Why So Serious?


"What to do, what to do," Joker mumbled as he paced around his office.

"I.. I don't even know what you are doing," Harley replied, frowning. She hated being out of the loop. The fourth week of her stay at the warehouse was coming and she was falling hard, and fast, for the Joker. She didn't understand it.

"How about... I blow her up! I always enjoy that. Harley, do you think Judge Cecereli would look better all over the street then in one piece?"

"Well," Harley said, trailing her foot in a circle around the floor. "I guess so..."

The Joker stared at her. "You're no help."

Harley shrugged. "I'm not that smart, y'know?"

"Oh, but Harley," the Joker said, walking briskly over to her, "You are, you are! You just need the right... uh, inspiration."

Harley smirked. "Well maybe I'll find it one day."

Joker pinched her cheek slightly. "That a girl."

Harley found out later that both the police commissioner and and Judge Cecereli were dead, and it didn't really bother her. Now they were in a van driving to the commissioner's funeral. Harley was driving and the Joker was in the passenger seat.

"You look so different," Harley said to him.

"Yes... since I don't have my face on," he replied.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way," she mumbled as they pulled into an alley. The Joker and his three men exited the van. In an hour and a half he came running back with one of his men missing.

"Where's the skitzo?" asked Harley.

"He got shot," Joker said simply.

"Okay," Harley said as she backed out of the alley and turned left, heading back to the warehouse. A few minutes passed and they were miles away from their destination when she slammed on the brakes.

"Holy shit!" she screamed.

"What?" Joker said, seemingly unphased by the sudden stop.

"That's my mother, that's my fucking mother. I hate my mother!" Harley said as she opened the van door and started out.

"Oh boy," Joker said.

"Hey, Mommy," Harley yelled. "Mommy turn around, I want to say hi."

A woman with dark brown hair appareled in a jean knee-length skirt and a tee-shirt turned around, her eyes growing wide at the sight of Harley.

"What, surprised to see me?" she asked as she stalked over to her. She grabbed her arm and led her to the van, opening the back door. "Get in."

"Are you crazy, Harlen? I will not."

"GET IN!" Harley screeched and threw the woman in herself, slamming the door. She walked around to the front of the van and climbed back in the passenger seat. Her hands were shaking violently as she grasped the handle. The Joker raised an eyebrow at her.

"A little angry, are we?"

"Yes," Harley answered as she sped down the street.

When the reached their destination Harley pulled her mother into the warehouse and led her to an empty room.

Harley stormed out of the room and came back in a few minutes later, carrying a gun.

"Harlen.. what are you doing?"

"I hate you, I really do. I hate you, Mother."

"Harlen... what I did, it was horrible, and I've been meaning to search for you and apologize... it's just, I thought you were dead."

"Well, I'm not!" she yelled back.

"I know.. I'm sorry, Harlen."

"Shut up!" she screeched.

"Harlen, please listen to me..."

"Shut up!" she screeched again and pulled the trigger, shooting her mother in the head. "Shut up!" she fired another shot. "Shut up!" and another, "SHUT UP!" and one last one.

"I think she's dead." Joker said as he strolled in.

Harley wiped the sweat off of her forehead and turned to him. She let go of the gun and it dropped to the floor. He walked over to her.

"My little Harley," he said, grabbing her face and stroking her cheek with his index finger. "What in the world are we going to do with you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
everyone has issues. :D


same as before, comments/banners?
tell me if i'm doing the joker right; or what i need to fix.