I Am A Player, I Was A Player And Now I'm Yours

Just Me and Him

The next day I woke up laying on Robbie again, we were in my room again as his mum had caught us and kicked him out, I sat up a little to look at his sleepy face, he looked so cute asleep, I stood up off him making sure that I didn't wake him and walked over to my chest of drawers, I pulled out a clean white top and a pair of jeans and put them on quietly,

"Why you putting clothes on that I'm gonna rip off in a minute?" a sleepy voice said from my bed,

I giggled and kept putting them on, when I had them on I walked up to my bed and saw that Robbie was awake and smiling at me, I leant over so I was laying on him again and he kissed my nose,

"You look very nice" he said smiling a sleepy smile,

"Do you want me to get you some clothes?" I said after kissing his nose,

"Well do you think I'm good in clothes?" he said cheekyly,

"Well" I said pulling a thinking face, "You look better with no clothes but I think the neighbours and my parents would be a little shocked so I'll go get you some"

I smiled and started to get up off him, he then pulled me back down and kissed me and then let me go, I smiled at him and walked over to the same chest of drawers and pulled out a white shirt and a pair of jeans, I then suddenly had a growth on my back, Robbie had got off my bed so quietly I didn't hear him and had wrapped his arms round my waist and started nibbling my neck, I wiggled but I couldn't get away from his hug, then he stopped and let me go, I turned round and saw he was smiling,

"What did you do?" I asked smiling,

"Well" he said then poked his tongue out,

he started to run so I started chasing him, he ran round the whole of my room and then layed on my bed, I ran and jumped on him, he smiled and then started tickling me I wriggled so much that I fell off my bed and was still wriggling even though Robbie had stopped,

"You alright there baby?" he asked laughing at me wriggling,

"Yeah" I said after I had calmed down,

he got off the bed and got dressed I watched him and he kept laughing at me while I did, it was funny to watch him get dressed as he didn't mind me but he would try and hide places that were already hidden. When he finally got dressed I stood up and we walked downstairs, my mum was in the kitchen and glared at us and then scurried off into another room, something told me she wasn't happy Robbie living here but I didn't care he had no where else to go, we both walked to the fridge and pulled out bread, butter, ham and cheese, I then walked over to the plate cupboard and grabbed 2 small plates.
We made each other a ham and cheese sandwich and took it upstairs into my room, we sat on my bed eatting them,

"Do you know I love you?" Robbie said with sandwich stuffed in his mouth,

"Yeah and do you know I love you?" I said back,

"Well..." he said with a smile on his face,

"Oh thanks baby" I said being me and acting like I was annoyied with him and looked away,

"Oh babe I didn't mean it" he said getting really worried, "I know you love me I do I do"

I turned around with a smile on my face he then leant in and kissed me with his bready lips, I giggled and chucked my plate on the floor and moved my hands onto his face and locked our lips together, he then chucked his plate on the floor and layed back so I was laying on him on my bed my with my hands on his face and his hands on my side, I then pulled away for breathe and smiled,

"I've wanted to kiss you like that for ages"

"I've wanted to do this for ages" he said turning my over so I was on the bottom,

he still had his hands on my side and gently moved them up under my top, I giggled as it ticklied, he went up even further and then slipped my top off in one moment, I looked at him with a smile and rolled my hands up his sides and slid his shirt off too, so there we were both without any tops on I mean I had my bra on but no tops and then the one thing that we didn't need was my mum to walk in,

"Woah ok I'll come back later" my mum said as she walked in and then shielded her eyes,

"Look mum" I said sitting up, "Have you ever heard the word knock?, it's polite to"

she looked at me and then scurried out and shut the door, I looked back at Robbie and smiled,

"Now where were we?" I said biting my lip,

"Well" he said biting his,

he layed me back down again and kissed my lips then bit my bottom one so I couldn't kiss him back, he then rolled his hands under my back and rolled me over so I was on him now him still biting my bottom lip, he then let go of my lip and smiled,

"Now where were we indeed?"

I smiled back and kissed him on the lips and bit his lip just to get even with him I then looked at his face after I had let go and he snuggled me up tight, I loved him so much I just hoped that nothing would happen again, he rolled his hands down my back and stuck his hands down my jeans,

"You know you could take them off if you wanted you" I said smiling,

"Yeah I will get to that" he poked his tongue out at me, "Just got to get there first"

his hands then made there way from my arse to my crutch and then he moved them up a little to where my button and zip was, he undid them and wrapped his arms round my waist, I did the same to his jeans and 'accidentally' touched his crutch which told me he was a happy Robbie, we twisted somehow and both our jeans fell past our arses so we both pulled each others off and just layed there kissing, me on top of him in our undies arms wrapped round each other,yes it wasn't all the way but it felt so right, just laying there skin touching with not a care in the world. It was about an hour we just layed there and then my mum again walked in without knocking,

"Oh can't you just give it a break" she said not like her at all,

I stood up off the bed and Robbie and walked over to my mum, still in my undies and glared at her,

"What do you want?" I said bluntly,

"I just want your rubbish and dirty clothes" she said really scared,

"Well" I said grabbing my rubbish bin, "Here's my rubbish and mine and Robbies clothes are in the wash already now leave us alone"

she looked at me scared and then literally ran out of my room, I looked at Robbie and shrugged, he smiled and jestured for me to come towards him, I smiled and walked like on a cat walk towards him still laying on the bed, I got to the side and he grabbed me and squeezed me tight, he moved his mouth to my ear and whispered,

"I love you and I always will"

I blushed and hid my face into his neck, I felt him move his head so he was looking at me and he kissed my head and snuggled me up tight, I moved my head so my mouth was right next to his ear and I whispered,

"And I love you and I always will"
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sorry it's late
hope you like it :)