Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


Once again Gerard was getting ready into his joker uniform –well actually scratch that- right now he was prancing around clothes-less apart from his Calvin Klein boxers.

Gerard's ‘loose connected friend’ was having a Halloween party up in his parent’s cabin. Gerard told me not to tell anyone his name so he could just be the anonymous in the corner.

“G, sit down you’re making me dizzy,” I said, poking the dripping red whole that was gaping from my stomach, “And I thought you didn’t like Calvin Klein boxers, you said they were too ‘restricting’,” I laughed.

“Yeah but I got all my others in the wash –my mom bought them for me. She said I needed some ‘gentlemen’s’ underwear,” he chuckled, tugging on his pin striped trousers which were previously in a crumpled heap on the floor, “I think getting underwear for my birthday is worse then getting socks,” he said, buttoning his shirt up as he said it.

“No way. Getting socks is just lame, especially if there not good socks. At least underwear can be pretty okay –hey G, how low does it take to get up to this Cabin? I wanna know my surprise today, you didn’t show me yesterday,” I said.

“We’ll do it some other time, when we have a whole evening to spare. I don’t wanna waste it on a quick hour y’know?” he said, “But we shall do it soon, promise,” he smiled.

Soon enough Gerard was ready and driving up to Hamptons Creek, the radio humming lowly with the sound of Abba. Gerard was tapping his hand lightly on the steering wheel, occasionally rocking his shoulders to the rhythm or singing odd lines. I watched as each lamppost zoomed out of focus, blurring into the glass of the windows.

The gravel ground against the car wheels as Gerard pulled into the parking square, the radio abruptly stopping. Gerard turned to me and grinned.

“You ready?”

“Sure,” I smiled, unbuckling my seat belt. I climbed out of his car and Gerard took my hand, swinging it as he opened the cabin door and stepped in, immediately being met with the booming voice on Glen Danzig. I knew Gerard couldn’t drink a lot because we had to drive back but he still trotted over to the beers obnoxiously. He grabbed two and motioned for me to sit with on the only available seat. I planted myself on his lap, chatting to him about our normal things.

It was just like any other house party only it was in a run down cabin with a crappy stereo. It didn't really matter though at leat 98% of the room completely wasted.

In the end Gerard wrapped up dancing when Robs Zombies Dragula pounded the house. He wrapping his arm round my neck and generally moved around, his free hand used to clutch his beer tightly or beat his hand to the music. You couldn’t really dance to the kind of music they had on but some how Gerard managed it.

“That guys giving you eyes,” Gerard muttered in my ear, continuing to dance as Tainted Love came on, “If he keeps doing that I’m gonna kick his lights out,” Gerard continued to mutter.

“Gerard leave him be, alright? He probably doesn’t know that I’m with you-“ Gerard suddenly brought his hands down and clasped my upper thighs, staring the guy out form across the room, “Okay… now he knows,” I mumbled, “Gerard, look at me okay? Stop staring him out, he’s probably just some creep,” I said, trying to make myself a little taller. Gerard bent down and attached his lips to his, pull me forward so we were flush against each other.

“Come sit down with me, I’m bored of him ogling you,” Gerard called in my ear. I went and sat back down on his lap, leaning my head in the crook of his neck and kissing the skin there quickly. Gerard smiled and bent down, “I’m gonna get a drink –you want?”

I nodded and clambered off his lap, sitting down again once he was in the kitchen. I pulled at the strands of the dark green armchair, wondering which guy Gerard was talking about. A guy in dressed as Zorro suddenly caught my glance and without even having to ask Gerard I new it was him. I quickly look away, hoping he wouldn’t come over.

“Hey,” he smiled.

“Hi,” I said bluntly.

“I’m Andy,” he said, leaning right down so his breath caught on my ear, “How old are you?” he asked. I didn’t reply, I knew saying anything would just make him ask more questions, “My cars out the back y’know, we could go out there, away from all this noise –that boyfriend of yours seems to have you on a short leash, I’m sure me and you could have much more-“ he suddenly stopped and stumbled back into the crowd as Gerard pulled him full force by the scruff of his neck.

