I Am A Player, I Was A Player And Now I'm Yours

The First Time I Saw You

On a sunny Saturday, me and my mates where hanging out in the local park, really hot guys were walking past and we were wolf whistling them all,

"Yo Missy you getting a boyfriend?" my mate Shana said randomly,

"Yo maybe" I poked my tongue out at her, "Why you asking?"

"I don't know, your the girl of all girls that play guys" she said smiling,

yes I was called the girl that played guys, it was like a hobby, I would make them love me and then break their hearts infront of all their mates,

"I dare you to use that magic talent on the next hot guy that walkes past" my mate Lizzie said,

"Ok then" I'm always up for a challenge, "You pick him, but he's got to be hot"

my mates usually dared me to do things like this so I made up rules, they've got to be hot and not geeky, they've got to be a good kisser, and they've got to be my age or older,

"Yeah ok then" Shana said,

they both started looking for the next guy I was going to play. A few minutes later a guy came round the corner and both of them jumped,

"Him" they said together,

I turned round and saw this really hot guy, he was tall he had deep black hair that sweeped over his face and was skinny, just my type, I looked back at Shana and Lizzie and smiled,

"Yeah I'll do him" I said cheekyly,

I stood up and walked over to him, I stood right infront of him and put my hands on my hips while thrusting out my chest stopping him in his tracks,

"Hello there sexy" I said in my pulling voice,

"Hello yourself sweetheart" he said checking me out,

"So what you up to tonight then?" going straight to the point,

"Nothing, I'll be on my own again" he said smiling,

"Well do you want to have some fun?" I said smiling while biting my lip in a way that made his face smile even more,

"Well maybe" he said back after having another look at me,

"Well is it a yes or a no?" I said licking my lips,

"Give me your number and I'll call ya" he said looking at my face again,

"Well" I said crossing my arms, "I want an answer now"

he looked at me in a way that would melt other girls but not me, he looked at me again and didn't say anything, I took my hands and grabbed him around the waist, thrusting my hips onto his and sliding my hands down his jeans, I leant over and placed my head on his shoulder and nibbled his ear, then dragged my hands out of his jeans and stood up right again with my hands on my hips,

"So will that be a yes" I said to his shocked but smiling face,

"Yes" he said smiling from ear to ear,

"Well where do you live?, I'm gonna need to know" I said licking my lips again,

his eyes danced round my body, mainly round my chest and then he grabbed me and pressed his lips onto mine and moved them gently but hard, I followed his lead and then he pushed away,

"Heres my number, I'll call you" he said grabbing his phone out of his jean pocket,

I grabbed my phone and gave it to him, he typed in the number and gave me back my phone,

"Can I have something of yours so you will come?" he said look at me again,

I looked up at him and smiled,

"What do you want?" I said smiling,

"Well...what you willing to give me?" he said looking into my eyes,

"Um... you can have my necklace, its my favourite" I said taking off my necklace,

I grabbed my necklace and dropped it slowly into his open hand, he looked at it and then put it in one of his jean pockets,

"I'll call you" he said looking at me again,

"Good I want my necklace back" I said poking my tongue out at him,

"Right I'll see you tonight then" he said taking one more glance at me,

I looked at him and then let my hands rap around his waist, my hands down his jeans again and pushed my lips onto his moving them slowly and then pulled away,

"Yeah I'll see you tonight" I said looking him up and down,

he smiled and then walked past me, his hand making its way to my crutch and around to my arse and then he walked off, I walked over to Shana and Lizzie and sat down infront of them,

"There you go" I said smiling at them,

they both looked at me with shocked faces and then started giggling,

"You gonna actually go?" Lizzie said after a couple of silent seconds,

"Yeah course I am, he's got my necklace" I said smiling,

they both laughed at me and we spent the rest of the day talking about it.

"Oh my god it's nearly 8" Lizzie said out loud,

"I'm supposed to be back by 7" Shana said,

"Come on then lets go, I've got to get ready" I said smiling,

we all got up and said goodbye to each other and went our seperate ways. The walk back was relaxing the cold breeze brushing over my face made me calm down, and when I suddenly got to my house the player in me come back and all I had on my mind was how I was going to play with the guy I met earlier.
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it's not that good a start :) lol
hope you like it :)
comments? :) lol