The Shadow Boys

Chapter 04

Zacky sat in front of the clock, staring at the bright red numbers, willing them to stop changing. He had ten minutes to get down to the pool. He had a bad feeling about this but the man on the phone sounded pretty powerful to Zacky; he didn't want to get himself into anymore trouble then necessary. Zacky sighed and stood from his spot, grabbed the card key for his suite and exited the room, letting the heavy door click shut behind him. He walked over to the elevator and pressed the down button. The doors opened right away and Zacky sighed, walking into the small lift. When he was on the main floor of the hotel he walked over to the service desk to inquire about directions to the pool.

A blond lady was sitting behind the desk. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel colour and Zacky immediately felt himself growing nervous; this regularly happened when he had to talk to any girl (or guy for that matter) that was much more beautiful than himself. He shyly walked up to the woman and smiled when she noticed him standing in front of her desk. Zacky noticed that she was wearing a name tag. Valary, what a pretty name, he thought.

"Hello cutie, are you lost?"

Zacky smiled weakly, "oh, no. My parents are upstairs. I'm just trying to figure out where the pool is."

The woman's smile faltered for a minute before she regained her composure, "oh, sure thing sweetie. It's right down the hall from here. You can't miss it, the smell of chlorine will lead your right there."

Zacky nodded, "alright, thank you."

"No problem. If you need anything else, I'm always here."

The boy plastered a false grin onto his face and waved goodbye. He then took off in the direction of the pool. As he grew closer to his final destination, he realized that Valary was right; the smell of chlorine wafted around Zacky's nose, making him cringe in fear. Zacky could see the doors that lead out to the pool coming into sight as he continued to walk. He noticed that someone had left a key in the door, Zacky quickly turned it and the lock slid open. He walked into the room and sat by the edge of the pool, barely touching the water with his small, pale hands. A noise coming from somewhere behind him made Zacky jump to his feet. He turned just in time to have a blindfold tied over his eyes, obscuring his vision completely. Zacky began to struggle against the sorce of the darkness, hearing a chuckle come from somewhere beside him.

"Don't struggle, baby. You'll only make things worse for yourself."

Zacky recognized that voice, it was the boy from the elevator. The same one who had come to check up on him when he'd first arrived to the hotel. But what was his name? Zacky kicked himself for forgetting. The again, what would knowing his captor's name really do for him anyway? Not a whole lot.

Zacky sighed. "What do you want from me?"

"This." The older boy wrapped his arms around Zacky's waist and placed a soft kiss to the younger's lips.

Zacky gasped in shock and remembrance, "are you going to rape me, Brian?"

"So, you remembered my name. I wasn't sure if you'd know it was me."

"Are you goin-" Zacky was interrupted.

"No, I'm not going to rape you."

"Then why are you here?"

The older boy sighed, "Ma- I mean. Shadows sent me here."

"You work for him?"

Brian laughed whole-heartedly, "fuck no. He works for my father, as do I."

"Who is your father?"

"I can't tell you that now, can I? It would ruin the surprise."

Zacky groaned, "I hate surprises."

Brian giggled, "I know."

He placed another kiss to Zacky's lips in order to shut him up and grasped the younger boy's hand. Brian tugged lightly on the boys arm, "we're leaving."

"Where are we going?"

"To see Shadows."

"What if I don't want to see Shadows?" Zacky asked cockily.

Brian sighed, "no one wants to see Shadows, but if you value your life you'll do as I say."

Zacky nodded and Brian grinned, "Good boy."