
Tuesday, August 9th

Dear Diary,

So today I found a weird book at the store. Flip says that she knows nothing about it, but I think she’s lying for some reason, which is weird, because Flip has never lied before, at least, I don’t think she has. Hmmm. Anyways, the book had a page that said, ‘The MAGE Society’. The weird thing though, is that it has different columns, like one says:

Leader: Flip
1st in Command: Eve
2nd in Command: Evel
Secretary: Elsy
Treasurer: Jazmin

It’s really weird, because Elsy goes to school with me, along with Jazmin. I’m still debating whether or not I should show Flip, she might just tell me that it’s going to be understandable later, but I want a clear answer now! I don’t think Flip’s going to give me that, but I also really want to know what it means. Here are the other columns of what the page says:

Leader: Katy
1st in Command: Kathleen
2nd in Command: Jessica
Secretary: Jen
Treasurer: Jenny

Leader: Riley (Me?)
1st in Command: Yazmin
2nd in Command: Cylene
Secretary: Shelly
Treasurer: Savanna

Leader: Sara
1st in Command: Emily
2nd in Command: Jesse
Secretary: Sofi
Treasurer: Eliza

Leader: Azeral
1st in Command: Marina
2nd in Command: Rachel
Secretary: Geko
Treasurer: Jena

See? It’s really confusing. I don’t even know some of the people on this list! That makes it 10x more confusing! And I wonder why Flip is a leader of Light? Ugh! I just wish that things could be clearer these days! Ugh!