“What?” Gerard yelled, the guy staggered up and straightened his hat, squaring up to Gerard, “You wanna say that again, jackass, come on say it too my face you stupid cunt!” Gerard yelled. Some one turned off the music and everybody formed a circle around the brooding pair. Me in the front seat.

“Gerard -fucking leave it,” I muttered, trying to take my arm, he shrugged me off violently.

“What are you anyway ‘The Joker’?” ‘Zorro’ laughed, “Come on then, bring it on… Why so serious, aye?” he laughed, gaining a few chuckles form the crowd.

“Fuck you,” Gerard spat.

“Oh, oh, oh calm down. Are you a fag boy? Got a bit of make up on there-“ once again he got cut off from Gerard throwing a punch at his face, smacking him full force in the nose. The blood ran copiously down to his top lip where it pooled and dribbled into his mouth, “You fucking cunt!” Andy roared, suddenly charging at Gerard knocking him to the grubby beige floor.

Gerard tried to throw another punch at him, only succeeding in getting one in the face himself. I silently screeched and tried to step in but Gerard shoved me back whilst kicking Andy in the thigh. The pair tackled each other, rolling around the floor like too beggar children, throwing random punches and kicks.

People were cheering them on, most of them chanting Zorro seeing as Gerard was currently getting kneed in the chin. Grunting, Gerard threw himself up and smashed a beer bottle over Andy’s head desperately, receiving a fist to the gut and where he crumpled, urgently trying to claw out as Andy kicked him in the stomach one last time.

“Don’t fuck with me faggot,” he hissed, spitting blood at Gerard who was still lying crumpled and defeated on the ground. My jaw shaking I stepped out and checked Gerard was okay, he lay motionless on the ground as everyone laughed at his expense. Andy bowed twice, making an over exaggerated laughing gesture when Gerard scrabbled up and tried to leave the house, only succeeding in getting pushed back in by everyone else.

Gerard looked around at the laughing room, suddenly picking up a chair and charging through a wall of people harshly, making the laughter stop. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun round to see Andy standing there proudly.

“Darling –you’re boyfriend’s a joke. Come and be with a real man,” he swallowed and wiped the blood from his nose. I smiled sweetly, taking two steps forward, “There’s a girl-“ I intervened by pulling my fist back and copying Gerard’s move.

“Get fucked,” I spat, pushing passed everyone I could.

I found Gerard by his car, an evil glint in his eye. I approached him wearily, stopping completely when he pulled a knife out of his boot and began turning it over and over in his hands. I nervously walked up to him and waited beside him, swallowing at the large amount of blood that was gushing from his nose.

“Gerard?” I asked, silently praying he wouldn’t snap, “I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

“Why? You didn’t do anything Doll,” he said, slinging his arm round my shoulders, “I’m just a shitty fighter,” he chuckled. I smiled in relief he wasn’t mad, “Sorry I left you in there on your own, I was just embarrassed, I stabbed some guy pretty hard with the chair though,” he chuckled, leaning on me.

“No it’s fine. I punched him for you, my hand hurts though. I don’t think I did it right,” I murmured as he took my hand kissed each of my knuckle separately, “We could go back in, get a load of beers and go find a room to lounge around in?” I offered. He nodded and chuckled.

We did just that. We took five beers each and found a spare bedroom, cuddling up on the duvet. The room was pretty big, double bed, big wardrobe and slanted ceiling with a window above us. Gerard was amazingly normal considering he’d just gotten hit up quite bad. He cracked jokes, told stories and didn’t even try anything on. We stayed curled up on top of the comforter for ages, continuing to talk about our house we were going to have when I was old enough to get a job and we suddenly became millionaires.

I didn’t have a care in the world about anything else.

I just wished it could stay that way forever –but what I didn’t know is that I had much worse things to be worrying about.

Sadly, I didn’t know it yet.
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Dun, dun, dun
Next Chapter's in 3rd POV, I'll put it at the top. It won't be happening often but it's a special chapter (:
Comment please, I'll update tommorow after noon-ish
Oh and thanks to those who last commented they were real long xD