Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


“Okay ma,” Gerard said into the phone, I silently giggled, “Mom, shush, okay. The cat next door will not eat the tadpoles okay? Just get Mikey to go out there and kick it’s ass,” Gerard said, his facing contorting, “Sorry, get Mikey to go out there and kick its bum,” He sighed, Gerard nodded, “Okay, I love you too goodbye!” he said, slamming the phone down.

“She rang you just too tell you the next door neighbours cat was gonna eat the tadpoles?” I asked, giggling a little as Gerard flapped his hand expressively.

“Yes. That’s exactly it. Mikey won’t go outside because he doesn’t like cats because one scrammed him when he was like two,” Gerard said, rolling his eyes, “Anyway, lets go before she rings to tell me the cat is threatening her with a knife.”

I chuckled and Gerard rang a taxi whilst I pulled on my converse and sat on the stairs, staring at the threadbare rug by the kitchen. For the next twenty minutes me and Gerard had another bottle of Smirnoff, he taught me how to smoke properly and he thought it’d be fun to scare me and hide behind the refrigerator.

The taxi horn beeped and we both scuttled outside, me clambering in the back with Gerard who slung his arm round the seats and sunk down.

“Six6Six please,” Gerard told the taxi driver. I started to feel a little sick again. The taxi smelt of burnt out cigarette and mints, the two making a horrible concoction, “Okay so the Dj tonight is Dr.CrEEp, with capitols E’s, he must be absolutely crazy,” Gerard said sarcastically, “Oh and High Contrast are there,” I chuckled weakly and I felt him pull me closer to him, knocking his head towards the window to make me shuffle up. I did so quickly, feeling his arm relax lazily around my shoulders, “Don’t worry alright? I won’t let anything happen,” he murmured in my ear.

Another fifteen minutes and me and Gerard were lining up outside, freezing our asses of from the lack of clothing.

“I am so cold!” he whined, blowing into his hands and wiggling up and down, making a me giggle a little, “Remind me again why I didn’t bring a jacket?” He laughed, before putting on this fake shocked expression, “Hey look, It’s Mr. Brompton,” he giggled, nodding his head towards a tall pink haired transvestite that was wearing a lepod print mini skirt.

I laughed and suddenly heard loud music begin to boom out of the building as the doors open. Everyone yelled out and clapped, including Gerard. He slung his arm round my shoulders, taking my limp arm and hooking it round his hips, waiting patiently whilst bopping his leg to the music.

“My nuts are frozen,” he suddenly whined, “They are!” he persisted when I started laughing at him, “Oh well at least we’re near the front, I think I can de-freeze inside, I do like this song though,” Gerard grinned, getting out tickets from his back pocket.

“How olds the girl?” A fat, balding man in a black suit asked Gerard, Gerard cocked an eyebrow at him and replied for me.

“She’s with me -my girlfriend,” he said, they nodded and opened the barrier, allowing Gerard to pass through, taking my hand as he did so. As soon as we got into the main area I was hit with a imagining bat of hot air. It radiated off everything, my pores already beginning to protest. Gerard grinned at me, obviously impressed with the whole setting. He tugged me down the steps, and around the mass of people towards the bar, “We’re gonna loosen you up first –other wise I can tell you’ll refuse to dance with me,” he grinned, going to the bar and leaning over it, his hips still bopping to the music.

He ordered loads, putting it all on his credit card. There were at least ten different glasses there filled with multi coloured drinks.

“Pick,” he yelled over the music, I chose a red one and he chose blue. They were only the size of half a pint and Gerard knocked it back like water. I copied his actions, nearly toppling of my stool when it reached my head, “Head rush?” Gerard questioned, knocking back a bright yellow one, “I think I’m winning so far?” he grinned, I picked up a green and took that back, along with a purple. We continued in this fashion until all of them were gone.

I lay back against the bar, groaning a little under my breath.

“Is it meant to go straight to my head?” I asked -well yelled, “Because my throats burning and my head kills!” I bellowed, not being able to help a giggle escape my lips as Gerard tugged me off into the crowd for the next song that was about to play.

“People!” An anonymous voice yelled from a balcony, “I,” he began in a deep voice, “Am The Creep!” he yelled, pulling the microphone out to everyone on the floor, “This song, is a song that I have loved ever since it fucking came out! It’s by Adele, Hometown Glory High Contrast Remix!”

I was about to turn to Gerard when the lights all suddenly flashed out and were replaced by dizzying strobe lights. I felt to hands on my hips and I new it was Gerard. He turned me around and began dancing against my back, his placed loosely on my hip whilst the other one did whatever dance move he could think of.

He was amazing at dancing -which I didn't expect from him, everything he did made you want to stop and look at him. Even when he was just tapping his foot, he had some modern Freddie Mercury vibe about him. He’d put one hand on my shoulder or my hip and just move, his dancing was girly almost, lots of hip swaying and he always ran his hand through his hair in an erotic manner, attracting the attention of girls around him. People surrounding him would just stop and I don’t know how many drinks he had bought for him.

At first I giggled nervously and refused to dance with him but eventually, after he had pumped me full of alcohol and I could no longer see straight let along think for myself. I did. My vision was blurred and where ever my hands landed I had to grab on tightly, to make sure I didn’t fall smack to the floor. Everything anyone said or did I’d decided I found it hilarious and would crack up laughing and usually end up falling on Gerard in heaps of giggles.

