Andy, You're A Star


I tossed back the two little dark red pills and a few gulps of water, before setting the cup in the sink and heading to the stairs. My head throbbed from the migraine I've had since earlier in the morning.

If that little ponce thought that he was going to get rid of me that easily, he's in for a real surprise. And if you knew Oli at all, you'd know that he hates surprises. Especially ones that end up making him the loser.

There was a party tonight that Tom and one of his friends was throwing at said friends house. Shauna and Tom said it would be a good opportunity to get back into the swing of things. You know, get back to how it was before.

I agreed to come, but for a different reason. I didn't want things to be the way they were before. I wanted Oliver to come crawling back to me. I wanted him to see what he was missing out on.

I had a plan to accomplish this, too.

It was a good plan. From what I've heard from Tom, this was going to be the biggest party of the summer. School would be starting soon, and so there was little time for big parties like this. I've also been told that most of the student body was going to be there.

I just had to find someone to make Oli extremely jealous, and boom. However, I'm a realist, and it's probably not going to work that well, but I'm a desperate woman.

But first things first.

I went straight to my dresser and slid open the top drawer where my bra's and panties were. I pulled out a leopard print bra and a black thong, and set them on top of the dresser as I continued my search.

I took out a black cut up Ramones tank top that fit tight to my body, showing off bits and pieces of skin and set it with the bra and panties, before pulling out the icing on the cake.

I picked out the hot pink skinny jeans because they were bright and attracted a lot of attention, which is exactly what I was going for tonight.

I went to the bathroom and showered, before getting dressed and fixing up my make-up. I always save my hair for last, because it takes me the longest.

I mussed up my hair and teased it, before spraying it so it would stay. I repeated the process two more times, and sprayed it one final time, before deciding it look good. I glanced at the clock next to my bed and smiled. The party was set to start at nine, and it was about eight-thirty right now.

I slipped my feet into a pair of black flats and sprayed on some perfume. After making sure I looked as good as I felt, I grabbed my Sidekick and went out to way for Shauna to pick me up.

She pulled up in her little red car about a minute after I stepped out onto the porch, and when I slid into the car, she let out a low whistle.

"Damn Andy. If Oli doesn't realize what he's missing out on, I'm going to personally kick his arse. You look gorgeous, pet," she grinned, pulling away from the curb.

It didn't take very long to get to the house, which was already packed. It was out on the outskirts of town, so there was no worry of noise complaints. The music shook the ground, and my stomach flipped as we got closer.

Tom was nowhere to be seen, and Shauna had set off to look for him, while I went to get a drink.

As I pushed my way through the crowd, a lot of the jocks that had once made fun of me, were now making cat calls and whispered some vulgar things in my direction. Some of them were already drunk, which amazed me a little.

"Andrea?" someone said from behind me, and I turned to see Cody standing there, smiling. I grinned back; Cody was in my marine biology class last year. He was one of the few people who spoke to me for reasons other than the fact that I was dating Oli. He was nice, but I'd never hung out with him outside of school. I also knew that he was kind of a player and he had a lot of girlfriends.

Oli hated Cody because of some old fight that never got resolved, but I saw nothing wrong with the kid. Besides, he was kind of adorable. He had big hazel eyes and dark brown hair that was almost to his shoulders. He listened to a lot of black metal, though. It was his only downfall.

"Hey Cody. How's your summer been?" I asked, putting on my best smile.

"Excellent, actually. I don't think I've ever done so much partying in my life! How about you? I heard you went to the U.S."

"Yeah, I visited my brother for a while, but I missed home. No place like Sheffield," I chuckled quietly and he nodded a few times.

"Well, it seems as though we've got a lot of catching up to do. I'll go get us some drinks, and then we'll go someplace quiet to talk," he grinned, touching my cheek lightly with his fingertips before he disappeared into the crowd.

