Andy, You're A Star


"You're going to call us still, right? I mean, you're not just going to forget about us, are you?" Jeremy asked, near hysterics, the week before I would leave for home. It was hard to talk to them about it; they'd made my life so much better since coming here. They made this potentially life-ruining decision bearable, to say the least. I was going to miss them, I'd told Jeremy and Jane, and of course I would call. I wasn't likely to forget about them.

For the past few days, I'd been trying everything I could think of to get a hold of Oliver. Tom kept picking up his phone, though, saying that he left it home when he went out. I wasn't that worried at first; it wasn't strange for Oli to forget his phone. He wouldn't return my texts or anything, and when Tom picked up for the fifteenth time, he sounded sad and worn out.

"Andy, I'm sorry. He's not home. I'll tell him you call, promise," and I believed him. But just because he told Oli I called, didn't mean that Oli would call me back. My stomach twisted like it always did when I thought of not having Oli there when I got back.

"Tom, I'm coming home. In two days. Can you please tell Oliver that? Make him listen to you. I know he probably doesn't want anything to do with me, but please...just tell him," I said quickly, feeling my throat close up as I spoke. I was scared and on the verge of tears, a fact that Tom didn't need to know about.

"You're coming home? That's brilliant! Are your mum and dad picking you up at the airport, then?" he asked, and I sighed shakily.

"Actually, I was hoping that Oli would be there to get me, but..." I trailed off, trying to compose myself. I was sure that Tommy had heard the way my voice quivered and shook.

"I'll make sure he's there, love. Don't worry. He'll come around once he sees your pretty face again. He's a stubborn prick right now, but we all know that he can't stay away from you," his voice was optimistic, but it provided little solace. Even though nobody knew Oliver the way Tom did.

"Thanks Tommy. Call me back tonight?"

"Sure, sure. Take care, kid," his voice showed his smiled, and we both hung up.

As soon as the line went dead, I broke down. It was happening more and more frequently. I was starting to lose the control I once had over my emotions, and it was hurting me. I mean, how many times can I cry over Oliver before it wears me to the point of uselessness.

I wasn't going to let him just give up on us. I knew, despite what I used to tell myself, that what we had was real, and I was going to fight for him.

Because I achieved what I meant to by coming here. My confidence was now solid, and though I was constantly crying over Oliver, I felt better and more assured of myself. I knew who I was.

Here's the basics; my name is Andrea Ross, I'm five-foot-two, I weigh one-hundred and ten pounds, very small, brown eyes, I've got newly black and red hair, and I am in love with Oliver Scott Sykes.

And I was aware enough now to know that contrary to what he's made himself think, Oliver needs me just as much as I need him.

He's not going to escape that easily.

Oliver's POV

"Oliver Scott Sykes, stop being such a fuckin' bleedin' heart prick and call her back! She's in pain, and it's your fault! If you would stop makin' me your damned messenger, you'd know she's going to be home Friday. She wants you to pick her up at the airport," Tom was talking to me in that tone that said he clearly thought he was being the good person here. I tried to ignore him, until he told me that Andy would be home in just two days. It caught me off guard. I had to glance at the calender on the wall, and was confused when I saw that she was supposed to be coming back in two weeks, not two days.

"Can't do that, Tommy," I said, and he yelled a loud, wordless, aggravated yell. I haven't seen Tom so distressed since I broke his red Power Ranger in the second grade. His face was turning red and his fists were balled and he was glaring daggers at me.

It was impressive, but I wasn't going to give. He could pick Andy up at the airport with Shauna. Andy would like that.

"Why the FUCK not?! I swear Oliver, sometimes you've got such a thick fuckin' skull, I don't know how you passed your tenth year!" he screamed, getting up in my face.

"Don't see why this is such a big deal to you, Tom. What do you care if Andy and I break up?" It hurt to say the words, and Tom could tell. His face went blank, and he was silent for a moment, before his hands were gripping the sides of my head, forcing me to look at him.

"Guess you're blind too, Ol. She's the best thing that has EVER happened to you. I can see it inside you, you've never been happier in your life. You need her, and she needs you. If you could just hear the way she begs me to give you messages when she calls. She's hurting, Ol. I know that kills you. Don't try to lie to me, either. I know you better than that." His voice was no longer angry, it was urgent. Everything he was saying was true, but I still couldn't go and get her from the airport. I had a date that night with Archel.

