Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


Gerard looked down and smiled at his girlfriend who was wound around him protectively. He smiled coyly, beginning to stroke her hair slowly. She was so gorgeous, so perfect, so young. He felt perverted thinking that and retracted curling his hand into a fist.

He leant down carefully and kissed her on the temple before getting up, the bed springs creaking as he lifted himself. He walked silently around the bed and opened the door letting the noise rush in before closing it with a silent click.

Gerard walked down the stairs quietly, ignoring the glares and weird stares he got for interrupting couples who were being 'busy' on the stairs. Taking a beer he went and sat on an arm chair in the corner, staring blandly at Zorro who was trying to score with a stupid harlet.

One swig… Zorro laughs.
Another gulp… Zorro begins to chat to some stupid slut.
Two other gulps… Zorro gets rejected
The last one… Zorro leaves.


Gerard gets up, taking long silent strides after the masked harasser. His car, in the left corner. Gerard swore to himself before reaching into his Doc Martin and retracting a gleaming, magnificent four inch knife. Gerard felt a shiver of pleasure. Revenge. That’s all he wanted.

He propped a cigarette in his mouth and lit it before jogging forward, trying to quieten his broad foot steps. Before he could comprehend what his hands and his feet were doing he jammed his sweaty palm around Zorro’s mouth, the knife pushed up to his pulse. Gerard’s breathing became thick as he dragged a terrified Andy towards his car, whispering threat after threat in his ear. Gerard grinned as he pulled open his car boot and punched his victim in the gut.

“I know it hurts right. Fuck you,” he hissed, pushing the crumpled man into the back of his car, “Oh cry baby, go on!” Gerard hissed, “I mean, I’m just a fag boy… I don’t like being called a fag boy,” Gerard told him, “But we can get into that later -sexy, first I’m gonna penetrate you in a different way,” he grinned, bracing the knife before dropping it into his stomach –it sunk in delightfully.

Zorro gasped like a dying fish, back arching, thighs flexing and eyes bulging. Gerard laughed out loud and knelt down, twisting his head at his captor and laughing throatily.

“Oh darling don’t look at me like that. No one can see us now,” Gerard purred, stroking Zorro’s face with malice, “You know I could have some fun with you sweetie, how about a kiss eh? Go on,” Gerard grinned, swooning his face in an inch as Andy tried to twist away, the knife preventing him from doing anything but make small squeaks.

“Uh what are you The Joker?” Gerard asked, imitating the voice Andy had used previously.

“Y-you’re sick,” Andy gagged, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

“Do you wanna know how I got these scars?” Gerard asked, Andy snarled under his breath, “Not the ones on my face,” Gerard asked, beginning to un button his waist coat and his shirt, “Theses buggers down here,” he grinned pulling his trousers down an inch to show a faint but thick scar, “And these ones,” he said, twisting his body to show off the jagged scars running up and down his sides.

“F-fuck y-you,” Andy gagged as Gerard snarled.

“My baby sitter was a bad man, an animal, a fucking kiddie fiddler,” Gerard began to hiss, “One night I was taking a bath. I was bout thirteen and he come in, slowly and tauntingly. A fucking knife denting the palm of his hand, -‘Why so serious?’ he asks, coming closer. He takes a step forward, staring like a predator at my flesh, practically ripping me apart with his eyes, -“Why so serious?” he asks again, drawing the blade out and sliding along my lower stomach in a quick fast motion,” Gerard spat whilst with drawing the blade form Andy.

Gerard drew a reasonably deep gash along his victim’s lower stomach. Andy writhed and began to sob.

“He licks the blood from me, then goes down lower, ignoring my cries for him to stop, “Why so serious?” he asks again, scratching my pure, virginal side with his fucking knife,” Gerard growled, scratching at Andy with his own knife, not deep, but enough, “He comes up and steals my first kiss before biting his way down my body, I writhe and I scream, he un plugs the bath water and I’m left in the open, struggling and crying. He clambers in after me and turns me around. I’m scared and shaking just like you,” Gerard whispered as Andy tried to cry out, hating the fact that Gerard face was so close to him.

“And then he begins to intrude, touching me in bad, bad places. Saying I’ve been a dirty boy for spying on the neighbour when she forgets to close her bathroom curtains. I cry, ‘Lets put a smile on that face!’ and he plunges into me, again and again -no not the knife, i think you can guess what- before releasing the fucking devil into me!” Gerard roared before slamming the boot door closed.

He quickly buttoned up his shirt and his waistcoat, licking his lips once before retreating back inside the house, ignoring the cries and pleas form his victim inside the trunk. He’ll be quiet soon anyway. Gerard walked through the hall, the party, up the stairs, along the landing into where the love of his life was.

Ren looked confused, her eyes blinking like she’s just woken.

“Hey Doll,” Gerard whispered, crawling along the bed towards her, “Have you just woken up?”

“Yeah –where’d you go?” Ren asked quietly whilst wrapping her arms round Gerard's waist.

“Toilet,” Gerard chuckled, “My bruises hurt,” he sighed, tracing the newly forming black blobs on his stomach, “And my nose,” he grinned, letting her cuddle into his chest.

“Well maybe I can make them better when we get back to your house, yeah?” she asked, a small smile on her lips.

“I’d like that,” Gerard said, also letting a wry smile creep onto his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like Ive updated loaddsss today when in actual fact I've done it about twice. Anways this will be the only chapter in third pers'on unless I say other wise.
Have fun reading and comment up when you can(: