Andy, You're A Star


The day of Oli's birthday, I woke him up around ten so that he could get to practice on time. He was there until four in the afternoon, and by the time he got home, he was dead tired. He fell into bed instantly after giving me a slow kiss. I told him I was leaving for a while after I showered, and I'd be back to wake him up before dinner.

I grabbed some clothes before heading into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I ran the water and stripped out of my clothes, throwing them into the dirty clothes hamper and testing the water. I shivered, and stepped into the warm water, sighing quietly.

After I finished with my shower, I dried off and got dressed. I hooked my strapless bra with little rainbow lightning bolts all over it, slipped into the matching cotton thong, and shimmied into a pair of white skinny jeans. I pulled my favorite Smashing Pumpkins shirt over my head and fastened my belt around my waist.

After I was all dressed, I dried my hair and teased it a little. I straightened the ends, and went on to put on my make-up. I rimmed my eyes with eyeliner, thickened my lashes with mascara, and powdered on a little charcoal gray eyeshadow on my lids. I rarely ever wore any cover-up, and today was no different. I didn't need it. My face had plenty of color without it.

I rolled on a bit of lip shine and figured it was about time I get a move on so that I'd be able to get back soon enough to wake Oli for his birthday dinner.

I picked up my purse and Oli's keys, shutting the door quietly behind me. I made my way down the stairs, running into Tom in the hallway.

"Oi, Andy, what're you doin' for Ol today?" he asked, and I shrugged, holding back a laugh. Tom looked like a train wreck. His hair was sticking up every which way, and he had huge purple bags under his eyes.

"Goin' to dinner after he catches a quick nap. You and Shauna are supposed to go to Matt N's to help set up for the party, and then I'm coming back here to hang out with Oli for a few hours before he's due at the party. You have to stay at Matt's and tie up loose ends," I told him. He looked upset.

"Why are you givin' me that look?"

"What look?" he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

"The look that clearly means that if you could set stuff on fire with your mind, my head would be in flames right now."

"Why do I have to stay at Matt's forever?" Tom's voice was whiny, like it always was when me and Oli made him do something he didn't want to.

"Because I said so."

"Who made you boss?"

"I did."

"That's not fair."

"Stop whining, Tom. Shauna's gonna be there too. She didn't complain. And neither did anyone else," I glared, and he pouted.

"But-," he started to say, but I cut him off.

"No but's. It's not even going to be that long."

"Fine, but don't get mad at me if Shauna and I have a quickie on the snack table," he said, before he turned and walked back into his room, slamming the door behind him.

I grimaced and continued down the stairs.

I drove to the mall and went to Victoria's Secret. It was going to be part of Oli's surprise, and as the time grew closer, I started to feel a little nervous. There was nobody in the world I wanted more than Oli, and I've definitely waited long enough to make a move. So I shouldn't be nervous, right? Ha, right.

I sighed, and started looking around. I picked out a few different sets, and ended up leaving with more than I planned. I carried the little pink bag back out to the car, and checked the time.

It was almost six. Perfect. The party started at around nine, which gave me plenty of time.

When I got back home, the house was vacant of everyone except Oli, who I could clearly hear snoring from downstairs.

I smiled and took the bag upstairs into Oli's room, stashing it in the closet. I pulled his favorite black skinnies from the dresser, along with a black and purple buffalo plaid shirt and his black belt.

Glancing to the bed, my stomach flipped when I saw Oli laying there, sound asleep. An overwhelming sensation poured over me, and I was suddenly on the verge of tears. It was hard for me to believe that I could be so incredibly and unconditionally in love with this boy.

I took a deep breath and went into the bathroom, setting his clothes on the counter and starting the water. I let it warm up, and went to wake up Oliver.

I already had a smile on when I went back into his room, and he was laying on the floor with the blanket tangled around him. How he managed to end up on the floor without waking up or making a sound, I'll never know, but it made me giggle.

His face was pressed to the ground, and his right arm was bent at an awkward angle, while both of his legs were still on the bed. It looked really uncomfortable. I didn't feel bad about waking him up.

"Oli," I crouched down next to him and touched his face. He groaned and attempted to move, sliding to the floor completely.

"Oww," he whined, his voice thick with sleep. I giggled again.

"Morning, birthday boy. Comfy?" I asked, and he cracked one of his eyes open to look at me.

"Not really. Why'd ya push me outta bed?" he grumbled, and went about getting himself off the floor.

"I didn't. I went to run your shower, and you were like that when I came back," I explained, and he sighed loudly, stumbling toward me. His foot was caught in the blanket still, and he leaned into me while trying to untangle it. Finally he did, and moved forward, wrapping his arms around me. He was very warm still, and it felt good to press my cheek against his chest.

"How long have you been back?" he asked, resting his head on mine.

"'Bout twenty minutes." I could see goosebumps popping up all over his exposed skin. It was pretty chilly in here, especially since he was only in his boxer-briefs.

"I better shower so we can go eat then," he said, but pulled me closer and shivered.

"Probably should," I agreed, kissing his neck.

"Mhm," he sighed, tilting my face up to his with one long finger.

"Yeahhh," I chuckled, before he pressed his lips into mine. The cold metal of his snakebites sent shivers over my skin, and my fingers were gripping his sides, trying to pull him closer.

"You could join me, if ya want," he said, grinning when he pulled back.

"Ol, I just showered."

"Well you stink. So you should shower again," he joked, and I pouted.

"Aww, I was just kiddin', love. You smell beautiful," he chuckled, kissing me again.

