Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


As much I would like to say me and Gerard made out for hours before I lost my virginity to my exceptional looking art teacher… I’d be lying. We kissed for a little while before Mr. Way got over enthusiastic –if you know what I mean. We stayed in bed for a while -under the covers of course- just talking about what we would usually talk about.

“I think you’re the only girl I could ever lie naked with and still be able to have an intelligent conversation about how the old Tomb Raider's were way harder then the latest ones,” Gerard chuckled, “But you’re totally right, Crystal Dynamics took over and, bam, the game turns totally easily. Actually the Anniversary is kinda hard,” he said, resting his cheek on top of my head.

“You wanna know something else? They say they make Lara more woman friendly by down sizing her boobs but isn’t that the while point? She’s meant to be like a ‘sex’ icon, like James Bond or Legolas? So stupid.”

“They also made her taller and her boob less triangle. Her shorts are lower in the latest versions as well. The movies are pretty whack, I totally dig the story lines and they’re shite as well y’know?”

I chuckled lowly and lay my head down in the crook of his neck. I was far too warm and feeling tired to manoeuvre myself back to my own room so I just lay there, mulling things over in my head. I smiled too myself and realised I finally had some strange kind of boyfriend, regardless of our ages.

“I never thought I’d find myself with one of my students,” Gerard laughed, like he was reading my mind, “Mikey and me always joked about it, saying how it would be just like me to find some way of falling in extremely inappropriate love with a pupil.”

“Do you love me?” I asked curiously, cocking my head up.

“Yeah, I mean. I’ve liked you for so long now. At first I thought I was just thinking below the belt, fantasizing about a good looking girl in school uniform, y’know? All that stupid kinky shit but then I just found myself wanting to be near you all the time,” he replied truthfully “Did you ever think you’d be with a teacher?”

“No, definitely not,” I chuckled, “I remember I thought you were good looking though, When I came into your class the wrong time.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that,” he laughed, “I remember completely regretting saying that ‘keep it in your pants’ I was like ‘awh shit, she’s gonna think I’ve got wood and she’s gonna be creeped out’ I’m glad you weren’t though,” he laughed, “I hate to be a party crasher but I think I should send you back to your own room, just because we have to be up early tomorrow and all that shit. I mean –imagine Joe and Ricky come to my room in the morning and find you here,” he said, rolling away from me and picking up my dress from the floor.

“Look away,” I said nervously, clambering over him.

Mr. Way chuckled beneath the pillow he’d put on his face, but waited patiently never the less, attempting to struggle into his boxers beneath the sheets.

“You can look now,” I told him, ramming my converse on quickly as he un covered his face and tipped himself out of bed slowly, finding his shirt among the bed clothes before throwing that on too, “Do you think we should keep it low this weekend? Just in case Ricky and Joe suspect something,” I whispered, opening the door cautiously before stepping out. I felt a hand wrap round my elbow and he pulled me back, pressing his lips to mine for a small kiss before letting me go.

The next morning was in a complete mess, Ricky and Joe got up first and knocked on my door whilst I was in the shower so I didn’t hear. I got dressed and knocked for them when they were downstairs getting breakfast –meanwhile no one thought to wake up Gerard. I met up with Ricky and Joe in the looby out of fluke luck and we all forgot the elevator didn’t work so we managed to get stuck on the third floor.

“This is bollocks, it’s like a big pile of shit,” Joe said, stabbing the red button to ring the front desk. I couldn’t help but laugh as I slid down the wall and stared up at the ceiling, “So Ren, where were you last night? Me and Rick knocked for you and you didn't answer up?”

“I went to bed pretty early,” I told them, “I was really tired… did you guys go out?”

“For like five minutes. But then we found this video shop down the street run by this guy and he has like a whole store room full of porn, so we hung out there for the night. We got back around eleven-ish,” Ricky said, cheering when a crackling voice sounded over the intercom.

“What floor are you on?” the lady asked, sounding bored. Ricky told her quickly, flipping his floppy fringe away from his eyes, “It’s gonna be at least an hour sir-“ Joe cut her off abruptly.

“Listen up lady, we cannot wait an hour. My crazy ass art teacher will cut off my nuts and feed them to his pet tarantula if I am not out in about two minutes. And you wanna know something? I’m very attached to my balls!” he bellowed, sniggering when we heard Mr. Way asking the lady who was yelling about an art teacher. A short conversation was held between the lady over the intercom before Joe spoke again, “Mr. Way? Hurry the hell up it’s getting hot in here,” he told him.

“I am trying y’know?” Mr. Way said, making us all laugh, “And stop telling everyone I’m gonna cut your testicles off and feed them to a spider –I said I’d do that if you lost your key card,” he sniggered, “Okay, I’ll meet you in the lobby, there un-locking the doors for you now,” he told us before cutting the intercom system off.

Five minutes later we were all back safely in the lobby, three quarters of an hour late. Mr. way was flapping around, calling taxi cabs up to see if they spare cars to send out now. Luckily they did have one, apart form the fact all four of us had to go in the back because they had luggage in the front seat that some one else had lost at an airport.

