
Saturday, October 8th

Dear Diary,

Well, I still haven’t had any luck in finding Cam. Man Flip’s gotten to be so annoying! I swear she has eyes everywhere! Although…that MAY be true. She may’ve also had Eliza up the security from when both Cam and I went on our little outing. That was a good day, really good.

Not much else has happened besides not being able to find Cam though. Although, last night some people – I wish I knew whom – came to the gates of the building and asked to be let inside. That was really odd. Yes, it IS a building in the middle of nowhere practically, but only certain people can see it! People who have some kind of powers – like I do – or people who used to have powers – like Cam. It was all so very odd. When I saw it, for I was sitting in the library, staring out through the window into the beyond hoping that I could get out of there someday soon and then I heard Flip’s paws scurry to the entrance of the building and then outside. That seemed pretty weird to me because, well, she was almost always watching me, making sure that I don’t try and talk to Cam. So this was obviously really important after a few minutes because no one else turned up to keep a watch on me, which Flip always sets on me if she has to leave for some reason.

Clearly, the first thing that came to mind was to go and find Cam, but then something else came to mind. ‘Flip would only leave and not put someone else on watch if there was something truly urgent.’ And I, having not had outside contact for some time, quickly became curious and went to follow Flip.

When I got to the front entrance without being outside, I hid behind the side of the wall, because just then I had heard raised voices.

“You will lose! You are fighting a losing battle! And you Flip should know that better than anyone else around here! It doesn’t matter how much you teach her! You will still lose!”

I didn’t recognize the voice, so I peered out from behind the wall and that was when I saw the strangers, or at least their outlines. I was cut out of my thoughts pretty quick though because I had just heard Flip start to talk.

“You are wrong Sheya. You are on the losing side. We have forces stronger than ever and prepared to fight at any moment. You will be conquered, or else not only I, but everyone else will have failed.”

The person who was called “Sheya” paused for a moment, then began to speak again.

“No, you are wrong. Even if we sent in ten right now, we will have defeated you…” then, it was even weirder, because she paused for a moment to consider something, “…unless you hand her over now.”

Now at this I was completely and utterly confused…probably even more confused than when Harry met Sally. I was trying to figure out who “her” was when I heard Flip speak again; this time in just more than a whisper.

“We won’t. She has grown more than you would have ever dreamed of, and I’m not going to let that go to waste. And for the overpowering us with ten, why don’t you? Come. Send in your best, but I guarantee that we will have defeated you. That is not just out of how cocky I can be, but also because we have defeated you already.” Then I guess Sheya was attempting to interrupt, but Flip started to speak louder and louder, drowning out Sheya. “For you see…we have already defeated O’ Hearly, or at least…” she paused again, which made me annoyed. All these pauses were sure bothering. “Riley has.” Is what Flip finally finished saying. After that, there was this incredibly odd silence that filled the courtyard for a few minutes. Then there was this murmuring…I think. See, I couldn’t really hear anything except some low sounds.

You know when someone’s whispering to a neighbor, but you can’t hear what they’re saying, and instead you just hear, “ss-s-sss-ssss-ss-s-ss-ss”? Well, that’s kind of what it sounded like. I attempted to get closer, but, well, that just plain failed.

Amazingly, that wasn’t the weirdest thing that happened. Out of the darkness – okay, the hallway behind me – someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder. At first, I didn’t know who it was or what overcame me, so I started to scream. As soon as the person heard my mouth let out a slight noise, they put their free hand over my mouth. I tried to pry the hand away from me, but then I looked down at the hand, and then up at the person whose hand it was, and guess who I saw?


It was so amazing! Although, he DID look a little shaggy; as if he hadn’t eaten in a while or something. Anyways, I can’t write much now, Flip’s watching me…or if she isn’t, she will be…and I REALLY don’t want her to see this. I’ll talk about the details later!