
Monday, August 1st

Dear Diary,

So now Katy has joined together with Kathleen Star. Not good. Here’s a little quick fact-file about Kathleen Star:

Age: 15
D.O.B: September 5th
Height: 5’ 6
Attitude: Everyone that talks to her is awesome, everyone else, pathetic low people; Conceited; Annoying; Self-Absorbed

Other stuff that you would want to know: She thinks she’s the best; She thinks the world revolves around her; She doesn’t do crap for crap, she just expects you to do everything for you; Pure evil; Everyone hates her; HATES Jessica


That’s her little profile. Oh, and another thing, Kathleen Star supposedly has her own little ‘group/club.’ She calls it ‘Kool People Only,’ I know, very original. And yes, she did mean to spell ‘cool’ with a ‘k’. She only lets people in who has a name that starts with a ‘K’. I guess that’s why she let Katy in. I just hope that Katy doesn’t get too absorbed in herself that she forgets that she still has school, or that she starts to think that she can hang out with Jessica Miller, more on Jessica a different day. Oh well, not my problem anymore. YES!