I sighed, leaning against the table behind me. I watched the people around me as they drank themselves sick, walked out for a smoke, or sucked face with their disposable best night of the week partners. It was on the third or fourth scan of the crowd that I saw Oli. He had just poked his overly-hair sprayed head through the door, strutting in with a girl that was close to my height with tanned skin and long, black hair.

I assumed that this was Archel because of the way Oli had his arm draped behind her neck and was holding her close to him.

I looked away from Oliver but couldn't seem to stop staring at Archel. She had a slightly wide nose, but it fit perfectly with her pouty lips and soft face. She was very little, just like me, and wore a white Radiohead v-neck and a pair of black skinny jeans, as well as a pair of leopard print flats on her feet. I could see the appeal that Oli felt, but it didn't make me any less pissed off about the entire situation.

Cody returned a few minutes later and handed me a warm beer, and I told him I wanted to dance first. He agreed and we set our drinks at the table, before I led him to a small open space in the sea of bodies. The song was fast paced and fun to dance to, but I got tired quickly and really wanted to loosen up.

I reached for my drink and gulped about three-fourths of it down, before returning to Cody. His hands were gripping my hips, and our bodies were close as we rocked to the beat.

After about twelve more beers each, Cody and I were pretty piss-drunk, and I was getting tired of dancing.

"Less go for a walk, 'kay?" I grinned, leaning into him and slipping my arms around his waist.

He nodded, wiggling his eyebrows, and I giggled, following him out to the back yard. I didn't think anything of it when we broke the edge of the woods, because it was still very light from the moon.

"Hey, where're we goin'?" I slurred, and Cody crushed his lips against mine. I kissed him back for a moment, but it wasn't the same as kissing Oli. I didn't have to be sober to know that.

"Wait, I don't think that's a good idea," I said, and Cody rolled his eyes, pressing me against a tree and grinding his hips into mine. His lips dragged clumsily over my throat as his hands fumbled at my pants.

"Stop, Cody," I told him, my voice a little more firm. He continued, yanking my pants past my hips, and I started to cry, struggling against him. But he was bigger than me by at least fifty pounds, and I couldn't manage to push him off me. He shoved me to the ground and straddled my waist, his hands pushing my shirt up over my chest.

"Get the fuck off of me," I was screaming now, but we were far from the house and the music was loud. My fingers clawed at the dirt around me, and I felt my fake nails being torn off, but I couldn't stop.

This wasn't the way I intended things to go, and if I didn't stop him soon, Cody was going to rape me. This thought made me hysterical, and I started swinging at his face, anything to distract him enough so that I could get away from him.

My fist connected with his jaw, but it didn't do much. "Bitch," he sneered, and hit me in the face. I was still crying, and he was undoing his belt. He was clumsy with drunkenness, so it was taking him a long time to get his belt open. Meanwhile, my fingers searched and hunted for something I could hit him with. My fingertips, now dripping with blood, grazed across a rough surface. I curled my fingers around the rock and swung for his face again. It was a solid, thick sound that came from the rock connecting with his skull, and he didn't pass out like they do in the movies, but he did fall sideways off of me.

I wasted no time, yanking my pants back up and getting off the ground. I heard him groan behind me, but I didn't look back as I ran toward the sound of the music through the forest blurred by tears. My face stung and I could feel the blood rushing to the place where that bastard had hit me, but I didn't slow down until I saw the lights from the house and a few of my classmates in the backyard.

My hair was tangled and messy, and I couldn't button my pants with my bloody, torn up fingers, but I did manage to get into the house. I screamed Oliver's name over and over again, desperate to find him, or Tom, or anyone. I wanted to vomit because my head was spinning and my fingers were throbbing and my headache was back worse than ever, not to mention I was sobbing uncontrollably.

Finally, after I shoved through the mass of people, I stumbled into the semi-empty family room where Oli, Archel, Tom and Shauna were all sitting. Tom saw me first and his eyes bulged, showing too much white.

"Andy, jesus fucking christ, what happened to you?" Oli jumped up off the couch and rushed over to me. I could barely hear his voice over the music, and I flinched when he touched my arms. The four of them crowded around me, and I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I gripped the front of Oliver's shirt.

