Remembering Sunday

Remembering Sunday

Alex Gaskarth was a wreck.

He was tired, unshaven and worst of all drunk.

If someone were to see him on the street they would have thought him homeless.

His apartment wasn’t any better.

Everywhere you looked there was empty beer and whiskey bottles.
None of them with a drop left in them.

To him there was only one person who could be responsible for this.

It was the girl he had loved with every ounce of his being

That girl was Isabelle Rose Sanders.

No matter how hard he tried to show her his love, she just pushed him away.

She’s always dove into a speech about love being intangible, and that it was something she couldn’t believe in no matter how hard she tried.

Alex just kept telling himself he could make her believe.

Isabelle decided she couldn’t take it anymore, and left early one Sunday morning.

The only thing she left was a simple note. She didn’t go into detail, but got her point across.

That same morning Alex woke up to an empty bed. He started to panic, and frantically searched the apartment for her.

He didn’t find her, but he did find the note. His eyes rescanned the words over and over again. He just couldn’t accept the fact she was gone.

He noticed something special about the note however. She had signed it ‘Love Isabelle Rose.

Alex knew that right then he had to go and find her. He quickly cleaned up, and started on his seemingly desperate endeavor.

He walked the streets of Baltimore for hours asking any familiar face if they had seen Isabelle.

After what seemed like forever, Alex found himself in front of her apartment. Her neighbor recognized him, and gave him the worst news he could receive.

Isabelle had moved away.

At this point, Alex let loose every emotion and fell to his knees. He covered his watery eyes, and pulled at his hair. The kind neighbor, just gave him a pat on the back and called him a taxi home.

And that’s how he ended up where he is now.

Slouched against the wall, with a bottle of Jack half gone in his hand.

Everything about the apartment reminded him of Isabelle. He couldn’t even lie in bed, because her scent still lingered on the pillows and blankets.

Unable to cry anymore tears, Alex finally found the strength to move. He needed to get out of the empty apartment.

A quick glance at the clock revealed it was two in the morning. He knew only the diner would be open, and the idea of food sounded amazing.

Twenty minutes and three blocks later, Alex reached his destination. He walked into diner and was engulfed in a greasy smell.

He sat in an isolated booth, and ordered black coffee.

The ringing of the bell above the door caused him to look up. Seeing as it was such a late hour, he wondered who else would be in the diner.

That’s when his eyes landed on her.

Isabelle Rose Sanders had just entered the same diner as Alex Gaskarth.

They’re eyes locked for a mere second, before Alex tore his away and back to his coffee.

As her footsteps got closer, his hands began to shake.

The thing that finally tore his gaze from his coffee was the sound of air releasing from the patent leather seat across from him.

Just at one glance, you could tell both of them had been through something terrible recently.

Both wore identical dark circles under their eyes. Isabelle’s face was vacant of make-up and Alex’s face was home to stubble.

Isabelle’s soft voice was the first thing to cut the deafening silence they had been sitting in.

“Alex, I’m sorry I left with no warning. Hearing you say you loved me, it, well it scared me. No one has ever cared about me like you do. I guess I wasn’t used to it, and found it too good to be true. Being away from you made me realize that I need you. You’re what keeps me grounded, and while I could live without you, I don’t ever want to.”

Isabelle’s hand quickly rose to her eyes and wiped away a fear tears that had began to fall.

Alex watched her graceful movements, and decided to add what he felt.

“When you left Isabelle, I was messed up. I couldn’t stop wondering what horrible thing I had done to you. But I always kept hope that you would come back. It hurt when I found that you had moved. And despite all of that, I still love you with all of my heart.”

By the time he was done, Alex was looking at his hands on the table. He felt that electric shock he had been longing for when Isabelle’s small hand gripped onto his. He glanced up at her, and heard the four words he had been dying to hear.

“I love you too.”

Pure excitement quickly over took Alex’s body. Before either of them knew what was happening, their bodies were leaned over the table, and their lips were connected.

The two walked out of the diner with their fingers entwined shortly after. Alex looked up at the early morning sky, and noticed it was cloud free. He smiled to himself, and new that it was a sign that things were getting better. He placed an innocent kiss on Isabelle’s forehead, and she just smiled up at him.

From then on, Alexander William Gaskarth and Isabelle Rose Sanders, never left each other’s side. And every Sunday Alex would wake up and wrap his arms even tighter around Isabelle and smile.
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