The Shadow Boys

Chapter 06

Brian latched onto the younger boy's arm, pulling Zacky along with him as he strutted out of the small room. Zacky pushed and prodded at Brian's grip, pleading with him to let go and demanding that the older boy tell Zacky where he was taking him. Brian simply gripped Zacky's arm with more force, ignoring the young boy's whimpers. Brian looked down at Zacky, noticing the tears falling from his eyes. A pang of guilt ran through Brian's body and he caved, releasing the teen. Brian stepped back, shame present in his eyes.

While rubbing at his tender arm, Zacky spoke, "you really have my best interest in mind, don't you?" Sarcasm dripping from each word uttered.

The older boy cast his gaze toward the floor, not wanting to look Zacky in the eyes. He couldn't find the words to express why he'd just treated Zacky so terribly. To be honest he didn't really have an answer, himself. Zacky walked up to him, grasping his arm and squeezing it as hard as he could. Brian yelped and instantly brought a hand up to the spot where Zacky had grabbed him.

"Doesn't feel so nice, does it?" Zacky spat.

Brian moaned, "I'm sorry Zacky, I can't explain why I did that."

Zacky folded his arms across his chest, "try me."

Taking a deep, shaky breath into his lungs, Brian sighed, "I guess, well. I don't know exactly. It seems like the more time I spend with the guys, the more I am beginning to adopt their bad habits."

"Wow, that was a great explanation. Can we get a round of fucking applause for Brian Haner Jr. ladies and gentleman?" Zacky spoke slyly.

"Don't get smart with me kid. I should be kicking your ass right now."

"Then why don't you, asshole? I mean, you're no better than me right? All you do is listen to what Shadows tells you to do."

"That's not true!" Brian defended.

"Isn't it though?" Zacky sneered.

"I am my own person and I've certainly got the upper hand in this situation, unlike you." Brian spat through grit teeth.

"Really? Because it seems to me that all you are is Shadows' bitch. Face it, you don't know what they want with me anymore than you know what they want with you."

Zacky fell to the ground mere moments after he'd called Brian, Shadows' bitch. He gently cupped his cheek, the pale skin inflamed from the massive impact of Brian's fist. Zacky could make out the metallic taste of blood in his mouth and groaned, spitting a small amount of blood onto the pristine tiled floor. He slowly crawled over to the wall by the elevator and rested his head back against the piece of drywall. His cheek hurt like a motherfucker. He placed his hand against the side of his face again, pulling it away when he felt something wet on his fingers. Bringing his fingers into his line of vision he noted that Brian had cut him. Zacky looked over at Brian and realized that he was sporting quite a large ring on the hand he'd punched Zacky with.

Brian stepped up to the younger boy, looming over him. "I was just trying to be nice to you Zacky, showing some compassion is all, and look what you've gone and made me do!"

"Fuck you!" Zacky growled.

Brian laughed, his voice devoid of humor. "You are so much like me, it's unreal."

"I'm nothing like you."

"How the fuck would you know, kid? Do you even know what guys like Shadows do to guys like us?"

Zacky remained quiet. "Yeah, I thought as much."

Zacky rolled his eyes, "what did the big, bad Shadows do to you?"

"Well, let's see..." Brian mused. "He somehow seduced my father into a sick and twisted relationship with him. Then he proceeded to use my father for everything he had, unbeknownst to my father. I knew though and when Shadows found out that I knew, he raped me, in my father's office, right in front of my father. My father was so love-struck that he thought Matt could do no wrong. My father ignored every bad thing Matt ever did, letting his heart do the talking every-fucking-time. Do you know where it got him?"

Zacky shook his head, wide eyes watching Brian with extreme interest.

"It put him in the hospital, is where it put him. So now Shadows runs the hotel while my father is laying in a hospital bed, deep in a coma that Matt caused."

A solitary tear cascaded down Brian's sun-kissed skin. Zacky scooted closer to the older boy, wrapping his pale arms around him. Brian leaned into his touch, trying desperately to maintain his composure; Brian was strong, he never cried. Brian was too good to cry, or simply too empty to really care.

"I'm sorry, Brian."

Brian sighed, "I know."
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Sorry, it's been a while.