Everyone was silent for a long time, before Oli leaned over to Tom and said something. Then he turned to Archel and told her that Tom would take her home, and that he was sure she understood.

Archel just nodded, looking somewhere between scared and sad as Oli gently pried my blood mess fingers from his flannel shirt, holding them gingerly in his hands as he led me out to his car. He stopped next to the car and released my hands, before buttoning my pants for me and zipping them up, before fastening the belt and helping me into the car.

We drove in relative silence back to the house, and when I say relative, I mean that the only sound in the car was the sounds of my sobs, broken and rasping.

Oliver helped me out of the car, taking my hands in his again, and walked me into the house.

He opened the door and took me to the bathroom, sitting me down on the toilet seat. As Oli started to fill the bath tub, I continued to cry. I wasn't just crying about tonight now, though. I was crying about everything that has happened over the summer and about Oliver moving on, and about my fingers throbbing.

"Andy," he said quietly, and I tried to calm myself to better hear his voice.

"Andy, you've got to get cleaned up, and then we need to bandage up your fingers. I'll help you if you need me to, or else I'll be right outside the door," he told me, watching my eyes for a while. Then he stood up and started toward the door. I panicked a little and grabbed him, desperately wishing that he would just stay with me.

"No, stay, please," I shuttered, and he nodded, helping me stand. I was shaking violently, and he shut the faucet off. The water in the tub was giving off a little bit of steam, and it looked inviting.

I felt Oli's hands undoing my belt and button and zipper, and I didn't mind because he was being incredibly gentle and careful. He looked up at my face every now and then, gaging my expression. I was still crying, but not as hard as before. Oli let my pants fall to my ankles, and held my hands as I stepped away from them.

He took the hem of my shirt between his fingers and pulled it slowly over my head. I lifted my arms, and Oli let the shirt drop to the floor next to my pants.

"No peeking now," I said quietly, my voice still shaking a little.

He turned away, but remained close enough to touch. I slipped out of my panties and took off my bra, before stepping into the hot bath water.

I lowered myself down, feeling slightly unsteady, and then I curled myself around my knees and told Oli it was okay now.

It was quiet again, and he sat next to the tub, watching me carefully.

"Stop looking at me like that, Oliver. Like I was just asking for it. Like I deserved that," I said quietly, staring at him.

"I ought to kill him for that, Andy. It would be worth the jail time to see that fucker in the ground," his voice was harsh and heated, now that he saw I was okay.

"Is this was it takes to get you to care for me again?" I asked, and he clenched his teeth. I was making him angrier.

"I never stopped caring, Andy."

"Then why the fuck did you give up on me?" I yelled, moving my face closer to his. My fingers stung under the hot water, and I could feel my face swelling as I spoke, but I couldn't find it in me to care at the moment.

"It was for your own good."

"Don't you think that maybe I should be the judge of that?"

"You'd never admit that I'm bad for you."

"Fuck, Oli, why do you have to make things so bloody impossible?"

"I already told you."

"That's not good enough for me," I said quietly, scrubbing at the blood on my fingers. I just wanted to get this over with and go to bed. It hurt like a bitch, but I didn't much care at the moment.

Twenty minutes later, I was in Oliver's room in my pajama's because I didn't want to be alone. I sat cross legged on his bed and watched as he walked around the room, trying to make himself seem busy.

"Oli," I said quietly, and he stopped and looked at me.

"I don't want to be alone anymore," I said, and his expression softened as he came over and knelt in front of me.

"Kiss me, just once, and then tell me that you don't love me anymore. Just once, that's all I ask," I spoke quietly, and he sighed.

"Please," I begged, and he brushed his fingertips over my cheek (the one that wasn't swollen) looking over my face carefully.

"Just once," he agree, and held my face as he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Messy stuff, that is.
Sorry for the extreme lack of updates.
I know, I'm an arse.
More soon, hopefully.