Andy, You're A Star

A Good Sign.

The morning of November twentieth was one of my more miserable ones. I woke up at three in the morning to go pee, and ended up having my first round of morning sickness.

I was hoping I wouldn't wake Oli. He was having such a hard time sleeping lately, and today was his birthday. He didn't need to start his day with this.

But of course, as soon as I was hunched over that toilet, Oliver was shuffling through the bathroom door in his boxer-briefs, rubbing his eyes. He didn't say a word, just sat on the edge of the tub and held my hair back.

When it was passed, I sighed deeply and stood, Oli watching me to make sure I didn't fall. I brushed my teeth for a good five or six minutes, in which time Oli went to the kitchen and came back with a cup of hot, decaffinated tea for me. I rinsed my mouth with water, dabbed my face with a towel, and turned to Oli.

I took the tea from him and looked up with wary eyes. He was watching me with a small smile on his lips.

"What's so funny, Sykes?" I demanded, taking a sip of my tea.

"Nothin'. It's just...I've been waiting," he said unconclusively. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he explained.

"For the morning sickness. It's a good sign, Andy," he looked happy enough for being woken up by his vomiting, crabby, wench of a girlfriend.

"Well happy birthday then," I smiled, almost bitterly. I drank the tea quickly now, ignoring the burning. I just wanted to go back to bed. Oli made his way back to the bedroom while I took my cup to the kitchen. I stood at the sink for a moment, trying to calm myself down. I was shaken, even though I knew what was coming. I knew that eventually I would get the morning sickness, and gradually I would gain weight, and get pissed at everything, and have to stay home alone while Oli went out and played great shows and flirted with fans. Getting fatter, and puking, and being pissed all the time were all bearable. But the thought of Oliver talking and touching and flirting with other girls was enough to make me ill.

I mean, it was harmless. He never brought girls back to his bus, and he never seriously flirted with people. I mean, it wasn't his fault he had enough charisma for six men. But it still frustrated me. I wanted to be there, and I couldn't. I wasn't entirely sure that he even would have wanted me to come, before the whole baby thing.

I took a big, deep breath and let it out, staring into the sink for a few seconds longer, before going back to the bedroom. With all the lights off, it was hard to see where about the bed was, but Oli spoke, and it was easier to find.

"Are you a'right, love?" he asked quietly, and I walked toward his voice. As my eyes adjusted, I could see the outline of the bed, and Oliver sitting up, looking at me. Even his silhouette sent shivers over my skin.

"I'm fine," I smiled small, even though he couldn't see my face. I crawled onto the bed and pulled the covers over myself. I felt Oli shift, slipping under the covers with me.

"You're cold," he stated, pulling me closer to him. I hadn't realized until he said something that I was rather chilled. My fingers and toes were the worse. But I suppose that's what happens when you walk around the house in your undies and a cami in late-November.

I curled my fingers and pressed them gently into the heat of Oliver's stomach. He flinched, his abs tensing, and then relaxing as he shared his warmth with me. I warned him before my toes touched his feet, but he still tensed from the cold. When he relaxed again, he pulled me closer to him, and I forgot why I was stressing out just a few minutes ago.

I was content to lay there in silence, breathing in Oliver's smell, but his soft voice interrupted the quiet. This was good too.

"I think we should tell the guys tonight. We might be able to put off the tour, or keep it local for a while. I don't want to leave you," he said, and I felt his lips press against my forehead. His plan sounded excellent to me.

"Mmmm," I agreed, burying my face in his chest. I was already all warmed up, and my lids were starting to get heavy. I was ready to sleep for a few more hours.

Oli didn't speak again, and we both drifted back to sleep for a few more hours.

It was nearly nine o'clock when I was yanked awake by the nausea in my gut. I slipped out of bed as carefully as I could and hurried to the bathroom just in time. I heard the bedroom door shut, before Oli appeared once again, and we went through the same routine as earlier that morning.

