Andy, You're A Star


School started two weeks later, and then the time really started to pass. It was like every day lasted only an hour, and if you even stopped to blink, you'd lose your footing because of how fast the world was spinning.

Before I could stop to catch my breath, Oli's seventeenth birthday was on the horizon, and I had no idea what I was going to do for him. We were closer now than we ever were before; I think that the fact that both of us had felt what it was like to be away from each other. Neither of us wanted to go through that again.

Oli was excited for his birthday, but he refused to tell me what he wanted. It frustrated me; I wasn't very good at coming up with impromptu gifts, and it was all that was on my mind the day before his party. It was Friday, and we had just gotten home from school, and I was laying on Oli's bed while he sat at his computer and mixed one of the songs the band had recorded for their EP.

At this point, I could tell he was getting bored, because instead of doing noise reduction and the necessary things, he was adding techno beats to the background, and throwing in random siren noises and other weird shit that didn't fit the songs at all.

I sighed loudly, rolling over so that my face was buried in Oli's pillow.

"Just want it to be tomorrow! Wanna get sick!" I heard him groan, and I smiled. Oli and I had made an agreement that we would only drink at parties that really meant something. Like birthday parties. And the last birthday party we had was mine, in October, which was already almost a month ago.

I rolled back over and stared at the ceiling.

"Ol, are we gonna go out before the party? Just me and you?" I asked, and saw him stand from the chair. He crawled on the bed next to me, laying on his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows.

"If you want, babe," he smiled, leaning over and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled when he pulled away, but he wasn't getting the point.

"It's your birthday. Go out or stay in?" I asked again, and he thought for a moment.

"Let's stay in, hm? Just the two of us, and a girlie movie, and lots of snugglin'. We're going to be out all night anyway," he shrugged, and I nodded, still smiling.

"That sounds nice," I told him, and he kissed me again. This one lasted longer, and was much more passionate than the last.

While he kissed me, it became acutely clear to me that we'd never gone further than making out with very little clothing on. Oli had never pressured me since the time I told him I just wasn't ready, but I could feel his eagerness; the want and need was seeping out of him through his kisses. He was oddly tense, and a normal person probably wouldn't have thought anything of it, but I knew Oli better than anyone.

I debated for a while, my mind kind of working in two separate area's. Like half of me couldn't focus on anything thing but Oli's lips against mine, and the other half was brewing a plot to make this birthday one of the most memorable in Oli's life.

So I guess that solved the gift problem. I definitely wasn't making a snap decision, either. The thought had been there for months; ever since I got back from California. But now I was sure. But I had to make some prerequisites, at least. Like we would absolutely, in no way be drunk when it actually happened.

Which was okay, because the part wouldn't start until nine anyways. It gave us plenty of time. And nobody would be home that night; Oli's parents had already thrown him a little, family only birthday party because they had to leave town, and would be gone until December First. Tom and Shauna would be helping set up the party, so I had the whole house to work to my advantage.

And just because I've never had sex before, doesn't mean that I don't know how to be seductive.

Tomorrow will be a night that neither I, nor Oli, will ever forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was short.
But the next one is going to super duper long. (that's what she said...)
As always, story comments are very very very appreciated.
I really do love you all.
You're the reason I post these for all eyes to see.
I'm serious.
And Brittanee is the best ever.
Go read her Oli series. I'll put a link on my profile.