Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


“Honey why were you so long in the bathroom? Is your stomach alright now?” mum asked, feeling my forehead and fussing around me, “And who was that man you were talking to before you went in there. He looks a little dodgy, all that eyeliner,” she scowled.

“It’s Mr. Way, my art teacher,” and boyfriend, “He was just saying hey, he’s not dodgy. We’re in like 21st century, loads of guys wear eyeliner, he wears a petty amount to some guys,” I sighed, rubbing my wrist sub consciously.

“Oh god, what happened to your wrist!” Aunt Karen said, practically exploding.

“Jeez, nothing alight? I got it jammed in the door alright, no big deal,” I muttered.

“Don’t talk to your Aunt like that, Ren” mum scolded, taking a dainty sip of white wine, “You’re becoming quite the handful darling,” mum chuckled, exchanging a pathetic eye roll with Aunt Karen.

“You know what? Why don’t you just get off my goddamn back? I didn’t even wanna come to your dinner anyway. I only came so you wouldn’t have to waste your precious table seat,” I said, slamming my chair back and storming out of the restaurant.

I found the glass doors and pushed through them, going through the car park and round the back of the restaurant towards the vents. I stopped against the stony wall, leaning against it and letting my head drop back, I felt like screaming. I rotated my wrist a couple times, inspecting the small blacking bruises. I sighed and dropped my wrist back down, changing my bracelets so they covered the thick marks.

I felt like strangling mum sometimes, it didn’t even seem like that bigger deal but she managed to always de-size me. Lik ei was her Barbie doll and she could make me look ugly any time she fancied.

“You shouldn’t be around the back of dark restaurants.”

“I’m sure I shouldn’t,” I chuckled as Gerard appeared from behind the smoking vent, his hand dug deep inside his pockets, “Neither should you,” I told him as he brought out a pack of cigarettes and propped one conveniently in his mouth, “Why’re you out here?”

“My mom said I should check on you, she said you’d had a row with your parents. Mikey and her could see it from the table,” he said blandly, flicking the ash onto the floor, “If we make it quick we can make it up to each other now. I have the keys to Mikey’s car.”

“Oh really, how’d you get those?” I laughed, linking hands with him.

“Well, I got up,” he started, inhaling deeply on his cigarette, “And I went over to him, and I leant over him whilst reaching into his jacket pocket and I told him I was going to the use the loo,” he smirked, spinning the key chain around on his fingers.

“How incredibly sneaky,” I laughed as he ushered me inside the car.

“You have to be quick though… Imagine if Mikey came by,” Mr. Way said, hopping over the seats into the back, “I don’t think he’d appreciate it very much… don’t look so worried Doll. You got the hard part over and done with last time remember? You might feel a little uncomfortable but I’m not drunk, I’ve had one glass of red wine and I know how to make you squirm,” he grinned, “Now, what C.D’s does Mr. Michael Way have… something slow and swingy,” he laughed, generally rolling his hips in that general motion.

“Put your butt down, your brother’s definitely going to be able to see that,” I laughed, waiting as he flipped through Mikey’s C.D’s.

“Aerosmith?” he questioned, pushing the C.D in and turning the volume up loudly. He pulled himself back down into the back of the car and began un-buttoning his jacket whilst kissing me lightly. With each second another member of our clothing met the car floor silently.

Twenty two minutes later –I didn’t count or anything as dorky as that, my head was at a weird angle and I kinda had to stare at the clock- the last thing I would have wanted to do was be Mikey’s car. Gerard could generate enough sweat to make a perfectly full watering hole, completely dampening the upholstery. The atmosphere had become considerably clammier as well and a strange smell lingered in the air.

Mr. Way clung to the safety handles above him with one hand, the other hand keeping my leg high enough around his hip. His eyes were clamped closed at his mouth drawn into a perfect open rectangle, his top lip snarling slightly. Everything was quite quiet apart from the continuous pants and occasionally dirty sentence or curse word from Gerard.

I reached up, wrapping my arms round his neck whilst receiving a sloppy kiss beside my mouth, feeling him spit out a strong of course words in my ear.

“Y-you good to go?” he managed to stutter, “God,” he hissed, “My knees have fucking seat burn,” he muttered, pushing his forehead against mine.

With a few strange looks from passers by it finished with a bang of strangled cries and tangled sweating limbs. My arms hung looser round his neck and Gerard was too tired to even manage to keep his forehead against mine.

“You’re incredible,” he breathed, resting his cheek against mine and pressing his dry lips into my own, “Oh god, I don’t even wanna move,” he laughed shakily as I let my arm slip from around his neck. He managed to find my hand and let our sweaty palms clasp.

“Me neither, that has just made me stupidly tired,” I chuckled weakly, sliding down in the seat and letting Gerard loll on top of me. His arm was tucked round the back of my neck, his leg slung over my hips and his other hand falling in a perfect V across my chest, his fingers tangling in my hair. Gerard leant off me for a second to grab his cigarettes but that was all the moving that was done, “You didn’t tell Mikey about us then?” I asked as he blew smoke out over my neck.

“Nah, I was gonna but,” Gerard paused, sat up on his elbow and opened the window a little, letting the ash fall loftily outside, “But he’d just make a big deal out of it and I couldn’t be fucked with that,” he sighed, “Besides, it’s more fun like this,” he grinned, “Even though his car will now stink of sex and cigarettes… the best combination ever. -You wanna know something?”

“Sure?” I asked, cocking my eyebrow.

“You should keep touching my stomach when we do the sacred it, it feels good. I just couldn’t be bothered to tell you earlier because I was kinda incapable of speech,” he grinned, inhaling again and kissing me quickly, “Sorry, I’m a real bad kisser if I’m on top. I usually managed to head butt people in nose ‘cus I get too into it,” he grinned, letting a small creepy giggle pass his lips.

“You didn’t head butt me in the nose,” I said, leaning my head on top of his, “Awh shit, my mum. I best be getting back. She’ll shit other wise,” I groaned, lightly pushing him up so he could roll off me. I pulled my clothes back on begrudging, trying to sort my appearance out at the same time, “Gerard, come on, get up you great lazy, naked, seal man,” I laughed.

“Ren, Doll... Look I’m gonna put it too you straight, you totally look like you’ve just had sexual intercourse… y’know like you just look like you have,” he grinned, tugging his own clothes back on, “I’m gonna give it ten, so it doesn’t look suspicious. I’ll try and find some air freshener as well,” he grinned, “I’ll see you in school tomorrow,” he chuckled, pecking me on the lips as I clambered out of the car and tried to compose myself.

I left him to sort out the car whilst I walked back to the restaurant, fussing with my hair and clothes the whole time.

“Hey doll face!” I heard Gerard called from out the window, I turned around and my mouth fell when I saw him holding out my underwear with both his forefingers, “You gotta be shitting me if you think you’re getting them back now!” he yelled grinning.

♠ ♠ ♠
A little taster of how gross, creepy and quite frankly disturbed Gerard is.
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