Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


“Oh please, your fathers such an idiot... I can’t go to a meal on my own, especially as the reservations were for three people. Please, I’ll pay you to go with me darling,” mum said, I pressed my head into my hands. I didn’t want to go to dinner with her, or Aunt Karen, “Please?”

“Okay fine,” I sighed, feeling her sigh out in relief.

“Wear something smart,” she told me, before leaving the room in a flourish. I chucked my homework down on the bed and silently screamed. I wasn’t in the mood for going out to dinner with her, school had already been a load of shit. Gerard had had a meeting for his class so I couldn’t even find out if he was mad at me or not. I dressed up a little and in no time I was sitting in Aunt Karen’s Ford listening to her talk about her nail salon she’s just opened up.

“Maybe we can go out on a girl day trip, I’ll do your nails Ren,” she beamed, I cocked my eyebrow and mum glared at me.

“Uh… yeah,” I replied, slumping down in my seat and glaring at mum through the rear view mirror, making a slicing my throat gesture. Mum scowled at me but chose to ignore me as I continued to try and stay awake in my seat.

The restaurant we were going to was some posh joint called ‘Spring Upon Rive’. I’d been there once before and it was the lamest place on the whole entire planet of restaurants. It was your classic cream lay out, with spangly music in the background that made you wanna stab yourself with the shiny silver forks. They served stupid food as well, in mini portions, you’d take three bites and you’d be finished, having to wait for the other ‘high classed’ people to nibble at the lettuce leaves.

We took a seat in the corner, a rectangle table with four chairs. I quickly shoved myself in the corner, hoping they’d both take it as I would rather not take right now. Sadly mum came and sat next to me, Aunt Karen in front of her so they could ramble of about manicures and how ‘relaxing it was’ –in comparison I don’t see what’s relaxing about having some one grind sand paper along your nails.

The first course took half an to come and when it did it tasted like water and salt. It was supposed to be a sea food dish, even though I would rather eat my insides then eat sea food.

“Mum, you know I don’t like this stuff,” I mumbled to her, moving a prawn that still had beady black eyes and limp little pink legs. I looked away from my dish and stared ahead, “Can I go to the toilets?” I asked mum, continuing to whine and whine until she got irritated and practically threw me over to the toilets.

I walked across the floorboards, apologising and shimmying passed different waiters that were carrying platters.

“Ren?” I suddenly heard a familiar voice ask. I spun round and saw Gerard sitting with a blonde woman, a skinny man and a guy dressed in a cream suit.

“Uh hey Mr. Way,” I said awkwardly.

“You here with my family?” he asked, looking doubtful as he spoke. I could see his mother just probing questions, it was like a mum thing.

“Yes… my aunt and my mum,” I replied, shuffling on my feet.

“Oh, well this is Mikey, my brother –my mom, Donna and her new boyfriend Steve. Everyone this is Ren, the girl who won the award,”

“Fiancé, Gerard’s told us you’re very talented in art,” Steve smiled, shaking my hand.

“Oh he has? And congratulations,” I told him, shaking hands with Donna and Mikey. Awkward silence rang out through out the table before I opened my mouth, “You know, I better shoot off before my mother sacrifices me for being more then thirty seconds –she’s a little weird like that. I’ll see you in school sir,” I said, walking towards the toilets as quickly as I could without making it look like I was running away.

I got into the ladies toilets and opened the cubicle, slamming the cream door closed rapidly. I pushed my hair back with my sweaty hands before wiping them on my skirt, finding I did need the toilet. I was probably just nervous, for I knew he didn’t take the ring, I just dropped it or some thing.

I flushed the toilet and composed my self, un tucking my hair from behind my ears and smoothing down my shirt, ready to pass there table again. I opened the door, screaming when I got pushed back into the cubicle by that oh so familiar man.

“Shut up!” he hissed, closing the door, “You want everyone to hear you?” he asked.

I shook my head dumbly, my breathing shaky as it got caught in my throat and came out through my mouth sounding wobbly. Gerard locked the door and turned back to me, licking his lips before shimmying passed me and sitting down on the toilet seat.

“Don’t take my stuff okay?” he said quickly, his eyes connecting with mine and refusing to leave, “Ren you listening?” he asked, I stared at him cautiously. I stated to pull my hand back behind me so I could open the door and leave but he was quicker then that, “Don’t you dare open that door, I want an explanation to why you think it’s okay to steal something from me?” he spat.

“I didn’t steal it –it was in the goddamn bin,” I muttered.

“It’s still stealing. Didn’t you mom ever teach not to take things that don’t belong to you?” he asked.

“Gerard, you’re overreacting alright? Yes I saw in the bin and picked it up, yes I didn’t show when you came down stairs but I was gonna put it back. Or tell you-“

“Why’d you do it in the first place then?” he asked, “Come on, spin me another lie, I was pretty entertained by the last one,” he said, leaning back against the wall.

“I was just mad about the whole having sex thing, alright? Gerard do you realise how much it hurt? You didn’t even stop when I told you to-“ he cut me off with a nasty snigger, shaking his head towards the ground before his head snapped up and he sucked his two top teeth ignorantly.

“You were gagging for it. I’m not goddamn psychic? You come round, dressed all cutely and saying cut little slutty things to make me want you. And then you go up the stairs backwards… that’s a sign Ren. You teased me right up to the point you realised you’d actually have to go through with it-“

“Oh shut up!” I spat, “You know what, you’ve become a right bastard, call me when you’ve stop acting like an ass hole,” I said, opening the door. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me backwards before I could unlock the door properly, “Ow, Gerard, leave go of me you’re really hurting me!” I whimpered.

“Shut up, I can hear some one coming,” he hissed, wrapping his hand around my mouth as the door opened and a pair of heels sounded on the floor.

“Ren?” my mum called, “Darling are you in here? Do you have an upset stomach?” she asked, Gerard slowly released his hand.

“Y-yeah,” I said, “I’ll be out in a few minutes, just leave me be alright? I think it’s that seafood I told you I hated that stuff,” I said. I heard mum grumble but she left promptly, leaving me with a very angry Mr. Way, “Please -let go of my wrist, it’s hurting real bad now,” I said, tears dribbling down my cheeks.

He let go off me and I cradled my sore wrist, keeping my eyes closed as I felt him fuss around with actually going to the toilet. He flushed the loo for a second time and spun around, his eye soft but his face still blaring. I looked up at him and wiped my eyes quickly.

“Give it here,” he sighed, sitting down with a thud on the toilet seat. He grabbed the hem of my skirt and tugged me over to him so I was propped between his legs, “let me see, I’m not gonna hurt it, just let me see,” he sighed. I gave him my wrist and snivelled in defeat as he inspected it for a few seconds before bringing it too his lips and kissing the underside tenderly, making a small kiss bracelet around my wrist, “Better?” he questioned, a quirky smile forming on his lips. I shook my head with a watery smile finding its way onto my face as he playfully rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to my stomach, then a little higher until eventually he was nibbling the skin along my neck, “Come on doll face, I didn’t mean it, y’know that right?”

“I know,” I mumbled, my words swallowed by him covering my lips with his.

“Good, I love you.. I wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt you. I just don’t want you digging into my stuff right?” he whispered, I nodded and hugged him, glad he was back to being normal.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, I have a bunch of silly mistakes, i wrote this whilst watching Xmen3.

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