Andy, You're A Star


“Andy,” a voice whispered, and I immediately knew it was Oli. I tried to open my eyes, but I felt so tired, I just layed there.

“Andy, you awake?” he whispered again, and I felt the bed shift under his weight.

I groaned, sinking deeper into the comforter. My body was sore all over, like I ran a marathon the night before. I just wanted to sleep, but apparently, Oli wasn’t having that.

He leaned closer, and his hand slid over my stomach, coming to a rest on my side. I sighed, keeping my eyes closed.

“C’mon, love. You’ve been sleepin’ long enough,” his lips were against my ear, and I shivered, squeezing my eyes shut tighter.

“I made you breakfast,” he told me, moving his mouth to my neck. He started to kiss and suck on my skin, and I made a small noise. I heard Oli laugh, as his hand started to roam over my skin. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take, and I hoped secretly that Oli hadn’t put too many layers on when he got dressed.

“Wake up,” he nipped at my neck, and I squeaked, jumping a little. He laughed quietly, and I groaned, rolling away from him. I snuggled into his pillow, and shut my eyes again.

A soft touch fluttered down my side, stopping at my hip. Oli moved closer to me, kissing my shoulder and squeezing my side. I squirmed under his touch, and he knew it, because he started to slip his hand across my waist and to lower things. That was the last straw.

I gasped, my eyes shooting open. He chuckled deeply into my ear, kissing my jaw and face.

“There you are,” I could hear his smirk, as he ran his fingers across my thigh.

“Okay, you win,” I sighed, and rolled toward him. I put myself above him, and was pleased to find that he was shirtless. From this angle, straddling his waist, I could clearly see all of his beautiful tattoo’s. I never got bored of looking at Oli’s skin.

“You know you’re still bare from last night, right love?” he asked, his eyes wandering over my body. I smiled and ran my hands up his stomach and over his chest, until I could press my lips against his. He was eager now, enjoying himself thoroughly while I explored his mouth. He bucked his hips into me, and I gasped, breaking away and biting my lip.

“What?” he asked, sitting up. He put a hand on my lower back to hold me up, and I cringed.

“Nothing, I’m just a little sore,” I said, and his eyes widened.

“From last night? Was I too rough? Andy, I-” he looked so worried, and I laughed a little, pulling his face to mine.

“Oli, it’s fine. Don’t worry! Last night was one of the best I’ve ever had with you, and it’s fine that I’m sore the morning after. In fact, I‘d say it‘s a good thing,” I stared into his concerned eyes, before kissing him deeply.

He kissed me back, but he wasn’t very into it. I could tell. So I broke away from him, and moved to stand so I could take a shower, but he held me to him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, and I looked at him for a moment.

“I’m going to take a shower, since you just had to wake me up. I’m not gonna lay around naked all day, as much as you’d enjoy that,” I smiled, and he returned it, his hands roaming over my back and over my bum.

“Could yeh at least come eat first? So your breakfast doesn’t get cold?” he raised his eyebrows, and I sighed, but my stomach grumbled loudly, agreeing with his statement.

“Fine,” I sighed, and he smiled a cute little smile, kissing me again before letting me go. When I got up, he slapped my bum lightly, and I jumped, glaring at him.

“Nice arse,” he smirked, laying back in the bed and putting his arms behind his head. He watched me with observing eyes, like he was cataloguing all my movements into his memory. It would have been unnerving if he were anyone else, but I was used to it from Oli.

“You know Ol, I used to be a nice girl. I got good grades, and I listened to my parents, and I did everything I was supposed to,” I went over to our dresser and pulled out some boy shorts and one of Oli’s looser fitting shirts.

“Hmm, wonder what happened,” he commented, and I laughed, stepping into the panties. I pulled the yellow Pink Floyd shirt over my head, and looked at him.

“If I remember correctly, you kissed me, and I punched you,” I smiled, and he thought for a moment, before giggling a little. It was incredibly cute, and it made my stomach squeeze.

