Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


“Oh darling, so you had a good time right? And you’re sure you want pursue you dream in becoming an cartoon artist?” mum asked, tucking my hair behind my ears as I tried to get ready to meeting Gerard.

“Yeah mum, I really do. I mean yeah it’s little weird, but it’s good. Listen I’m gonna go out with Heather because I haven’t seen her in so long… so listen-“ I said, trying to get her hand to stop trying to wipe smudges from my face, “No mum listen, I’ll be back way later right?” I said, slinging my satchel over my shoulder.

“Oh honey but I’ve barely seen you,” she said, sighing out.

“Yeah mum, whatever, deal with it… I’ll see you later,” I said, opening the front door before closing it with a small bang. I walked quickly over towards Mr. Way’s house, he said he had a couple movies we could pick from. I knocked on the door three times, jumping back when immediately threw the door open.

“Can I have a kiss?” he grinned, I chuckled and stepped into his house, happy to feel him embrace me from behind whilst pressing small kisses to my neck.

“My, aren’t we affectionate this cold afternoon?” I laughed, turning around to meet him a simple kiss.
“By God you sounded sexy when you said that,” he murmured, kicking the door shut whilst I shoved my shoes off. I shook my head, something had obviously got him in this mood. I jumped when his arms fell back around my waist, his jacket now abandoned down on the floor.

“Jeez calm down, let me take my jacket off,” I chuckled weakly, having to step forward to try and regain my balance when he gave me a nifty slap on the thigh. I shook my head again but chuckled weakly as he jogged through the dining room towards the kitchen, he came back with two opened beers thrusting one into my hands.

“I’ve been thinking about you all afternoon,” he grinned in a sing song voice, pressing up against my side as I took a quick gulp, “I want you,” he whispered, “Now,” he finished, moving my hair and snipping at my neck.

“To be honest, I don’t think you’re in the right mood to be gentle,” I chuckled, sighing as he slipped my belt through its loops. I placed my beer on the side and took his from his hands before he split it anywhere.

“I am too. I’m always gentle. It’s in my nature,” he grinned, beginning to softly leave small kisses down my neck, wet patches forming in there in there place. I began walking towards the stairs, treading up then carefully, “Ren, don’t go away!” he said, running up after me and grabbing the edge of my jeans, “I’ll be gentle, I promise,” he murmured in my ear, pushing me down against the stairs before rolling me over so he was situated between my knees, “Please,” he said, clasping his hands together.

“Gerard your really drunk right now –I can totally tell and the only think I’m interested in is getting you to bed –asleep,” I said, trying to manoeuvre myself backwards up the stairs, wincing every time Gerard’s teeth pulled too hard on my skin, “Gerard, come on, off. It’s getting painful you tugging my skin away from my flesh,” I laughed, prying him away and holding him arms lengths.

“Awh you’re no fun, come on Ren, maybe I could give you an oral lesson like on Saturday,” he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows like some slime ball. I raised my eyes brows and stood up at the top of the stairs, realising Mr. Way had climbed the entire stair case, “Or maybe you like it hands on?”

“Will you stop talking like that? Now get to your room before I do something I regret,” I told him, shoving him along to his room like a little kid.

“Will it have something to do with spanking? ‘Cus I totally wouldn’t mind that,” he giggled.

“You are acting like sucha slime ball right now? Did you realise that. Get undressed,” I told him, trying to clean the crap of his bed. He had C.d’s, DVD’s, magazines, comic, papers pens, bathroom towels clothes and everything else piled on top of it. I leant over and shoved the worst of it over the side of the bed, my breath hitching in my throat when Gerard landed on top of me, “Gerard, get off, you’re heavy,” I groaned, “And stop doing that,” I chuckled, pushing him lightly so he rolled with a thud onto his own bed.

“I love you,” he grinned, as I shoved him down onto his pillow and tried to pull the cover up round him.

“I know, I love you too,” I sighed, pecking his head, “Gerard, put my shirt back down,” I told him sternly, grabbing his wrists and pulling them back down to his sides.

“No way,” he whined, pulling me down on top of him with a sharp tug, “Loosen up,” he said, beginning to pull my shirt up and over my head, I scowled.

“I’m doing anything with you when your like this-” I said, scowling when he hitched up and turned us over quickly, hovering above me, “Hey, slime ball get off,” I said, lifting my leg to try and kick him off. He grabbed my thigh and held my leg up over his waist.

“You don’t love me?” he said, his bottom lip trembling for a second, “You shouldn’t come round and tease then,” he mumbled.

“Gerard, don’t be stupid,” I sighed, “I do love you but not when you’re in this funny mood,” I said.

“If you loved me you’d do this with me, Ren please. I really want you –I need you,” he whimpered, “You do it if you loved me,” he probed, “You would!”

“I do love you-“

“Then do this with me, please? I’ll go softly,” he whispered, popping the button on the top of my jeans, “It’ll be good, I’ll make it good. You just wait,” he said, pulling them over my hips, down my thighs off my legs.