She was no Andy, but she was pretty and kind of smart. I now compared every girl I came in contact with to Andy. "Her eyes are emotionless, unlike Andy's." was something I found myself thinking. Or "her face has nothing on Andy's" and sometimes even "Her laugh is so grating compared to Andy's angel voice."

But Archel was nice and she liked to have fun. Very laid back. She seemed almost the opposite of Andy in some ways. She had long, black hair and caramel tinted skin. Her eyes were a vivid green, very beautiful, but I preferred brown eyes. She was small like Andy, though, and she had the same sense of humor.

She and Andy would probably be friends, granted Andy doesn't hate Archel because I've been seeing her.

"You and Shauna can go get her from the airport. I've got a date," I said, and his eyes squeezed shut. Great. Now not only was I hurting the only girl I've ever loved, but I was causing my brother pain as well.

"You're making a big fuckin' mistake, Oli. One that I'm not going to be able to help you fix. I hope you know what you're doing," he sighed, and left the room, leaving me in silence.

And the prize for biggest ponce in England goes to OLIVER SCOTT SYKES!

I knew I was making a mistake. It was apparent to me. But I also knew that I had to try to save Andy the corruption and pain she would undoubtedly face by being with me.

Fast Forward 2 Days
Andy's POV

I got back to London right on time, and immediately scanned the area for Oliver. Tom had said everything was fine when I talked to him last, and I assumed that meant Oliver would be here to get me, so I looked and looked again, until I saw Tom's smiling face. Under his right arm was Shauna, also grinning widely. I hurried through the crowd and tackled them both in a hug.

Hopefully they would think that I was crying because I was happy to see them, and not because Oli had abandoned me once and for all.

I wasn't giving up on him though.

"I missed you two so much," I sighed, stepping back. They both looked me over and grinned.

"Nice look," Tom said, just before Shauna laughed and added, "Very sexy. Oli is such a douche for ditching."

We fell quiet, and Tom threw a quick glance at Shauna, who looked like she regretted saying anything.

"I'll go find your luggage," she smiled small and walked toward the luggage pick-up. I was thankful that I invested in water-proof make-up because I knew I would be doing a lot of crying either way this turned out.

"So...didn't want to see me, did he?" I sighed, wiping my eyes and sighing.

"Shauna was right, Andy. Oli's just being a prick."

"So where is he? What was so important that he couldn't suffer through my company with you two?"

Tom suddenly looked nervous, like he was afraid to say what he was going to.

"He's actually on...a date, sort of?" His words hit me like a train. I couldn't hold back the sob as my face and will power crumbled. Tom's arms were around me instantly, patting my back and whispering comforts into my ear. My entire frame shook as I cried, and Tom held me close, and I felt like dying.

How could he just forget about me? It wasn't fair.

"We'll get him back to you, Andy. I promise. Seeing you again will bring back a lot of the buried feelings, I know that. But don't give up like he did. He's hurting too, Andy. He wants to give up and come back to you, but his ego won't allow it," he said humorlessly, and I laughed in spite of myself, taking comfort in the familiarity of Tom himself. The way his voice sounded, his cologne that was the same as Oliver's (their mum bought them each a bottle for Christmas) and the way he cheered me up effortlessly.

"So I'm still welcome at the Sykes' home?" I asked, and Tom scoffed, pulled away but keeping his arm around my shoulders.

"Always, Andy. Mum is excited to cook you supper," he laughed, and Shauna came back with my bags, and we headed home.

Though I was wounded today, it wasn't going to stop me. I was going to fight for Oliver until my hands were bloody and my muscles were sore, if that's what it would take.

And I wasn't going to be alone in this, according to Tom.

As long as I loved Oliver, I would fight for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short short short.
I'm almost done with the next part, as well.
It'll be posted tonight.
I really just want to get through this part.
I have everything up until chapter 16 planned and written, but I still have a lot of changes to make.

Also, I'm going to Minnesota this weekend, so I won't have Internet access, which in turn means that there will be no updates this weekend.
I'm getting ahead of the game right now, so that I can take a break this weekend.
And I'm really bored.

Comments are always appreciated.
Knowing you guys like this story makes me enjoy writing it.

BTW....go listen to Nickasaur!
He makes me happppppy.