I drank the tea more slowly after pulling on a pair of fleech Hello Kitty pajama pants, one of Oliver's sweatshirts, and a pair of fuzzy socks. I clutched the warmth of the cup, sitting cross-legged on the couch while Oli went out to get us some breakfast. He returned about twenty minutes later, carrying a big bag of food. It was way more than the two of us were going to eat all day.

"Oli, was that really nessicary?" I asked, standing from the couch and joining him in the kitchen.

"Well, I figured since you were eating for two now-"

"Jesus, Ol! It's a baby, not a horse!" I laughed, and he looked deflated, making me feel bad immediately.

"Im just kidding, Oli. It was real sweet of you," I slipped my arms around his waist, and he sighed, looking at me.

"Well you're welcome," he smiled, leaning down to press his lips to mine. It was over too soon, as he moved deftly away from me, fixing us our breakfast.

After we ate, I convinced Oli to watch a movie with me before we went over to his mum and dad's house until we were expected at the show. About half way through, we'd gotten distracted, and the movie became background noise.

Oli kissed me deep, his hand pressing into my lower back, diminishing what little space had been between us. Our legs were entwined, and his fingers roamed over my sides, wreaking havoc on my heartbeat. Time was flying past, and we were most likely keeping the Sykes' family waiting, but I couldn't find it in me to stop Oliver. He was very good at getting his way, in that sense.

"Ol," I muttered, his lips smothering my words. I groaned as he tugged on my lower lip. Was I really going to stop him? I felt his gentle touch glide up my spine, and shuddered from the sensation. I had to stop him, or we would be here for hours.

"Oli, your parents," I paused to kiss him back, but broke away and continued to speak, "we're keeping them waiting." His mouth was horribly distracting, and I had to focus to form clear sentences as his lips touched my neck, sucking gently on my skin.

"I supposed your right, love," he sighed, bringing his mouth to mine again and kissing me slowly, for a long moment. When he pulled away, we were both short of breath. He brought our lips together one last time, before smiling and looking at me.

"We'd better freshen up a bit. We look like a couple of homeless people," he laughed, and I rolled off the couch, straightening myself out. Oliver's hair was slightly disheveled, and his clothes were wrinkled, but beyond that, I saw no resemblence to a homeless person.

"Speak for yourself, Sykes," I grinned, turning and heading for the bedroom. Oliver was right behind me, talking and trying to hold back a smile.

"Y'know Andy, it's real sexy when you act like a smartass, callin' me Sykes and whatnot. I might have to keep you here all night. I don't need anyone else. It'll be the best birthday ever," he slipped his arms around my midsection, stopping me in my tracks, right outside our bedroom door.

It was hard to turn down the offer, especially while Oliver was so close to me, but I still had some resolve left.

"Tempting, really, it is, but I told your parents I'd have you over there by six, and it's already five right now. By the time we're ready, it'll be at least five-thirty, and it's a half hour drive," I explained, and he was quiet for a split second, before sending another almost undeniable invitation my way.

"They can wait an extra fifteen minutes. How 'bout it, Andy? We can be fast," I could hear the suggestion in his voice, and it made my stomach tighten. I sighed, and he took it as a surrender, his hands starting to roam again.

"You're just gonna have to wait, Ol," I broke away, giving him a half-smile, before going into the bedroom. I pulled on a pair of super skinny blue jeans and a slim fitting blue v-neck. I could hear Oli moving around the room behind me, and when I turned, he had on some black jeans that were almost tighter than mine, hanging off his ass as he bent over, searching a drawer for a shirt. He looked at me sideways and smiled, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes, going across the hall to the bathroom. I didn't take long on my hair, teasing it very little and pulling it up into a really sloppy pony tail. I put a bit more effort into my make-up, rimming my eyes with a thin line of eyeliner and putting mascara on my top and bottom lashes. I put on some light eyeshadow, and called it done.

I went back into the room and Oli was straightening and spraying his hair. He was all dressed, apart from his shoes, and glanced at me when I came in. After he finished, he fished around in the closet for his black hoody. When he found it, he put it on, and I noticed his shirt for the first time.

