Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


I swallowed and felt a dry raspy feeling in the back of my throat. I blinked a few times trying to gather my surroundings and lift myself up. I hadn’t felt this horrible waking up in ages, I pulled the cover off me and sat up, blinking again.

I was still in Mikey’s room, it was dark and I was on my own. I moved around, trying to feel my way around the pitch black room. My hand fell across a warm patch where he was lying before.

“Mikey?” I asked groggily, peering around.

I continued to move around to try and find his light. I felt some one come into the room, obviously all the lights in the house were turned off from the lack of light that was let in when the door opened.

“Mikey?” I asked again, I heard him sigh and the weight on the bed moved a little, “What’re you doing? What time is it?” I asked, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I felt him come closer, moving over me and reaching across, his hand swiping across my cheek, “M-Mikey?” I asked, suddenly feeling a pair of lips connect with my neck, “Get off me!” I said, pushing him back.

He grabbed my chin roughly and turned on the side light.

“Close guess,” Gerard grinned.

“Gerard?” I whispered as he smiled and wiggled his shoulders.

“The one and only baby,” he said, smiling wryly.

“W-where’s Mikey?” I asked as he tucked his hair behind his ears and reached behind him, “Gerard, what’re you doing?” I shakily asked, “I don’t want to see you right now, I told you… where’s Mikey?”

“Oh lover boy you mean? It would have a tad friendly of you to just tell me you were fucking my brother but hey –I guess I didn’t tell you about getting bummed up the ass a couple times,” he shrugged, clambering off me.

“Gerard –what are you doing?” Mikey asked, suddenly running in and swallowing, “How’d you get in?” Mikey questioned, scratching his head making his hair even more dishevelled than it already was, “Did you?” he asked me, I shook my head worriedly.

“You left the bathroom window open. And by the way next time you try and get her to break up with me, put the number in so I can’t trace the call,” Gerard snarled, “So how long has this business been going on for, huh?”

“Nothing’s been going on!” Mikey said, “What’re you talking about?” Mikey said, shaking his head.

“Don’t feed me that shit Mikey! I saw you too through the goddamn window. Was it nice snuggling up to my girlfriend? Don’t pretend you didn’t, I could see you getting all excited. It was a little hard to conceal. And you-“ he said turned and pointing at me, “Are a fucking slut, that’s my goddamn brother –he’s off bound you stupid-“

“Gerard!” Mikey shouted, “We both fell asleep okay? I woke up ten minutes later and realised I had fallen asleep! Nothing happened! I got up and went to sleep on the couch when I heard you’re voice,” Mikey explained.

“Why the hell was she round here in the first place!” Gerard exploded, kicking the leg of Mikey’s bed.

“Because I needed her to see that you need to get therapy, Gerard! You’re crazy! Look at yourself!” Mikey roared, “You date an underage girl, you’ve raped her, you’ve made a sex tape-“

“I didn’t do that!” Gerard yelled, turning beetroot, “I didn’t do either of those things! We love each other Mikey!” Gerard screamed.

“You did! I’ve shown her the fucking DVD!” Mikey shouted.

“La, la, la, I’m not listening!” Gerard screamed, his hands clamped over his ears. He stomped around the room screaming that he didn’t and that he wasn’t listening. Mikey’s chest heaved up and down in deep steady breaths as he paced round and grabbed the phone, quickly dialling a number.

“Mom, I need you round here now, bring his pills. And Steve,” Mikey said, Gerard screamed and charged at Mikey, his legs and arms flailing as he tried to take the phone from Mikey. He was sobbing now, Gerard I mean, screaming and wailing. Mikey slammed the phone down just in time, falling onto the bed when Gerard tried to punch him to a pulp. I grabbed Gerard’s forearms and tugged hard, managing to get him to flop over onto his back. He pulled himself up straight after, shoving me forcefully out of the way and jumping on Mikey again.

I broke down when Mikey started crying, Gerard kept hitting him anywhere. His thighs, his stomach, his ankles. Mikey yelled when Gerard slapped him across the face. I crawled back over to him and tried tugging at his legs instead, crying out when he turned on me like a wild boar and pounced on me. The door suddenly knocked and Mikey dithered as whether to try and pull Mikey off me or not.

“Just go get it!” I yelled, managing to block Gerard’s chest with my knees and kick him back.

“You fucking cunt! You betrayed me!” Gerard screaming, spit tears and snot running down his chin. I heard Donna scread when she saw the state we were both in, “I fucking trusted you heartless cunt!” Gerard screamed as Steve got up behind him and got Gerard’s arms in a firm hold before beginning to heave him back, “I trusted you!” he bellowed, “Get off me you stupid mother fucker!” Gerard cried, his voice hoarse and strangle form his non stop yelling.

I pushed myself up, clinging to the window sill for support as Steve pushed Gerard back against the bed, pinning his ankles down whilst Mikey pinned his wrists down. Donna stood in the door way with her hand over her mouth watching her oldest son squirm and sob crazily.

“Let me go,” Gerard cried, trying to shimmy this way and that, only succeeding in getting tangled in with the covers. Donna glanced up and noticed me, her brow momentarily furrowing.

“What’s going on with you and my sons?” she asked, tears pouring down her cheeks.

“She’s a slut! She’s been fucking us both!” Gerard roared from the bed, beginning to kick out and struggle again, even though his attempts were feeble. Donna’s eyes widened and her bottom lip began to quiver.

“I haven’t!” I intervened quickly, “I can’t explain it’s too complicated. Mikey and I haven’t done anything though, Gerard just got the wrong-“

“No I fucking didn’t, I know what I saw!” he yelled, beginning to put up a struggle and yell again, his face scrunched up as he tried to arch his back away from everyone. Mikey sat of Gerard’s chest and continued to hold him down.

“Mom, I can’t hold him back anymore –you’re gonna have to ring the police or something!” Mikey shouted over Gerard’s cries, “Get me some ties there in closet!” Mikey ordered, me and Donna both ran over to the closet and tugged the doors open. I held Gerard’s right wrist down whilst Mikey pulled Gerard’s left up to the bar and tied it tightly. Then did the same with the right, tying his elder brother to the bed like he was demented. He was demented.

“Mikey, un-tie me!” Gerard ordered as Steve let go off his ankles. We all took a few steps backwards, staring at the twenty eight year old fearfully, “Let me go!” Gerard roared throatily, making Donna jump when he rocked back and fourth to make the bed move, “I’m not an animal!” he cried.

“Let’s go,” Mikey murmured, beginning to walk out of the room, Donna and Steve quickly following.

“Doll -don’t leave me tied up, please, I love you!” Gerard sobbed desperately, clinging to his last hope of getting free. I left the room closing out his screams as the door clicked.
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Comment please, it's funny to hear what you guys think of all the characters!