“You’re right. I was really surprised. Didn’t think you’d actually fight me because of it,” he rolled off the bed and made his way over to where I was standing.

“It wasn’t really much of a fight, Ol. It was more me laying you out, and you falling on the ground and crying like a little girl,” I smiled, and he scoffed, slipping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him.

“Bollocks. I din’t cry, Andy. But it was worth getting hit, even if my jaw made a weird clicking noise for a few months after that,” Oli leaned his forehead against mine, and I felt perfect in this moment. Something he’d said disturbed me a little though.

“Your jaw clicked? Because I hit you?”

“Yeah. For a while. It doesn’t anymore,” he shrugged.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I felt guilt creeping up on me, even if it was something that happened years ago.

“Because, I didn’t want you to feel guilty, like you do right now,” he laughed, and I pouted.

“Well….sorry? I don’t know what to say,” I admitted, and he pressed his lips to mine, giving me a slight squeeze.

“Not necessary, Andy. Your breakfast is getting cold,” he reminded me, and I smiled, taking his hand. We walked down the hall together, and he led me into the dining room.

There were two plates sitting on the table, across from each other. I smiled, worrying my thumb between my teeth as I looked over the yummy breakfast that Oli had made. I held his hand in mine, and he commented, “There ain’t a thing on there that has meat or milk, love. It’s really hard to make breakfast for you, so you better appreciate it.”

I giggled, turning to him and hugging him tight, pressing my cheek against his chest.

“Thank you so much, Oli-pop! This is the bestest breakfast I’ve ever seen! And you, you’re the bestest boyfriend I’ve ever seen!” I squealed, sounding like I was five years old. He laughed, kissing my forehead, and I broke away, sitting down in my chair to eat. I started with the wheat toast. It was delicious, and I couldn’t wait to eat the rest of it.

Oli and I both ate relatively fast, and as soon as I finished, he took my plate into the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher. He returned a few seconds later, leaning on the table with both hands. He looked sideways at me, smiling small. I grinned, scrunching up my shoulders and feeling them stretch.

“How was breakfast, love?” he asked.

“It was super yummy. Thank you,” I smiled up at him, and he leaned down, kissing me.

“’Welcome,” he said when he broke away, and I stood from my chair, ready to go take my shower. Oli stopped me again though, and yanked me back into his arms. I thought I might have gotten whiplash, and was about to make a snide remark, but Oli’s lips were against mine, kissing me deeply. His hands grasped me tight, squeezing my hips and forcing me closer to him.

I loved when Oli kissed me like this. It made me feel like the whole world stood still, as cliché as that sounds. It’s such a true statement. Kissing Oli made it so easy to ignore the world around me. The kissing lightened a little, and became soft and gentle. He was taking his time, kissing me like he really meant it. His arms wound around me, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, while he continued to move his lips against mine in a way the he knew drove me insane.

I sighed when his tongue trace my lower lip, and he nipped lightly at it. I didn’t have much time to react though, because he was kissing me again. I could feel my body change from calm and happy to excited and eager. He was doing it on purpose, and I knew it, but I couldn’t stop him. It was like his body was calling out to mine, and I had no choice but to respond. My breathing started to get a little uneven, and Oli was acting like he could have kept this up all day. He probably could have, but I’d probably tear off our clothes and take him before too long.

Finally, after an eternity of soft kissed and nibbles battering my lips, he broke away and smiled. He kissed me again, one final time, before he smirked and moved away from me.

“You should probably go take your shower now,” he said offhandedly, ruffling his hair a little, like he did when he was bored.

“Oh, fuck off,” I growled, smacking his chest. He laughed, while I stormed down the hall. He was such a jerk. My hands were shaky and my heart was pounding though, and I was really tempted to invite Oli to my shower, but decided against it. We probably wouldn’t get very clean that way, would we?

♠ ♠ ♠
This was a very...smutty chapter.
I did it just for SAMMI.
So she has to update her Oli story now.
Or ELSE...

I'll cry myself to sleep.

I know it's been forever.
I hope you didn't forget about this.