I Am A Player, I Was A Player And Now I'm Yours

Oh My God Not Again

When I woke up I found myself naked and chained to a bed, my wrists and ankles had been wrapped in chains and pad locked onto the bed posts,

"Hey, where am I?" I shouted,

the guy then walked in and looked at me, he gave me a look up and down and then ran to the end of the bed and licked his lips,

"Now what do we have here" he said in a scary voice,

I tried to get free but he had made the chains really tight, he then walked down the side of the bed and layed next to me I could feel in my gut what he was going to do and it just brang back memories from what my uncle did to me,

"Don't you look nice without your clothes on" he said rolling his index finger down my body,

"Get off me" I shouted,

"Oh but why?, why should I get off you?, this is what I deserve" he said,

he proped himself up alittle and then swung his leg over me so he was sitting on me, he started stroking my chest and my sides and I couldn't do anything,

"Now as you said to me, do you want fun?" he said leaning over me, placing his crutch over mine,

I was laying there doing nothing while he raped me, I had my eyes closed and wished I wasn't here, then all of a sudden he stopped, I opened my eyes and saw the guy looking at me,

"What?" I asked him, he didn't answer and then he fell on top of me,

I couldn't see anything, the guy was so close to my face I couldn't see anything over him, then my leg felt like the chain had been taken off and then my other leg, I struggled to look but couldn't, then I felt the man getting lighter and all of a sudden the man was laying next to me with his eyes closer, I looked up and saw Robbie,

"I knew he took you" he said going to unlock the chains round my wrists,

when he had unlocked the chains I sat up, still naked and Robbie sat on the bed and hugged me tight,

"I'm never letting you out of my sights again" he said in my ear,

I felt so save him hugging me and then he let go,

"Now we need to get out of here, Mr I want everything will wake up soon and I know you look lovely without clothes but you may want to get them on again" he said smiling at me,

I quickly jumped off the bed and grabbed my clothes, I quickly got dressed and hugged Robbie,

"My hero" I whispered in his ear,

he smiled at me and then took my hand and we found our way to the front door. When we got to the front door I saw something shine in the corner of my eye, I let go of Robbies hand and walked over to it,

"What you doing?" Robbie said panicky,

I looked back at him and then back to the what was shining, I walked slowly up to it and found it, it was a little charm that I had seen before, I knelt down and picked it up and then stood up again, I turned to Robbie and walked to him,

"I remember this" I said to him when I got to him,

"Well what is it?" he said looking at it,

"It was mine ages ago, I had it on a necklace and he must have taken it" I said still looking at it,

then we heard a thud, I put the charm in my pocket and we both ran out the door as fast as we could and then legged it down the street. We had been running for about 2 hours, we had asked for directions to the park but no one could help us. It was about 11 at night and it was pitch black, we finally got to the park and then we stopped and sat down for awhile,

"You ok?" I asked Robbie, his face was all red from the running and he couldn't breathe properly,

"Yeah I'm fine, are you ok?, your the one he hurt" he said looking at me with his deep brown eyes,

"I'm fine, it's nothing that hasn't happened to me before" I said looking at the floor,

Robbie sat right next to me and hugged me, he was the one person that could save me and I loved him, I looked up at him and smiled,

"You are my one true hero, no one has ever done that for me before" I said before giving him a kiss,

he blushed and layed back, I layed with him and we looked up at the stars,

"What would you do if I asked you something?" Robbie said after a while of silence,

"What are you saying?" I said looking at him,

"I'm just wondering what would you say if I asked you something?" he said again, still looking at the stars,

"Well what would this something be?" I said sitting up alittle so I could look at his face,

"Oh don't worry" he said finally looking at me,

"Oh go on babe" I pleaded,

he looked at my face and smiled, he sat up the same level as me and kissed me, I layed down with him over me still lips locked, he stopped and looked at me,

"I would ask you something but I don't know if you would like it" he said smiling,

"Well ask me and I'll see" I said looking up at him,

"Would you actually go out with me?" he said and then looked away,

I took my left hand and placed it on his chin and moved it so he was looking at me,

"Now why would I not like that? hmmm of course I will you numpty" I said smiling,

he leaned down and kissed me gently, it was so magical, we were officially an item as people would say and we loved each other loads, yes we may have known each other for just over 24 hours but it didn't matter.
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yes it's horrible but it gets better honest