotten it. It’s also a good resource for me because Flip told me that I needed to try and remember everything that’s going on – except maybe how to get out of this place – because it will help me later when I have a true test to face up to.

I’m not completely sure what she means by that, but I have ideas…none of which I like to think about. Oh if only Geko were here, she’d know what to do or what Flip’s talking about.
Wow, it’s amazing how much I actually miss her; I’ve never missed anyone this much in my entire life. Well, I’m off to try and find Cam…I’m almost starting to miss him as much as I miss Geko.