Whatever Gerard told me to do I did without questioning.

“Ren!” he yelled, “Are you okay?” he laughed, shaking his hips in time to the music even though I was clinging to his side.

“I need a pee!” I yelled, “I think I do anyway. Lets go dance –come on!” I begged, tugging his arm until he fell back into the mass of people with me.

“I thought you didn’t like dancing!” he yelled, moving his waist smoothly in similar structure to me, “A change of heart?” he asked, slinging one arm casually around my neck, I nodded vigorously as the chorus built up, letting Gerard move behind me and move his hips quickly, each time knocking against my lower back. I scoped the room with wide glassy eyes as I danced, watching as a group of woman across the room stared at Mr. Way with gouging eyes. I suddenly found I was getting jealous quickly, I tried to hold it, I really did, but after a few more minutes of there stares I gabbed Gerard’s hand and pushed them too my hips to show them all he was mine.

All I could feel were the burning lights, Gerard’s hands on my hips and his warm breath on my ear when I leant back onto his shoulder. I felt his thigh press against the back of mine as he leant down, grinning at me before kissing my temple roughly

“Gerard I need the loo!” I yelled, he looked at me questioningly. I grabbed his neck and pulled him down so his ear was in line with my mouth –well that’s what it looked like to me, “I need the toilet, can you come with me!” I whined. He nodded against my cheek and dragged me passed the bar towards a quieter area, which I soon disturbed with my loud singing.

“I think you’ve had quite a bit to drink doll, we should probably be making our way home soon it’s nearly one am,” he told me, not that I cared.

He came into the girls bathrooms with me, holding open both doors as I pranced around, putting on stupid accents.

“I thought you needed the toilet?” Gerard asked, laughing. I let out an exaggerated sigh and threw my hands up in the air before flouncing into the cubicle, Gerard told me I wasn’t allowed to lock the door in case I fell down the toilet –I hoped he was joking, “Ren don’t dance whilst you’re on the toilet, it’s not gonna work,” he chuckled from outside the light green cubicle.

“I just tapped my foot! Jeez…” I mumbled, flushing the toilet and skipping out of the cubicle, having to have Gerard wash my hands because I kept getting water everywhere, “Are you drunk –like very drunk -because you looked fine to me. Can I have another drink? I like the pink one with the umbrellas, can I have one of those Gerard?” I asked as he lead me out by the shoulders, “Please?” I begged.

“No!” he laughed, “You’re already a mess, and your skirts tucked into you underwear before you go out and flash to the whole dance hall.”

“I don’t care!” I said, “I want another drink!” I told him, “Right now, Gerard this isn’t the way to the bar, I’m not that drunk –why you taking me out the exit, I’m cold!” I whined, once we were outside, Gerard leading me by the elbows down the street, “I hate you,” I muttered, stumbling suddenly into a lampost, I giggled bouncing off the building, “Gerard why aren’t you drunk?” I asked, grabbing a near by car to stay steady.

“Because I drunk ages ago. I’ve sobered up quite a bit since then, neither did I drink as much as you –and Ren un-tuck your skirt you look daft with it tucked into you’re underwear,” he laughed, grabbing my elbows again because I was trying to do a cartwheel. I sighed and leant against his side, wrapping my arms around his waist for support when he nearly toppled over.

We reached his house and I once again pranced in singing and dancing, tripping over any visible object. Gerard laughed and checked his voicemail as he came through.

“Come on my doll face, get to bed, I don’t want you banging your head,” he said, scooping me up like a big blanket and beginning to climb up the stairs, only wobbling a little. He set me down when we were in the spare room before he sat down on the edge of the bed and opened the drawer, taking out the aspirin –I think anyway.

“If you let me stay up I’ll dance for you,” I probed, grinning cheekily.

“Ren I’m sure you’d do a lot of things right now,” he laughed, “Get to bed you dirty girl and stop that,” he grinned when I attempted my version of some slutty dance, which in all sense probably just looked ridiculous, “Go on, in bed now,” he said.

“But I need to get un-dressed, I can’t go to bed in my clothes,” I said, “I don’t have pyjamas!” I exclaimed, making a ‘doh’ sound like Homer form the Simpsons. Gerard laughed and held up his finger signally he’d be right back. He came back with a red chequered shit and a pair of boxers, handing them to me. He turned around whilst I struggled to get undressed, deliberately throwing my dress at Mr. Way who rolled his eyes and picked it up before folding it.

“Right, night night, I’ll see you in the morning okay?” he said.

“I wanna sleep with you,” I whined, throwing the covers off the single bed before plopping to the floor with a thud, “I get bad nightmares!” I lied.

“You do not, now get to bed,” he laughed, dragging me whining and sighing back into the bed.

“I do! I’m not lying. You’re in all my nightmares! Or maybe there my dreams. I’m not sure -they really, really confuse me-“ I said, not realising I’d just let out one of my biggest secrets ever. Sadly, Mr. Way cut me off and cocked his eyebrow at me expressively.

“What kinda dreams would those be?”
♠ ♠ ♠
(http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=32z7USfMD1s&feature=related -Adele, Hometown Glory, High contrast Remix )There first song.

( http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9VmPwAosxM4&feature=related)- Utah Saints, there second song, the one Ren wanted to dance too.

Comment please, I like this chapter better then the other one (: