

The day after Wednesday left school started back. I didn't want to go that day. I'd ended up staying up the whole night crying and sulking. And I only slept for about thirty minutes.
It felt weird waking up and not being in Wednesdays arms. I laid there for what seemed like forever. Eventually my mom drug me out of bed and forced me to attend school.
And, oh, was it bad.
Everyone knew.
And I mean everyone. even people who didn't have social lives somehow knew about me and Wednesday. And it was all because of one boy.
The rumor was: Darius broke up with me on Christmas eve because Im a total bitch to him and constantly tried to force him into sex, when he made it clear that he wasn't ready. I was seen making out with two guys at the mall, four guys at the movies, having sex with two guys at a party, and making out with one girl in front of burger king. Im a disgusting whore and a dyke. I have three types of STDs. Girls- dont go near me. I WILL hit on you. Guys - be sure to follow me around for a chance to catch some lesbian action.
And strangely enough, everyone believed it. Why? I dont know. Maybe because it came from Darius, who's popular and loved and is always right. I'll never know. But even the nerds gave me looks of disgust. I thought people were more acceptable of homosexuality now a day? Jeez.
Once again I was the reject of the school. I didn't even attempt to conversate with Megan and Sarah, and all my other previous friends. I knew that If the nerds of the school hated me, the preps surely would too.
Well, I wasn't a total reject. The other lesbian/bi/gay kids took me in, so I wasn't completely alone. These kids didn't fit in groups. They didn't dress preppy or emo, but rather a mix in between. They dressed like themselves. They didn't find a group and try to fit in with it, they - well, we- had our own group. The Gay Kids.
And I was their newest member. Not including me, there were four in this group.
There was Hannah, who was a lesbian.
There was Adrian, who was gay.
There was Ryan, who was also gay.
And there was Caleb, who was bi.
And they became my new friends.
Honestly, I enjoyed being with them more than my old friends. These kids were funny. They were happy and included me in everything. We had sleepovers, which my mom was apposed to at first but soon grew used to. We went to the mall and the movies, and parks, and out to fast food places.
They really knew how to take my mind off of being the most hated girl in school.
My main worry was one of the teachers calling my mother and telling her about me not being to fond of the penis. And her having to find out from some bitchy teacher.
I didn't want it to happen like that. I didn't want her to walk in on me in Wednesday one day. Or over hear our conversations.
I wanted to tell her myself.
Once me and Wednesday were together again. So she would know that I was happy. And trying to change me or kicking me out wouldn't do any good.
I didn't know how my father would take it.
I didn't feel like being thrown out of my own house and left to rot in the streets just because Im gay.
That seems lame.
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Whoo, this chapters a fun one isn't it?
:D .... :/