Status: Since I'm revising the first story that means that I'm going to revise this one too..

Nothing Will Stop Us

Welcome To Your New Life

We were in the Dandy castle and it was huge. Everything was so elegant and the walls were white with blood red carpet. It reminded me of the apartment from Mr.Deeds, when there was a door and a stair case on each side of the room.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Mike asked me as he grabbed my hand. I tried to pull away, but his grip on my hand was too tight, so I couldn't get my hand away from his.

"Where's Brendon?" I asked him while looking at him as if it wasn't very impressive. He gave me an angry look and it kinda scared me when his brown eyes started to become reddish., but at a same time I saw that he had some source of happiness in his eyes. As if he knows my reaction to when he shows me him.

"He's downstairs, but I'll show you in a minute. Wouldn't you rather see where you're going to be?" he replied in a quiet, yet seductive tone in my ear.

"Sure, I guess why not." I said while rolling my eyes.

Putting his arm around my waist, he started to lightly push me towards the half circle staircase on the right side. As we were walking, I all of a sudden saw most Dandies come outside doors probably wondering what smelt so humanly. They had a lustful, thirst in their eyes, but didn't dare come near us. I tried to speed my pace up, but Mike was pulling me back probably enjoying the fear I'm experiencing. Stupid, sadistic vampires. I all of a sudden started to feel a pain in my side, as if I was just whipped, and started holding my side. Some of the vampires looked as if they were going to lunge at me, but they strangely kept their distance. Hearing a low growl above me from Mike, I was guessing that was the reason why.

Soon after what seemed like eternity, we finally made it to the room I was going to stay in. Or most likely where we were going to stay in. The door wasn't made out of maple wood and brass knobs like the rest of the rooms in the mansion. Instead it was a tall, mahogany wood door with a crystal knob. Mike opened the door, and I saw that it was a white room with a blood red carpet, and a California King sized bed with black covers, and red and black pillows, just like when I was staying in the trailer with Brendon. I dreaded this despite the room was in my favorite colors knowing that I was going to be sleeping here with Mike, instead of Brendon. The only man, or vampire, I would ever want to share a bed with.

"Amazing, huh?" Mike asked as he shut the door behind us.

"'s okay." I said in my most plain and unhappy tone I could come up with. Looking at him, he seemed like he was starting to get very irritated and sure as hell showed it a few seconds later when I found myself thrown onto the bed, breaking it because of the amazing force. I lost my breath and started to cough, gaining breath. Trying to sit up, I was pushed back down on my back with Mike on top of me.

"Get off of me you fucking monster!" I ordered weakly.

Feeling a painful sting on my face from his hard, strong hand slapping my face, he said angrily,"Shut your fucking mouth and listen to my rules. I own you now, so you obey me and don't talk unless I tell you to. You are going to be happy with everything I give you. You don't fucking understand what I'm doing to make you fucking happy. Now, you listen to me. Be nice and not complain, or else I'll kill you're lover."

I whimpered in responce and saw that his face lightened a little. "Good girl," he said before kissing my lips roughly. Not wanting Brendon to be harmed any worst than he already is, I didn't fight back, but nor did I gave in and kissed him back. I was just laying there like a statue, frozen with fear. Everything he said reminded me of when I first met Brendon and how I was so rebelious. It seems that all of my rebelion and courage is gone ever since then. He removed his lips from mine as we heard the sound of a knock on the door.

"Come in." Mike called still on top of me. The door opened and there stood Adam, he told him, "William wants to speak to you in the dungon."

"Thank you. Tell him we'll be down in a couple minutes." Mike said with a smile on his face.
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Thanks for reading and dealing with my cliff hangers. Enjoy the stories and I may even make a sequal to this one if I get enough comments and messages saying that you guys want me too.