Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


“Sexual intercourse is a very popular thing amongst teens these days but you all have to aware of the diseases you could possibly catch from engaging with the opposite or same sex!” a woman in a blue jogging suit yelled.

We had sex ed. ‘the big talk’ for second and third period, adjoining 11th and 12th graders because the school was too stingy to pay for two lessons on separate days. They had called this special ‘couple’ in to explain to us horribly dangerous sex could be. Some teachers had to stay in the gym hall to watch over and us and make sure we weren’t gonna be bastards towards the smiley couple who was explaining it all to us.

Gerard was there, in the corner, eyebrow raised and his mouth open in this confused manner. I held my tongue and tried not to catch eyes with him seeing as he managed to make me laugh when I did catch his gaze,

“There are many STD’s you can catch! Can anyone name any of them?” the woman in the blue jogging suit asked. Everyone stayed shun, you see the weird thing was that everyone in the year apart from a few people had already had sex in what… ninth/tenth grade? The blue jogging suited couple were just a little bit late, “Okay I want everyone to spilt off into groups with one of your class teachers, and do the exercises laid out on the sheet which are being passed around now,” the both said, smiling with pearly teeth.

Luckily I had had art the period before so I had Mr. Way was taking me and everyone else down in the corner, completely taking the piss all the way.

“Exercises? She means like paper right? ‘Cus I aint practising my moves on any of you… y’know seeing as you’re all guys?” Mr. Way said, “Well apart from you D- Ren... you're obviously not a guy,” he chuckled, quickly recovering himself, “Okay sit down and look at the banana in the middle of the table, if your ‘down there area’ is yellow and anything like that shape, I ask you too please get help immediately,” he said, un-peelign it and taking a bite.

“Sir, I don’t think you’re meant to eat that,” Ricky intervened, “Hey, do we get free condoms? This is like the Mardi Gras minus the transvestites,” he grinned.

“Hey Ricky, have the pink one, suits you,” Gerard grinned, flicking them around the table.

“Mr. Way how are you doing?” 'smiley blue jogging suit woman' suddenly asked. Gerard turned around, the banana propped in his hand, “Oh I see you got a little hungry and ate the prop…” she said trailing off, trying not to let her smile falter.

“Yeah… forgot to have breakfast,” Gerard said so seriously it was the hardest thing not being able to laugh, “Regardless, we’re doing great,” he grinned, holding up his fingers in an ‘okay’ sign. As soon as the jogging suit lady turned around he started posting the banana in and out through his ‘okay’ sign comically -Ricky snorted and flopped down onto the table, his face turning beetroot from Mr. Way’s show.

“Sir the only problem is you’ve kinda had a bite of that banana… so I’m sorry to say this, but I crown you Sir Cock Munch for the rest of the lesson,” Rocky snorted and cackled happily at his own joke as Gerard tried to work out what the questions on the sheet meant.

“Oh god, this is so boring,” Gerard murmured in my ear, “And lame… my sex education is so much funner,” he whispered, running his hand down his tie whilst scratching the back of his neck.

“Gerard, funner isn’t a word,” I chuckled as he slipped his hand round my back and clasped my hand in his sneakily, “It’s like, fun, funnier, funniest.”

“I changed it -fun, funner, funnier and funniest… now stop saying funny before my tongue slips I start repeating something alot ruder,” he said, “Cus you know I fucking hate curse words,” he laughed and pulled back from my ear leaning against his chair whilst saying this off hand speech about sex.

The lesson ran pretty quickly, I could tell Gerard wanted something during the end of the lesson though, he got all twitchy. I knew what he wanted, I mean -to me- it was very easy to understand all his shifty eye signs and foot tapping. He pretended to mark my sheet even though I could tell he was writing a scribbled note to me.

My classroom, now?

“I’m not really in the mood,” I mumbled in his ear, “Maybe later though-“ he cut me off by grabbing my sore wrist, a wry smile still on his face regardless.

“Come on Dolly… don’t tease me and then leave me hanging, besides I’m all heated up now,” he whispered, pressing his thumb on one of the black bruises -in turn pushing my bracelet into it, “You shouldn’t wear a short skirt if you can’t handle the consequences Doll face,” he whispered, “Now go and meet me in my class” he continued, pulling me up a little and elbowing me in the lower back, I could hear him telling everyone else I had an upset stomach.

I suppose that was slowly turning true, my stomach was heaving. I slowly managed to start crying as I stumbled towards his classroom, continuing to drag my hand along the wall. I bent over a little and fell against it, wondering if I was actually going to throw. I managed to heave myself towards his classroom never the less, trying to clean myself up a little whilst dithering in the middle of his room.


I jumped and turned around at the sound of his voice. I opened my mouth and he raised his eyebrow whilst closing the classroom door with a small nudge of his foot.

“Gerard please, I really, really don’t want too. I’m not in the mood right now and it still hurts a bit even though,” I started crying again, big baby sobs emitting each time I tried to speak, “I just don’t want too,” I howled, he opened his arms and I fell into them heaving, every word I said turning into a long drawn out sob.

“Shh…” he whispered, rocking back and fourth on his feet. He patted my back and I began hiccupping into his shirt, “Come on, quieten down. I wasn’t gonna make you do anything-“

“But you s-scared me,” I cried, pushing into the under arm part of his jacket, getting hold of the comforting smell he seemed to hold.

“Well, I didn’t mean to. I was only fucking around. Dirty talking to you, all that shit. I sometimes forget you’re so young sometimes Doll. I just don’t think you really get when I'm screwing around with you, I mean, look at me,” he said lifting my chin to look at his face, “Alright look at me, stop crying,” he chuckled, smudging the tears out from under my eyes, “Right, look at me, would this face ever try and do anything to hurt you? Would it?” he asked, cupping my face pushing his lips to my forehead.

“No,” I murmured against his neck.

“Exactly -yeah? Some times you’re just too young to get all the shit I’m talking about y’know? I’m only dicking with you, I kinda realise now that you’re not into all that stuff-“

“I just don’t wanna keep having arguments about sex,” I mumbled, “It’s not even that important,” I finished, letting him tuck my hair behind my ears.

“No, no, you’re totally right,” he murmured, “I just don’t know how to make girls happy apart from that. You’re sucha difficult one Doll,” he chuckled sitting down against the door. I wriggled into the gap between his legs and cuddled back into his jacket, “How about we just take things slow from now on. No more stupid, kinky sex in the back of other peoples car. We’ll stick to kissing unless it’s romantic, in the right time and in a proper comfy bed with blankets and a hot bath for after, yeah?” he murmured, his jacket creaking as he pushed my hair out of my face.

“You promise?” I asked childishly, pulling his arm around my neck.

“Yeah course I do. I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
O.o I pretty much planned up to chapter twenty eight? So comments would be way appreciated.
I updated at what five in morning? But two o'clock I had soooo many new commentors, was awesomeee ^^ I know my chapter right now are kinda dither-y, like they seem to just be shitting around but it's gonna get good.
Sorry about making Gerard such an ass, he's like total goof ball in one of my stories and a pedophile weirdo in my other >.< Haha.