“Joe you’re touching my ass,” Ricky grunted, “Or is that Mr. Way?”

“I am touching no ones ass, accept my own,” Mr. Way responded, hovering above all of us by clinging onto the safety handle above his head. I chuckled lowly and he rolled his eyes at me, flicking my hair, “How long is this ride? I’m not standing for the whole of it,” he told us, “My back is already killing me. I’m the OAP in the situation. One of you guys should stand,” he whined, I stood up he sat down, letting a big sigh of relief pass his lips as he did so.

“Wait -how is this fair? I’m the youngest,” I piped up, I scowled when Ricky let me sit down on him, “This isn’t fair either, you have the boniest lap on planet,” I sighed, “How long is this ride?”

“Forty five minutes,” Mr. Way replied.

After much moving around we found out that if we all crossed our legs there was just enough room, we also found out that it was Mr. Way who took up the most room because he sat diagonally. I think the taxi driver was glad to get rid of us once we had gotten to ‘Heldaroys’ –where they got their name from still remains a mystery. The outside was pretty bland, apart from a long black sign with their name printed on it in graffiti like writing. The inside smelt like a teenage boys room and the carpet was a dark blue with ceiling the same colour.

Gerard took us around the back of shop, passed a shelf of vintage Starwars figurines and threw a dark wooden door into some kind of office. Behind a desk an over weight bald man was sitting, looking relieved that we’d all arrived at last.

“I’m so sorry we’re late, we had a thing with the elevator and then the taxi… man, sorry. Uh this is Ricky, Joe and Ren. She’s a year younger than the guys,” he said as we all shook hands with him, “Guys, this is Mr. Key, He runs the store and has a degree in comic book art. He’s gonna teach you the strings of making a comic book and being able to have the voice to sell it -right?” Mr. Way smiled, sitting in the corner of the room where us we sat in front of the desk.

The whole day was filled with talking to sweaty comic book fanatics, all of them spoke extremely fast as well, I kept catching eyes with Ricky, his eyebrows were constantly raised in a ‘what the fuck’ way. Even he didn’t get what Mr. Key and his clones were talking about. Mr. Way was having an intellectual chat with an old guy in a suit, his mouth working at double quick speed to try and keep the conversation following easily.

I think we were all relieved when we were allowed to leave. Ricky was muttering about how they should open there windows. For once I did sorta agree with him. Mr. Way let us go off separate ways after it though, of course he went down one street, I went down the other and we met in the middle

“Boy and I think I’m a nerd. The guy I was talking to was sweating like a pig, it was so disgusting, I could thrown up everywhere,” he said, poking his tongue out, “Anyways, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to… go somewhere quiet.”

“We’re in frggin’ New York where’s quiet?”

“I was thinking… renting a car? I was thinking finding some quiet country road and I was thinking picking up where we left of yesterday?” he said in a sing song voice, swinging my hand childishly, “You wanna go to rent-a-car or whatever it is?” he asked, "I looked it up on the internet, whilst you guys were having a tour of the shop. They said it was on 51st Street. And… okay we’re on-“

“We’re on 51st street, it’s just a very long street,” I chuckled, “Down there, the one with the Porsche on show outside,” I told him pointing down the street. We started making our way down the pavement, looking out in case for some odd reason we saw somebody we knew.

“Sir, that’ll be $70 deposit, and $300 for the actually car,” a skinny guy in a mauve suit said, Gerard handed over the money like it was nothing.

“Gerard, are you sure? I mean it’s a l-“ he silenced me with a finger over my mouth, I furrowed my brow and stared him out, “It’s a lot of money,” I said over his finger. He simply shrugged and took the keys from the same man who directed him over to the car and began talking about times and insurance. By five o’clock we were both in a dark blue ford focus.

“Okay… so I think this is a turn off,” Gerard murmured, pushing his foot down on the pedal and turning the wheel, “I mean it’s got to lead somewhere right?” he laughed. We drove a for good half hour down one main roads before he came across this meadow like ground with a turn off down a dirt road. He turned off down it, humming under his breath as he went.

“Do y’know where we are?” I asked, un-buckling my seat belt and peering round.

“No, I don’t but it doesn’t really matter right? What’s got you so nervous? I won’t let anything happen. I promise… Just relax you’re with me, I haven’t let anything happen to you before, Have I?” he asked, I shook my head. He smiled reassuringly and leant over the gear sticks and pecked my lips, leaning his head on my shoulder for a second. I breathed in deeply through my nose getting a the smell of his hair to fill my senses.

“Move to the back, the gears are digging into my leg,” he said, hitching into the backseat quickly. I followed him nervously, falling into the grey seat with a thud, “Lie down, I won’t make you do anything,” he said nervously, bringing is leg down to the floor and leaning over. I slid down in my seat, feeling horribly vulnerable underneath his figure, “Don’t look at me like that –I’m not gonna murder you silly,” he laughed. Leaning down, he began to place small wet kisses on my jaw, trailing down my neck towards my collar bone.

I don’t know why I was so nervous, I put it down to being in the middle of nowhere with a 28 year old straddling my thighs. I breathed out shakily, my breathing chaste as he pushed my shirt up over my waist, still leaving minute kisses in it’s place.

