Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


“Ricky- will you run faster man?!” Mr. Way yelled over his shoulder, “We’re gonna miss the goddamn train! Ren you’re the fastest -run ahead and tell them to hold it up!” he panted, grabbing my bag and allowing me to dash ahead.

The smell of Burger King, Urine and steam surrounded me as I took the stairs two at a time, yelling loudly at the train conductor. He looked disgruntled but said he’d wait another thirty seconds, luckily Mr. Way arrived shortly after and put one leg in the train and the other out of it, so they couldn’t go even they wanted to. I dragged Ricky by the hand until we all collapsed into the train, gaining filthy looks from everyone because we’d held them up.

The train was jammed packed, all off us having to squish next to each other with some anonymous strangers. Mr. Way had hold of the bar above him and I had hold on his jacket sleeve. Ricky held onto my shoulders and Joe sat on his suitcase. In the end we all sat down on our suitcases, apart from Mr. Way who said he wasn’t going anywhere near the floor. Instead I used him as a leaning post, reclining against his thigh and gripping to his trouser leg when the train bumped.

“Alright Ren, would you rather… have sex with a really old dude or shoot yourself in the foot?” Joe asked, I shrugged, I hated answering these kind of questions.

“Old dudes can’t get it up, that’s a fake question,” Ricky snorted, “I’ll try. Okay. Anal, or threesome with another woman,” he asked, I heard Mr. Way snort so I flicked his leg.

“Why is it always my go?” I asked, “I don’t know, it depends who it was with,” I mumbled, a little surprised when Mr. Way opened his mouth and started directing questions. The game went on for a while, getting more and more stupid as the journey went on. That game turned into truth or dare sooner or later and the entertainment of the ride was to try and get Mr. Way to do dares.

“Look I’m legally not allowed to do dares. It comes on the job application kids ‘Mr. Way cannot perform dares with students for other students viewing pleasure.’ He said, pretending to write it on a piece of paper. Soon of us all grew bored and tired, nearly yelling out happily when a family near us departed from the train, opening the seats for us.

We all landed with a thud onto our seats and I instantly propped my legs up and closed my eyes, hoping to catch a little bit of rest. The train jostled it’s way up to New York, not allowing me to sleep properly from the unsteady-ness of the compartments. Gerard rested his head dutifully in his hands, occasionally flopping back when his neck began to ache.

“The next stop will be at Rogue Station, thankyou for travelling with SpeedWays,” A mans voice gruffly said, like he’d been repeating the same passage for the whole of his life.

“Oh, thank, holy fuck,” Gerard muttered, rubbing his neck, “Don’t get lost, alright?” he chuckled, fisting the back of my shirt, “Ricky, Joe, go in front of me so I can see where you’re going,” he said, letting them climb off the train first. We all traipsed to the hotel, Gerard’s slowly moving downwards until he was clutching my hands tightly. I loved the feeling of his hand around mine. I wouldn’t really call it holding hands, he more had a clasp on my fingers and I let my thumb drop down to cover his lightly to let him know I wanted him to keep holding it.

All four of us signed in at the desk and collected our key cards, Gerard kindly telling Joe and Ricky that’d he’d cut there nuts off if they lost them. The lobby of the hotel was deep red with cheap white wallpaper indented with swirls. It looked okay but if you squinted but when inspecting closely the whole place was a little run down. We had to climb the stairs because the elevator was on the frits, Ricky and Joe decided to bad mouth the receptionist about there ‘shit excuse of a hotel' before they went grumbling and cursing up the stairs.

“Meet me in my room in… ten minutes?” Mr. Way whispered in my ear as we reached the top of the stairs, leaving chills to run up and down my spine. I nodded dreamily and scuttled into my own room. It was medium size, a dull white colour with an olive green carpet. A single bed was pressed up against the window with a small beside cabinet along with a chest of drawers on the other side. I dropped my luggage on the bed and un wound my scarf from my neck and moved my bracelets so they were sitting properly on my wrist.

I starred out of my window at the dull roads of the city, a small coy smile finding it’s way onto my face when I realised I still had Gerard to meet. I walked across the hall and knocked on his door twice, hearing the door click open, opening the door I was met with the sight of Mr. Way, his shirt long forgotten on the floor.

“I thought I’d have a shower before dinner –I’ll take you somewhere nice before we go out,” he said, drawing his belt from the belt loops, “I was thinking that nice Italian I spotted when we were coming over here. Bite to eat then over to Orlando,” he explained from the bathroom, “Or if you don’t like Italian we can fine somewhere else.“

I looked around the room, it was the same as mine really, only Mr. Way had managed to make it messy. His clothes were already on the floor, the covers already pulled back, his suitcase open on the floor, paper and books spilling out. I had to chuckle lightly.