I tried to remember how the hell I’d got myself into this predicament. I wanted him to stop, he would try and be gentle but he was too lumbering How could he be gentle when he was tipsy? I felt a lump arise in my throat and nerves swim with my blood vessels. He was getting quicker, ripping articles of clothing off himself and chucking the mindlessly around the room. I swallowed and grabbed his forearms.

“Gerard, promise me you’ll go slow,” I said, he nodded, prepared himself properly and leant down, kissing along my ear before slowly going down towards my collar bone, sliding the straps from my arms.

“See I’m being gentle. You trust me right?” he said, kissing down my collar bones to my shoulders. He brought his head up and leant it into the space beside the crook of my neck, pushing the crown of his head into the pillow so his back arched and swooped elegantly like a skate boards wrap.

My bottom jaw started shaking nervously, along with my bottom lip. Goose bumps attacked my skin even though I was boiling, Gerard didn’t seem to realise what he was doing. I wanted to grab his shoulders and rip him back, but even if I did do that it wouldn’t work, he was far heavier than me and his stomach was flush with my chest, his shoulders towering above my head.

He attached his lips to the deep curve in my neck and breathed in shakily, “I’m gonna do it now, lift you hips up for me,” he murmured trying to cram a pillow under my lifted hips so they’d stay there. I thre my head and let out a whimper as he slowly began slowly sinking his thighs down.

There was no going back now.

At first I had no idea what to think about from I felt full and that was it. I felt no emotion towards it apart from wanting to haul ass out of here and go back home. But he then he pushed deeper and my insides squirmed and grew uncomfortable, like he was invading. I clenched any muscle I had to try and make him just stop, pull away and try again later, but he just drove harder. Then the pain started to come. At first it stung, like a pricking pin, then it burnt like some one was poking me too hard on a bruise, then it ached like there was a painful pressure pushing back on into me. Then the soreness pelted in, adding to the battle of whatever he was trying to do to me.

“Gerard, it hurts,” I mumbled, tears pooling in my eyes as I pushed ta his chest, trying to wriggle way out form underneath him.

“I know, it’s going to. You gotta break it in,” he murmured.

“No seriously, stop it,” I told him, my voice cracking.

“Two seconds, just hold on for me,” he muttered, suddenly thrusting in and making me cry out, tears rolling helplessly down my cheeks. I tried to shove him back, a small sob escaping my parted lips. It was horrible, like a hot knife slicing carelessly through butter. I cried into his shoulder, glad he wasn’t moving but wishing he’d just get off me so I could sort myself out.

“Gerard, get off me a second,” I cried. He didn’t though, he just wrapped his arms around my shoulder so I couldn’t do anything but squirm my stomach hopelessly. I hate the fact he was using his pure body weight just to keep me there, he wasn’t even manipulating me anymore, he was just going for it carelessly.
I sobbed and asked him stop again, even though he was oblivious to anything I was saying. He was beginning to sweat, I could feel it; around his neck, under his arms, the groove in his back. My lower stomach felt sick, I my head hurt from Gerard managed to rock his whole bed, both our heads bumping recklessly into the head board.

“Ren, just,” Gerard started, his tongue poking out in concentration as he brought his head up. I couldn’t concentrate he was moving around too much, like he was on one of those space hopper things, “Hold on for me, right? I’m near done honest to God I really am,” he panted. Luckily he was right and three seconds later he made a throaty noice that sounded like he was lifting something heavy

I successfully managing to roll away from him and hitch my legs up. Gerard crawled over too me affectionately, stroking my back as I snivelled into my knees, humiliated and hurt.

“Ren I only did that because I wanted it to be over for you. Honest to God Dolly. I swear, I just didn’t want you too worry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know it must have hurt like a bitch but the worst is over, I’m going to take care of you now okay?” he said, pulling my hair away from my face and tucking it behind my ear before kissing my temple, “Please don’t be mad at me,” he whimpered, “I just couldn’t help myself-“

“I’m not,” I sniffed, using the back of my hand to wipe my eyes, “It just hurt is all, I promise, I’m not mad,” I said whilst looking down, “Oh god I’m bleeding,” I snivelled harder pressing my face into his collar bone, “I friggin’ hate blood,” I cried, managing to make it worse for myself.

“Shh…Ren, look at me, come on darling, don’t look at the blood, look at me,” he said, pushing his lips to mine sloppily whilst reaching over shrewdly and grabbing a few tissues from the box, “See,” he said pecking my lips, “No more, it’s all gone, I’ve cleaned it up see,” he said, chucking the tissue over his shoulder and pecking my lips again, “Everything’s cool Dolly, come lie down with me, un scrunch yourself,” he chuckled. Still snivelling I climber under the covers, feeling him hop over me and slide in, “See,” he said as I peered under the covers to check myself over, he plucked my chin and made me look at him, “No, don’t look, look at me,” he said, tucking the covers around our sides and under our arms, beginning to stroke the hair from my face.

“Don’t be made at me Doll face, please?”

“I-I’m not,” I stuttered, rolling away from him.
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I'll update again, later.