Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


I rolled over and let out a muffled scream when my face met a pale chest. I let out a shaky breath, realising I was still at Gerard’s house. I crawled out of the bed, wincing when the springs creaked and Gerard moved gruffly in his sleep. I stood up and grabbed one of his many towels from the floor -wrapping it around myself awkwardly. I huffed when a piece of discarded paper fell out from my towel and landed at my feet silently. I knelt down and picked it up, turning it over to find Mikey’s number on the back.

Mikey’s mobile: 0345228792

I dropped it to the floor again before tip-toeing around the bed towards the hallway, making my way to the spare room to find the aspirin that was hopefully in the draw. I opened each draw separately, discarding things that I found they weren’t pills. I eventually found them and took two dry before I managed to hobble down stairs, my bottom lip drawn into my mouth the whole way.

I found his kitchen and flipped the switch on the kettle, opening various cupboards to try and find some kind of coffee cup, I got them after a while of looking, along with tea bags and milk. His kitchen was pretty dishevelled, everything was everywhere -like his bedroom. I made myself a cup of tea, leaning back against his counter and slowly swallowing a mouthful of the steaming cup.

I started snooping again whilst I was drinking, flipping switches, opening drawers the normal stuff. I flipped open the bin, finding the normal bin contents.

And his gold band.

I picked it off the top and stared at it, why would he throw this away? I hovered over it, my face scrunching as I turned it over in the palm of my hand.

“Ren where’re you?” I heard Gerard suddenly call. I enclosed the ring in my palm quickly, hiding it from him.

“I’m in your kitchen,” I replied, my voice coming out in a hoarse call. I shivered as he swept into the room, looking surprisingly flushed for some one who had supposedly just woken up, “What’s up?” I asked, drawing the towel closer to me, “I just came down to get a cup of tea,” I told him, gesturing to the cup.

“Can I?” he asked, picking it up, I nodded and he took a quick mouthful, looking awkward, “Listen, Ren I’m sorry about earlier… I just. I couldn’t stop myself, I was finally doing it, and I’ve wanted it for so long. Y’know?-“

“You were drunk,” I said blankly.

“I swear Doll, I had a couple beers. I was a bit down in the dumps I just needed something to pick me back up,” he said, leaning against the counter. I shrugged.

“Okay,” I said, “You can have the rest I’m gonna go get dressed,” I told him, pushing the mug towards him. I saw a flicker of regret flash over his face, “Gerard, I get it okay? Let’s go watch a movie in the theatre of something?” I said, he nodded and sat down at his kitchen table whilst I traipsed up stairs.

I grabbed my clothes and began tugging them on begrudgingly, the ring clamped safely in the palm of my hand. I felt like Lord of the Goddamn Rings. Once I had buttoned my shirt back up I sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at the gold thick band.

I looked inside, noticing a inscription I hadn’t noticed before.


How horribly clichéd. I slipped the ring into my pocket for safe keeping when I heard Gerard’s lumbering footsteps beginning to crawl up the stairs sluggishly. I felt the bed weight shift as he crawled over towards me, slipping his arms round my shoulders whilst kissing my cheek.

“You wanna go to the house? We could bring my laptop and a DVD?” he murmured.

“Are you sure you won’t get scared again?” I joked, picking at the hairs on his arms,

“Listen up you, you were as scared as I was, don’t try and deny it,” he grinned, tugging a shirt over his head along with a red chequered shirt, “Regardless -It was a very scary film,” he compromised, “Oh shit, I’ve got so much marking to do, I’ve got your class, the year below, the below that and then some shit test things, you wouldn’t mind horribly if I took them with me would you?” he asked.

“Course not,” I smiled, turning my head so his lips met mine quickly, “I’m gonna bring drawing paper anyways,” I grinned, jumping up too quickly and wincing.

“Oh shit, Dolly, be careful!” he said, grabbing my hips and gently pulling me bag down.

“Why’d you keep calling me Dolly?” I asked, rubbing my lower stomach and leaning back on his chest.

“I dunno. You look like a Doll? Like a china doll, those porcelain dolls you get in kids stores. Blonde hair, blue eyes sorta sets the picture,” he said, running his finger tips up and down my stomach, “And you’re real pretty like a doll,” he mumbled kissing my temple whilst continuing to slowly let his fingers crawl down my stomach and back up, “If you don’t like it I won’t call you it anymore. It just kinda slips real easy,” he said lowly.

“No, it’s fine I was just curious. You wanna go now? It looks like it’s pour down if we don’t leave soon,” I murmured, standing up slowly.

We drove to the edge of Newark Woods and took a slow hike towards the house, sharing the load of marking and the laptop between us. By the time we got there I was shattered.
Once we were both situated in the den, my stomach, my back and my thighs were aching like anything, it felt like some one was trying to drag my muscles up into my head. I grunted and flopped down onto the poor excuse of a sofa, waiting as Gerard set up the movie and fell down next to me, a black file set out opened on his flap so he could mark.

It was pretty cold inside out den and as soon as the rain started falling it grew inexplicitly colder. I cuddled into tartan blanket Gerard had taken form his car. I snuggled into it and sighed out lowly.

“Awh Ren you gotta D,” he cooed, obviously pulling my leg.

“What!” I said, sitting up and trying to peer over, “Gerard stop fooling around I did not, you said I got an A+… Gerard give me the goddamn folder,” I laughed.

“No I can’t, I’m not allowed!” he said, chuckling and closing his folder, “If you give me a kiss I’ll make it an A+,” he said, grinning cheekily.

“Hell no,” I scowled jokingly, ignoring his savage attempts of clambering over to me, “Ow, be careful, Gerard in the best possible way to say this I don’t think I can handle you sitting on me right now,” I groaned. Mr. Way luckily hitched himself up and off me -pulling me between his legs and nuzzling his lips into my ear fondly.

I must’ve fallen asleep because I was woken up by Gerard’s laptop letting out a large bleep saying it was running out of charge. I looked around the eerie house, throwing the cover off me and spotting Gerard sitting in the corner arm chair smoking quietly.

“Gerard?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

“Hey,” he said, “I think we should go back, it’s getting a little late,” he smiled, getting up and picking me up in the tartan blanket. I nodded into his shoulder, snuffling the faint smell of bed clothes that radiated off his shirt.

He drove me back to my house and walked me as far as he could without my parents being able to spot him.

“I love you,” I said, kissing him quickly.

“Love you too,” he sighed, waving his hand quickly as I trudged up the walk through and rummaged around in my jean pockets for my key. I checked my right pocket first, closing my eyes when I realised the ring was gone.

I paniced, padding myself down, swearing violently but quietly under my breath.

I shoved my hand into my left pocket and retrieved my key but not the ring. Now shaking I turned on my heel and saw him standing on the corner of the street under a lamppost, his stare seeming strangely menacing.

I shakily tucked my hair behind my ear as he drew out a cigarette and pushed it between his lips. The wind whipped around his shoulders and lifted his tangled hair, everything about his appearance at that one second made him look intimidating.

And I then knew he’d taken the ring from me.

Swallowing, I whipped around and shoved my key into the lock, slamming the door quickly and sliding down it, my breathing laboured. He new i'd stolen it, was he gonna be mad?

I realised, that I'd just have to find out tommorow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okayy, commment -also can you tell me what i could do to make it better?
I might be taking a little break (couple days) because I mgiht be going to my nans and she lives in the back end of nowhere. I think the closest thing she has to a computer is a guy that lives down the road and his interent is a snail.

So, yeah, comment up, It's like confidence boosting and all that.