"We're wasting a lot of time. You gonna be able to shower in less than fifteen minutes?" I asked, and he thought for a moment, before nodding.

"I'll be downstairs then," I smiled, pecked him on the lips once more, and swiveled out of his arms. He got some clothes and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

About half an hour later, Oli and I were sitting in a little diner on Main, where we had our dinner. The evening passed quickly for the most part, and the drive home was comfortable and quiet. But something changed when Oliver pulled into the driveway and shut off the car.

We sat, silent and tense for a long moment, before Oli laughed quietly.

The air was static, and when I looked over at him, his face was as serious as I'd ever seen it. For a minute I thought maybe he was onto my plan, but then he smiled small and spoke.

"Thanks for the dinner, lovely. Best birthday meal I've ever had," he grinned, and leaned over. When his lips touched mine, I thought I would lose it. I could feel the desperation and nervousness seeping out of me through the kiss.

And apparently, so could Oli.

"Whoa," he breathed when he pulled away, and I blushed, my hand shooting out for the door handle.

"Maybe we should go inside. It's kinda chilly out here," I mumbled, hearing Oli chuckle as I got out of the car. He followed though, and I calmed down a bit when his fingers slipped between mine. It reminded me that it was Oli, and no matter what happened, he would still love me.

We went inside, and it was dark like we'd left it. Everyone was at the party getting ready, while Oli and I were here, enjoying each other. We made it inside, and I barely had time to kick my shoes off before his lips were against mine. It surprised me, but it made my part easier.

I kissed him back eagerly, and he groaned when his fingers convulsed on my hips. I sighed, breaking away from him and smiling.

"Let's go upstairs," I told him, and pulled him with me toward the stairs. He didn't complain, but I could sense his confusion. I probably didn't help either, when I left him outside the room, and told him to wait there. After I shut the door on him, I changed quickly into one of the new sets of panties I bought.

The bottoms were my favorite. It was a silky red and black v-string with a bow on the back. I thought it was fitting, seeing as it was his birthday and I was essentially his present. The bra matched, and had a bow on the front, between the breasts. I shook out my hair quick and ruffled it a little, before calling out for Oli to come in.

I stood in front of the bed and put on my best innocent smile, as I watched his look of confusion vanish instantly. It was replaced by something close to disbelief.

"Andy, what..." he trailed off and his eyes trailed very slowly over me. He swallowed hard, before meeting my eyes again. "What is this?" he asked, and I bit back a giggle. This was a better reaction than I was hoping for.

"Your birthday present. You like it?" I asked, walking toward him. I did a little turn so his could see the bow, and bit my bottom lip when I stopped inches from the front of his body.

"Jesus Andy," he swallowed again, licked his lips, and squeezed his eyes shut tight.

"What's wrong?" I asked, feigning innocence again. I knew what was wrong without him telling me.

"Nothing, it's," he smiled nervously, shaking his head.

"You don't like it?" I pouted, taking a step back. That did it.

Three things happened at once. The door was flung shut behind Oliver, he lunged forward and pulled me against him, and his lips crushed against mine so hard, it almost hurt. His hands roamed over my back, careful not to go too low. And while the touching seemed safe enough, the kiss was anything but. His tongue probed my mouth and his lips moved hastily against mine.

This sensation alone was almost too much for me to handle.

I pulled away to breathe, and Oli was immediately apologizing.

"I have no idea what came over me, I'm sor-"

"Oli," I said his name quietly, but he heard me and stopped talking.

"Obviously I knew this was going to happen. Why else would I be standing here in these skanky panties?" I smiled, and he looked confused again.


"Planned on it, actually." He wasn't catching on.

"Oliver," I sighed, slipping my arms around his waist and moving myself closer to him, "I love you more than anything in this world, and I know you feel the same. We've been dating for over a year. I think you've proved that no matter what shit I throw at you, you're always going to be there."

"O'course I will. That's what love is about, ain't it?" he smiled, and I returned it.

"Love is also about getting close to each other. And I've kept you at a safe distance for long enough."

The implications that were heavy in my voice finally tipped him off.

"Are you sure? I mean you don't have to do-"

"Oli. I'm your birthday present. Are you going to unwrap me or what?" I raised my eyebrows, and he got this look on his face that was so utterly masculine, I had to lick my suddenly dry lips. It showed in his eyes; he'd finally won without even realizing it.

His fingers gripped the back of my neck gently and pulled my face to his for the most intense kiss I've ever experienced, and probably ever will. I had to fight to keep my knees from buckling as I leaned into him and gave myself to the sensations I had no idea Oli could provide.

He'd never kissed me like this, or held me like this, or looked at me the way he was now.

Oli didn't ask again if I was ready, or if I was sure. He took my word for it.

And thank god for that, because I don't think I could have answered him if he did.

It was hard to focus on anything now that I was finally seeing Oli the way I'd always longed to. He was so damn beautiful, so perfect in my eyes, that I could no longer point out any of the flaws that used to drive me crazy.

I loved him. And he loved me.

I could feel it in every movement, in every kiss and touch, and every word breathed against my skin.

And when it was all over and I lay with my cheek pressed against his bare shoulder, our breathing back to normal, I looked up at him and smiled.

"Happy Birthday, Oliver," I told him, and he brought his face to mine. This kiss was slow and sweet and sincere, my favorite kind of kisses to get from Oli.

"I love you, Andy. Always."

It was hard to get up and go to the party, but we had all night and all of our lives to lay together, sleep together, and be together.

It made everything more bearable knowing that.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't want to get too graphic.
But that was for sure written for Sammi.
Because she melts my brain with her awesomeness.
Was this too rushed?