
Sunday, August 7th

Dear Diary,

So Flip still won’t talk, but she’s glad that I’m still writing in this. So, I guessed right, Katy lost all her friends. As I said before, Jessica hates Kathleen, and Kathleen hates Jessica. So Katy, being stupid at the time, went up to Jessica, in front of Kathleen, and just started talking about the most random things ever! So anyways, Kathleen saw it, so then she called Katy over, and Katy went over, in front of Jessica, and then she starts talking to Kathleen! So Jessica gets pissed at Katy for talking to Kathleen, and Kathleen gets pissed at Katy for talking to Jessica, so now neither one of them is talking to Katy. As well as everyone else, because she keeps cussing at everyone. I don’t really pity her, but I know that I should.