I Am A Player, I Was A Player And Now I'm Yours

The Park And An Old Flame

I found out that we were going to the park where we met yesterday and I was a little worried, I knew Shana and Lizzie was going to be down here some time today to hear all about it, Robbie looked at me and could see I was worried,

"Whats the matter baby?"

"I'm worried my mates will be down here" I said blushing a little as he called me baby,

"Well do you want to go and sit with them?" he asked,

"No thats the thing, I'm not wonderful as I'm a..." I couldn't say it I was so embaressed to say it,

"Your a what?" he asked, us both stopping in the middle of the path,

"I'm a player, they dared me to play with you but I fell for you, and their gonna want to hear what happened and I bet you hate me now" I said looking at the floor,

"How on earth could I hate you?, I love you, you sit with us and if they come just hug into me and I'll know that their here ok?" he said, he had taken that I was a player very calmly,

I was still looking at the floor, he gave me a hug and kissed me on my head, he then stepped to my side and wrapped one of his arms round the back of waist and we started walking again, I was still looking at the floor embaressed while we were walking but Robbie helped me feel safe and ok again. We got to a big bunch of guys and they all looked at us,

"Yo Rocket, who's the bird?"

Robbie smiled and told them that I was his girlfriend, yes we hadn't asked each other out but at the minute I didn't care, we both sat down next to each other and he hugged me,

"You ok now?" he asked,

"Yeah thank you babe" I said it without even thinking,

he smiled which made me smile and then I saw them, Shana and Lizzie walking into the park, I quickly covered my face into Robbie's chest and started shaking, Robbie hugged me closer and watched as they walked past, he knew who they were now and was weary. He told me when they had gone past and I looked up, I saw his smiling face and I blushed a little, he had said to me that I could sit on his lap if I wanted so I did, I was laying over him and then saw Shana and Lizzie again, I turned round so my legs were wrapped around him and I huddled up to his chest again he wrapped his arms round me and hid his face in my long dark brown hair, I think by now his mates knew what was going on and were weary to. I felt so special, Robbie and his mates were looking out for me, he had only knew me for less than 24 hours and he was like my body guard and his friends who I had just met were looking out for me too,

"They've gone" one of his mates said,

I looked up and I couldn't see them, I was still sat on Robbie, his arms round me pulling me safely towards him,

"Thank you guys" I said to Robbies gang, I turned to him and smiled,

"And thank you baby" I said smiling and blushing a little,

he smiled back and kissed me gently on the lips, it was just a peck but it made me feel so special, I could hear some of his friends chuckling and I just smiled, I leant into Robbie and hugged him, my legs still wrapped round him and his arms were still wrapped round me, I wanted to tell him so badly that I loved him but I was to embaressed to,

"What was that?" Robbie said suddenly,

I looked up and blushed,

"What?" I said hopeing I hadn't said that out loud,

"You said something into my chest and I didn't hear you properly" he said holding me up to look at me,

I went bright red, I so hoped I hadn't said it out loud,

"Well what did you hear?" I asked a little worried,

"You said something like you wanted to tell me something but was embaressed to" he said questioning me,

"Oh um...never mind" I said going bright red and looking at the floor,

"Baby come on" he wanted me to tell him,

"I'll tell you later" I said to him and then I buried my face into his chest again, to try and not show how red I was. The day went on and Lizzie and Shana had walked past louds of times and everytime I huddled into Robbie, I wanted them to vanish so the day would be better but it didn't happen, then all of a sudden a guy walked past bout in his 30's he looked familier, he looked at me and stopped and stared,

"Oi I know you" he shouted at me,

Robbie turned around, I was still sitting on him but when he heard the man shout he wanted to know what was going on,

"Oi you" the man shouted again, he started walking towards me and Robbie,

"Um...excuse me who are you?" Robbie said to the man when he got to us,

"Oi stay out of it yeah all I need is that girl whos sitting on you" he said shouting,

I stood up and he looked at me with an evil face,

"You theived something from my house when you came round" he shouted spitting in my face,

"I did?" I said a little confused,

but then it hit me, he was one of the guys I had slept with and I was scared he was going to hurt me,

"Yeah you fucking well did, that was my mothers mothers necklace" still shouting at me,

"Oh um...I don't remember" I said really scared,

Robbie tried to stand up but the man pushed him to the floor again, all of Robbies mates then stood up and then man backed off,

"I'm gonna get what I deserve" he shouted over his shoulder as he stormed off,

I was so scared I couldn't move, I was standing, frozen, I couldn't move, Robbie stood up infront of me and hugged me tight so I couldn't see the man walk off, I started shaking and then my legs gave way and I fell through Robbies arms and onto the floor,

"Baby" Robbie said shocked and rushed to the floor,

I was just staring at the floor in a hep, I couldn't stand up and I couldn't speak, it was like that man had taken my soul and there was just an empty shell of me here,

"Baby talk to me" Robbie said panicking,

my head moved slowly to look at him and I opened my mouth but nothing came out, he hugged me tight again and I coughed loudly,

"Baby are you ok?, please talk" Robbie said letting me go to look at my face,

all his mates were surounding me so no other people could look in, I looked up at him and leaned towards him and hugged him, he hugged me tight and picked me up like the man does to a bride when they get married,

"Your ok baby, you are" he said as he walked us to where we were before and he sat down still with me in his arms,

I looked up at him and whispered,

"I love you"

I had did it, maybe guys like that should scare me more often, he smiled and I smiled back, I was getting over the shock and with Robbie hugging me I felt ok again.
It was nearly 8 and I was back to my normal self well the self that loved Robbie, we had been hugging and kissing after that man had came and the shock of him had gone,

"Babe I think I should go now, it's late and my mum will kill me if I don't go home today" I said looking sad,

"Well let me walk you home" Robbie demanded,

"No don't worry I'll be fine, you stay here with your friends" I said smiling at him,

"Well if your sure I'm just scared that man will come back" he said hugging me,

"Don't worry I'll be fine I promise" I said trying to make him let me go,

"Oh well if your sure, positively sure" he said hugging me again,

"I am" I said smiling and then gave him a kiss,

"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked,

"Yeah, I've got a day off tomorrow" I said smiling,

"Ok then, oh I've still got your necklace at home" he said reminding me,

"You keep it, and bring it tomorrow ok, I'll meet you here?" I asked,

"Yep, love you" he said smiling,

I leant to him and kissed him gently on the lips and then smilied,

"I'll see you tomorrow"

I stood up and started to walk home, the sound of footsteps could be heard I turned round to see Robbie running up to me, he gave me a last hug and kissed me,

"Night baby" he said smiling,

I smiled back and kissed him back,

"Night babe" I said and then started to walk home,

I walked round the corner and I heard the sound of running feet again, I turned round thinking that Robbie was running after me again but it wasn't it was the man that had shouted at me earlier, he was running towards me and then he grabbed me, a hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream and his arm round my waist so he could move me, I was screaming but no one could hear me from his big hand, he ran carrying me and then we got to a big white van and he bundled me in the back, I knocked my head on the metal floor and I blacked out.
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the ending to this isn't very nice and the next chapter isn't nice either.