“You’re totally not into this are you?” Mr. Way asked, lifting his head and pushing back his hair with his hand, “I can tell, you’re hearts punching my ear,” he laughed.

“No… I just? I’ve never done this before and I feel kinda awkward,” I murmured, moving to edge of the seat so he could lie next to me, “I don’t even know what to do,” I said awkwardly as he brushed the hair away from my cheek.

“I’m not expecting you to know what to do!” he laughed, “I get it okay? I know this is the farthest you’ve gone and I thoroughly respect that. Hands down Ren, I don’t wanna do what you don’t wanna do -but you have got to trust me, I’m not just gonna lie you down, rip of my pants and say ‘Hey Ren, I’m just gonna shove this is there and move around a bit, you don’t mind do you, darling?” he said, putting on a funny voice for his small out take. I chuckled lowly and he shook his head at his own weirdness.

“I know you’re not gonna do that… I just. I’m not gonna be any good at it. I mean I can barely master kissing you -let alone… doing… that,” I said awkwardly.

“You can kiss fine, most girls think there doing fantastic by trying to jerk me off at the same time -and let me tell you something I cannot multi task,” he laughed.

“See, I definitely wouldn’t be able to… uh- touch you like that. I’ll make such a big mess of it-“ he intervened beginning to laugh.

“What we talking about now? Jerking me off –‘cus Ren even I can do that to myself and I’m a big idiot when it comes to anything like that,” he laughed, “How’d you know you won’t be able to, until you’ve tried it? Come on look, I’ll show you,” he said, lifting his hips and trying to un-buckle his belt.

“Don’t!” I laughed.

“Come on, it’s real easy, if I could just get my pants off I could give you a fucking spectacular demonstration,” he said, still struggling with his pants, “Jeez, my pants are friggin’ evil, they’re like The bloody Joker from Batman, they just won’t piss off, stop laughing at me!” he whined, as I giggled into my hand, sitting up properly, “See, this is actually the hardest part, getting the pants off. Once there gone -everything’s smooth,” he grinned, his tongue poking out the sound of his mouth as he drew his belt through the loops off his trousers and threw it some where in the front.

“Yes, it seems sucha daunting task,” I laughed, watching as he tried to yank his zipper down too hard so it got stuck on the material.

“I don’t think people should wear pants, it just ridiculous – oh okay there you go,” he said, pushing them so they fell down his legs, “Right, now I feel totally stupid for being dorky just then –but it’s all good because boxers have elasticised waist and there totally easy to get off,” he said, giggling a little after he said it.

I laughed lowly and lay down next to him again, letting him gently rub his nose over mine in a soft Eskimo kiss. I slipped my converse off by pushing my toes against my heel until they plopped to the car floor. Gerard began rubbing his big toe against my ankle, stroking along my foot and making my toes curl. He laughed lightly and pushed his lips to mine slowly, retracting again and pulling his leg over my knee, continuing to assault my foot with his.

The more we kissed the less awkward it became and the less I felt like I wanted to pull away. The only reason I’d want to pull away is too ask him if he had some kind of foot fetish. I never imaged myself in this sort of situation; I always thought it was for movies –obviously not.

“I think we should stop and do this properly once we get this weekend over and done with,” Gerard mumbled against my jaw, “Do it properly. In a bed, with showers and curtains,” he grinned, “And not when I’m wearing a suit, I feel like an old dude.”

“What’s your obsession with thinking you’re old? You’re not at all,” I said, tapping out a rhythm on his thigh with my fingers.

“I am old Ren. I’m hitting thirty. You’re so young as well, if I die tomorrow you can have my house and maybe my tv but I might want that to go down with me in case I get bored-“

“Oh shut up!” I laughed, “You’re not going to die tomorrow.”

“I wouldn’t mind if I did. I’m the happiest I’ve been in a while. Before we sorta started ‘going out’,” he began, using hand quotes, “I was on Xanax. I’m not nuts, really, I just. I need something to even me out, I get a little down some times. It was just with that Mikey business and my parents splitting. I hadn’t had a proper girlfriend in ages, I used to live on one night stands… I just. I wasn’t used to be on my own,” he explained, “I’m meant to take my pills with me where ever I go, in case I get… I dunno ‘un even’, I didn’t bring them with me this time though, I burnt them,” he said, grinning.

And for some stupid reason that made me un-easy, I stared at him for a second.

It wasn't the fact he had to take pills because he got anxious sometimes. it wasn't that at all, it was that fact he thought it was okay to burn them just because he'd found some one. I mean... what if something happened? Then what would he do?

“Why’d you do that?” I asked cautiously, chuckling a little to try and make the situation less awkward.

“Because I don’t need them anymore, I have you,” he replied sincerely.

I nodded warily and pulled him in for a hug, closing my eyes as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I couldn’t help but wander what the hell I’d got myself into.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah, it took so long to actually start the plot line properly!
Sorry if things make fuck all sense, they're meant too.
Right now I want you too be confused, lol, I shall answer pretty much everything in the story.

Please comment me on this one.