“No, I love Italian,” I intervened quickly, swallowing as he strode out back into the main area wearing an olive green towel around his waist. He rummaged in his suitcase and brought out shower gel, snapping the cap open and closed as if he was thinking of something, “Should I go get ready then?” I asked.

“Yeah, go on then, don’t tell Joe or Ricky though okay?” he said, I nodded and quickly went back too my own room, turning on the shower there before running to my suitcase and throwing everything I’d need on the bed. I only had a quick shower, just to freshen up then I did my make up quickly, trying to make an effort for Gerard. I pulled on my dress and boots, now feeling too excited to do anything about my damp hair. I suddenly heard a knock at the door and I scuttled over to open it.

“I’m ready,” I said, closing the door with a small click behind me. I felt lips next to my ear and I twisted my head, shudders running through my body.

“You look lovely,” he whispered, goose bumps attacking my skin and running up my neck. My fingers tingled with the feeling of his hands travelling down my arms, “Are you cold?” he asked softly, as if speaking loudly would ruin out stand still in the corridor. I shook my head lightly, the damp locks of wavy hair falling around my shoulders, “Lets go then.”

We both stayed quiet on our walk towards the Italian restaurant, occasionally he’d link our hands, only to cross the road or stay clear of leering creeps. We chatted a lot more in the restaurant though. It was dimly lit with candles in small red tinted pots. It was a little uncomfortable a first but after a few glasses of wine, my confidence build.

We talked about everything, films, music, art, actors, actresses, video games, comic books, reading books, action figures, history, everything. We talked for so long, we managed to stay in the restaurant until 8pm, half an hour after the club opened. Gerard called for the waiter, telling him he wanted the bill. I sighed out and smiled at him shyly, before looking down at my empty plate.

“Come on doll face,” he said, pushing his chair back in he process of standing up. I also stood up, breathing in deeply before leaving the warm restaurant. I shivered as I stepped out onto the glistening street, the road and pavement sparkling with the fallen rain. I shivered and breathed out deeply, my breath coming out in a stormy mist, “Now don’t you dare deny that you’re not cold,” Mr. Way laughed, wrapping me in a small hug from behind. My breath caught in my throat as he rubbed up and down my arms, in a friendly manner as if to try and warm me up, “Better?” he murmured, rubbing his stubbly cheek against my ear.

“A little,” I replied quietly, trembling silently. If anything it just made it worse, my heart rate quicken, my nerves becoming susceptible to his touch. My knees felt wobbling and my jaw began to shake, the feeling of him behind me slowly intoxicating me into bliss.

We began walking down the street, I kept twisting my ankle from not being able to feel my legs. In the end had Gerard to call a cab, saying there was no point in me catching a cold. For time being of having to wait he wrapped me in his arms, pulling my chest close to his and tucking my hands in his back pockets. Each second that passed I could feel my heart ready to explode from my chest, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

“Why’re you so nervous around me?” Gerard whispered.

“I’m not nervous,” I mumbled into his chest, trying to hold onto the warm scent that washed through my nose. It made me shiver. It made my heart race. And it made me have to take several deep breaths.

“This is ridiculous you’re going to freeze, I called that cab… what? Fifteen minutes ago?” he asked, stepping away form the embrace. He suddenly began tearing his shirt open, each button leaving another slither of patch of pale skin to freeze.

“What’re you doing? You’re gonna freeze! Not me!” I said as he wrapped it around my shoulders, “Gerard seriously you’re being stupid now, take it back honestly,” I said, trying to dhrug it off even though he had a tight grip on my shoulders.

“Ren, if try and take if off once more I swear I will…” he stopped and tried to think of a threat, “I don’t know what I’ll do but it won’t be nice!” he laughed shakily, his jaw beginning to chatter. Luckily the taxi arrived five minutes later and me and Gerard both scrabbled in.

“Mate, you must be bloody mental,” the cab driver said as Gerard did whatever he could to try and warm himself up again.

“I was trying to save dolly over here was freezing to death. It didn’t even work she’s still blue,” Gerard laughed as the taxi pulled out and began trundling down the road. Gerard thanked the taxi driver when he turned up the ac sending gushes of hot air over into the back seats.

“Here’s your shirt,” I said to Gerard, holding it out to him.

“Keep it,” he grinned, “I won’t be needing it once we’re inside.”
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Okay... now we're getting somewhere.