"You're wearing that to go visit your parents?" I raised my eyebrows, and he looked down like he forgot what shirt he was wearing, and smiled when he met my eyes again. In giant block letters, it said "I'm losing my fucking mind."

"What's wrong with my shirt, love?" he asked, walking toward me. I crossed my arms over my chest and shrugged, smiling small.

"You're parents are gonna think I corrupted you," I chuckled, and he laughed loudly.

"No way, pet. They know they did it all on their own," when he reached me, he grasped my waist and pulled me closer to him, connecting our lips. I smiled, pulling away so I didn't get distracted. I pointed to the clock, indicating that it was nearly five-thirty, and at this rate, we would be late.

The visit with Oliver's parents went extremely well. Tom and Shauna showed up about twenty minutes after us, and we sat down for dinner. I was nervous to tell them the news, but Oli assured me his parents would be ecstatic about having a grandchild, and took my hand, pulling me into the living room with him.

"Mum, Dad, Tommy, Shauna," he looked at each of them when he said their names, and continued with a huge grin on his face, squeezing my hand gently, "Andy and I are havin' a baby."

There was a moment of horrible, tense silence as they all stared at me. I was preparing myself to haul ass out of there, but before I could make a move, there was an eruption of sound. Oli's mum jumped off the couch and wrapped her arms around me, laughing, while her husband stood up and gripped his oldest son's shoulder, smiling warmly. Tom looked a little unsure, but he embraced Oli regardless.

After the fuss died down, it was around seven thirty, and we had to head out so I could go home and get changed for tonight. I grew more nervous as the party grew closer. I made the stupid decision of agreeing to announce to the entire guest list that I was having a baby with Oliver, and I wondered briefly if he would let me back out of it, but doubted it. He didn't see why I worried so much about it. But from an outsider's perspective, an unmarried, young couple like Oli and myself having a baby seemed incredibly reckless.

Of course none of the people that mattered would think that. Every one of them knew how much we loved each other, and everyone else could fuck off for all I cared. Having realized this, it was a little easier to face tonight. I got dressed relatively quickly, pulling on a pair of destroyed light blue skinnies and a hot pink slim fit v-neck. I put on my favorite black zip up hoodie that said "BANG YOUR HEAD, RAISE THE DEAD" on the back in giant white letters. I slipped my feet into my moccasins without socks, and as soon as I stepped into the hallway and Oli saw me, his face grew mad.

"Andy, it's freezing outside!"

"Your point?" I raised my eyebrows, and he huffed at me.

"Can you at least try to take care of yourself? You're going to get sick if you go out like that!"

"Jesus Christ, Oliver. You sound like my mother. We're going to be outside for a total of ten minutes. Calm down," I muttered, my expression obviously showing my irritation as I passed him, heading toward the kitchen.

After a few seconds went by, I heard him sigh loudly, and the light being shut off in the bathroom, before he hurried after me.

"Andy, wait," he said quietly, and I turned to face him just as he was approaching me. I apparently still looked angry, because he hesitated before speaking up.

"I'm sorry love, I just...I worry, you know?" he shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, holding my hand out to him.

"Come on, then. We're gonna be late," I told him as he slipped his fingers through mine. When we stepped out of the house and Oli paused to lock the door behind us, a shudder ripped over my whole body from the cold, and Oli turned to look at me with a small smirk on his face.

"Don't," I warned, and he held up his hands like he was surrendering, before we walked to the car, and Oli stopped me before I could get to the drivers side. When I turned to face him, he was still smiling.

"Told you," he said quickly, before pressing his lips against mine, our fingers still locked together, and his free hand cupping my face. When he pulled away, I scowled.

"Not fair," I grumbled, and he kissed me once more, before slipping into the car.

I took a deep breath and followed his lead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please, don't neglect me like I've neglected you.
I'm sorry.
Got another one on the way real soon.