I Need To Erase the Scars

You Really Need to Tell Us

~The next day~

Muse woke up from an awful sleep. In the middle of her slumber, she had a night tremor and was thrashing all over the place. Her head hurt and her arm felt numb. She gasped.

"Musette? Muse?" Gerard shook her gently.

"Gerard, he's gonna kill me! Both of them are gonna kill me!"

"Who, Muse! You have to tell us! Is it Vladmir? The bastard. I'll kill 'em!"

"Yea, but there's someone else."

"Who, Muse?! Who!"

"Vlad, and someone. I can't tell you! I really can't! Then she'll really kill me, and she's younger! This really sucks."

"Younger? Younger than who?"

"ME! I really can't say anymore, I really can't!"

"Musette, if someone want's to kill you, you really need to tell us! I'll get Frank and Mikey and the rest!"

"Gerard. Please, I really, ugh." She sighed "Ugh, Fine."

Gerard left the room and returned shortly with the others. Ray put his soft hand on hers as he sat down beside her. Musette found Ray comforting.

"Okay, Muse. Who is it?" Frank stated, sipping his coffee. Muse began to cry. Ray pulled her comfortingly to his chest, cooing the small child in his arms.

"I-it's my fraturnal twin. She is well, different, and oh, do I hate her! Regenal always loved her! I am actually a triplet, but my brother originally, supposedy died in childbirth, as did my mother."

"What is her name, dearie?" Frank asked her.

"Her name is Minuet" (Pronounced Min-you-ette)

"Oh dear, why does she want to kill you?"

"B-because Vlad said that he'd kill her if she didn't. And if Vlad killed me first, he'd kill her too."

The crowd was silent.

"Vlad has done this before. He forced Minuet to kill my 3rd cousin, Camina. I never liked her, but she didn't deserve to die."

"Oh, Musette, we'll never let them hurt you. Ever."

"Maverick, Gee. What about Maverick?" Bob whispered.

"Shut up Bob!" Mikey hushed. It was too late.

"Maverick? Who in Gods name is Maverick?"

"He's a guy who we payed to kill Gerard's uncle, who molested him as a kid, and we didn't exactly pay him, so he want's to kill us." Ray explained.

"Well that brings the Serial Killers amount to what, three? Holy Fuck." Muse exhaled.

"Fuck. This sucks! We didn't just get a girl, Gerard, we got a girl and two people after her! Way to go!" Frank spat bitterly.

"Frank! That's why she needs us! She can't stay out on her own!! Then she'll be dead in a heartbeat! She's too young to have to expirience the Way and Rush family Scandal!"

"Well Gee! You know what?! Just find a home for her! At least until we deal with Maverick!" Frank argued.

Musette burst out crying, and ran out the ancient door.

"Fuck Frank! Look what you did!!" Gerard yelled at Frank. Ray ran outside after the girl.

She had dissappeared.

"Muse! Musette!" He called. "Musette! Oh God. Musette!!" He cried.

Ray ran all around the block. He walked into a dark alleyway, and saw Musette on the dark pavement. Instinctively, he touched the switchblade he always carried. Muse glanced, tearstained, and beaten at him. Her eyes widened in panic.

"RAY! NO!" She yelled. Too late.

A grimy hand covered Ray's mouth, and latched it's arm around him.
