I Am A Player, I Was A Player And Now I'm Yours

My Hero

It got to 1 in the morning and me and Robbie were still in the park, we had been laying under the stars and watching planes go by,

"I think we should go" I said after a while,

"Oh yeah, are you cold?" he asked,

"No it's not that but its late and people might think we've gone missing or something" I said looking at him,

"Well come to mine and you can sleep over" he said hugging up to me,

"Ok do you want to go now?" I said looking at him lying next to me,

"Yeah go on then" he said looking at me,

we both got up and started on to his house holding hands. When we got to his house all the lights were off, we stuck into the front door and quietly went up the stairs, we got into his room and layed on his bed,

"I love you" he whispered,

"I love you too" I whispered back,

he moved right next to me and hugged me, I twisted so that I was laying on my side still in his arms, he turned so we were faceing each other, he gave me a peck on the lips and hugged me tight, I kissed him back and turned so he was underneath me, he looked at me with a strange look and I just layed my head down on his chest and gently fell asleep. When we woke up it was 10 in the morning, I sat up a little as I was still laying on him, he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and then heard his door open, I twisted so I fell on the floor by the side of his bed and in came footsteps,

"Robbie who you got in here?" it was his mother again,

"Um...no one mum why?" Robbie trying not to give the game away,

"Well I heard you talking to someone" she said looking round his room, just not where I was,

"Can't a guy talk to himself now and then" he said,

his mum looked at him in a strange way and then walked out the room, I was so scared of her I hadn't met her but I could tell she wasn't a nice lady,

"She's gone" Robbie said after a few minutes,

I got up from the floor and knelt so I was still hiding a little, he smiled at me and I sat back on the bed,

"Your mum scares me" I said a little embaressed,

"She does?" he asked,

"Yeah it's me thats all" I said looking at the floor,

"Well she is scary if you don't do what she says" he said giggling,

I looked up at him and smiled, I looked at the clock on his bedside table and saw it was 10:15, where had that gone,

"Baby I'm gonna have to go, my mum will kill me if..." Robbie put his index finger on my lips,

"I said your not going out of my sight, I will walk my baby to her house and guard her from anyone, ok?" he said smiling,

"Ok then, but on one condition" I said smiling,

he looked at me with wide eyes and then nodded,

"You come into my house, and if you really want to in my room, yes it will be messy and maybe a tight squeeze for the both of us but..." I said smiling while poking my tongue out,

"Yeah I'll protect you" he said smiling,

"Should we go now?" I said standing up,

"Yeah if you want, oh I've just remember" he started looking around for something,

he jumped off the bed and started rummaging in the mass of his clothes on the floor, he then found the pair of jeans he was wearing before and looked in the pocket, he pulled out my necklace, it was a bit crumbled but I could fix it, he walked over to me and gave it to me,

"See I remembered" he said poking out his tongue at me,

I stood up and hugged him, he was the most special person in my life, and always would be, he then took my hand and we quickly got out of his house without his mum seeing us. When we got to mine, my mum was at the front door, I let go of Robbies hand and walked up to her,

"Hey mum" I said a little scared of what her reaction was going to be,

"Oh hello stranger" she said with a smile on her face,

"I thought you would go mad that I havn't been home" I said still nervous,

"Nah your a big girly now, you can look out for yourself, and who is this handsome young man?" my mum directing her attention to Robbie,

"Oh he's my...friend he helped me last night mum something happened and he saved me" I said smiling at Robbie and then back to my mum,

"Well what did you get yourself into this time?" my mum said with a sturn look on her face,

"Mum a man raped me, just like what your brother did to me 6 years ago" I shouted,

her face was shocked and then I grabbed Robbies hand and pulled him into the house, I dragged him up the stairs and into my room, when we got into my room I closed the door andturned to Robbie,

"I'm so so so so sorry about my mum" I said looking at him,

"Hey don't worry, I love you" he said while walking over to me,

"And I love you too" I said smiling,

I heard a scrapping at the door and I opened it, it was my mum with a glass listening to what me and Robbie were saying,

"And what are you doing mum?" I said my arms crossed,

"Oh nothing dear" she said standing up,

"Well we're not going to do anything rude in here mum, we've been there done that" I said without a seconds thought,

my mums face dropped in shock and then she walked off and down the stairs, I turned to Robbie again and then slammed the door shut,

"I love you Robbie"

he smiled and walked towards me, he hugged me and put his head on my shoulder, he then turned his head to face my neck and he started nibbling my neck, I wiggled as it tickled and I made a giggly sound, he then stopped and smiled at me,

"Your ticklish" he said poking his tongue out at me,

I smiled and he picked me up, well he made me jump and wrap my legs round his waist, he walked us to my bed and layed me down on it,

"I'm gonna find all of your ticklish spots" he said smiling,

I smiled back and hes started gently rolling his index finger up my arm,

"Does that tickle?" he said smiling,

he could tell it did as I was squirmming on my bed, he tried my sides, it made me squirm a little but then Robbie lifted my top and tickled my side, I squirmed so much that he had to lean out to balance himself,

"Right so your ticklish there then" he said sitting back on me,

I smiled and pulled him towards me, I hugged him and turned him over onto his back, I smiled at him and layed on his chest, he swept his arms round my back and hugged me,

"I love you" I whispered,

"I love you too" he whispered back,

he put his hands under the shirt I was wearing and he started stroking my back, it tickled alittle and I got a cold shiver but I just snuggled into him and we stayed there for about an hour or 2.
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see its gets better, hope you like it