

Days later, I woke up to a loud banging on my door. Who ever was attempting to beat down my door was yelling "C'mon Birdie! Get the fuck out of bed!"
Well, It wasn't my mom. She would never curse like that if we had a guest over.
"Wednesday! Wake up!" I pushed her until she stirred.
"What? What's happening?"
"Hurry up and get dressed." she got up and quickly pulled on some clothes. I did the same, and answered the door. It happened to be Megan and Sarah.
"What the hell? What took so long?" Sarah asked and they both entered my room. Wednesday had gone into my bathroom to put on make up or something.
"Jeez, Birdie. This place is a mess! What's with the clothes thrown everywhere?"
How was I so post to explain that?
Oh, me and Wednesday were having sex and we just threw our clothes anywhere.Ha ha ha, no.
"Oh , me and Wednesday were having a throw-whatever-you-can-find war, and... yea." they had such bad timing. Couldn't they oh at least called before they came so I could have made my room look less shitty?
"So were is that Wednesday girl anyways?" Megan said as she took a seat on my bed.
Right on cue, like she had been waiting for the perfect moment, Wednesday stepped out of the bathroom. She'd combed her straight black hair and it was over her eyes a little and she had put black eyeliner on. She was wearing a black Haste the day shirt and tight dark blue jeans, and black slip ons with white sculls on them. she was so beautiful, my stomach did flips when I saw her.
The complete opposite of Megan and Sarah.
And, oh, the looks on their faces. The same looks they would have given me if I'd come to school my old self. The look of pure disgust.
"Um Sarah, Megan, this is Wednesday. Wednesday this is Sarah and Megan." I put on the biggest fake smile I could, thinking 'please don't hate her. Shes everything to me.'
Megan and Sarah said were where taking a trip to the mall. And there was no way in hell I was leaving Wednesday, my girlfriend, behind to hang out with them. So I said Wednesday was going or I wasn't.
Wednesday noticed their looks of hate when they first saw her, much like I did. We'd grown so used to looks like that from preps in my old school, but seeing them look at Wednesday like that pissed me off, and I tried my hardest not to say anything. During the car ride to the mall, me and Wednesday sat silently in the back seat, hiding that fact that we were holding hands under my jacket that I'd taken off.
In spite of Megan and Sarah, Wednesday included her self in all the conversations. And she fake flirted with boys that they liked just to piss them off. And insisted on going into hot topic.
Somehow I managed to contain most of my laughter until we were through with the mall and Sarah drove Wednesday and I home.
"So I take it your friends aren't to fond of me." Wednesday said as me and her laid on my bed. She had her arms wrapped around me and I had my fingers laced in between hers on her left hand.
"Yea. I told you their bitches. They'd hate me if I looked like I did half a year ago."
"How stupid. They didn't even talk to me before hating my guts."
I turned my head and gently kissed her. "Don't worry about them," I said, "I don't care about what they, or anyone else thinks about you. Your not their girlfriend. Your mine."
"I know, Birdie boo." she said kissing me back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yayy eleven.
There 26 chapters total.

While your here, you should check out my other story Forever and Never, and my Short stories also that are on my profile. [/shameless advertising]