Once Upon A Time, Back In Highschool


His hearing was blocked, his legs ached, his heart felt shallow and his brain reminded him of that time some one threw a lacrosse ball at his nose. He was going to die, everything he had, everything he made and everything that he had built was going to fall spectacularly to pieces in just a few more seconds.

He suddenly pushed his hand down in a last attempt to live and the dark grey strap released.

Water filled Gerard’s mouth like a tap and he gagged before grabbing the handle above his head and pulling himself out of the car trying to remember the do’s and don’t's about swimming.

"No!” Gerard squealed stubbornly, his slightly chubby legs purpling from being cold, “I hate water and I hate swimming!” he yelled disdainfully, grabbing the attention of a ife guard who just shook his head fondly.

“Come on son! Look, Mikey’s younger than you and he loves it!” Donald chuckled, “You can go on my back, come on, show mommy how good you look in youe new swimming trunks,” he grinned, rolling his eyes at Donna who was trying to keep a baby Mikey from splashing near by swimmers.

“Dad!” Gerard whined, “You know nothing! Batman can’t swim! I have Batman swimming trunks, therefore I can’t swim!” he announced, gaining chuckles from other people.

“Gerard, you’re going to be such a handful when you’re older. Come on my back, I’ll keep you safe. Batman has to learn to swim some time!” Donald laughed, Gerard stamped his feet and let out a long whine before clambering on his dad’s back, squealing when his toe accidently dipped into the water.

“Daddy, don’t drop me!” Gerard squealed, “I want to go with mom! I don’t trust you!” Gerard said, diddling his feet like a kitten to get let down, “Mom -don’t!” he exclaimed when he saw his mother playfully dragging his baby brother along in the water, “I want to hold him!” Gerard demanded.

“Only big boys who can swim get to hold the babies,” Donald said, becoming unbalanced when Gerard scrabbled down so he was in the water.

“I can swim- see! Give me Mikey!” Gerard exclaimed out stretching his blue arms so he could hold Mikey. Donna waded through the water and plopped Mikey down in the water, he was equipped with arms arm bands and rubber ring so there was no worries that he wouldn’t stay a float. Gerard wrapped his arms round his baby brother and stubbornly wouldn’t let go, even though Mikey also contributed by splashing his legs and arms around.

“Gerard, why doesn’t mom teach you to swim? Huh? Then you teach Michael when he’s older,” Donald smiled. Gerard thought this through in his head, before nodding, it’d be fun to try and teach Mikey something.

Donna stood a couple of feet in front of her worried looking son and smiled at him, tucking a wave of blonde hair behind her ears.

“Now, it’s very easy okay? I’ll catch you if anything happens. Kick your legs like Mikey was doing. Only do it on your tummy and I’ll hold your hands,” Donna explained. Gerard sighed and grabbed Donna’s hand, pushing himself up until he was kicking through the water, Donna trotted backwards and gradually began to let go of Gerard’s hands, chuckling when he started squealing not to let go.

Gerard tried again and again and again, for the full hour until eventually he managed to swim the width of the pool with Donna close behind.

“Mikey look at me! Look at me!” Gerard exclaimed, grabbing the edge of the pool and pushing off again to door another lap.

“Well done son, just kick your arms and your legs and the water will push you up.”

Gerard kicked his arms and his legs helplessly, his eyes beginning to pulse like a water pump behind his eyelids. He suddenly splintered through the surface of the lake, gasping, spluttering and coughing, his eyes feeling dry like he’s rubbed them too much. He continued to kick and flail his arms before he grabbed the rock of the cliff, just under an over hang, making him have to duck his head.

Just kick your arms and your legs and the water will push you up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sequel should be up soon. I wanna take a bit of time writing it though.
For all of you that have taken time commenting, thankyou so much.
If you wanna point out anything I could do better, say now and I'll make it better in the sequel.