And She Fell Into Me

And She Fell Into Me

As I stood on my apartments balcony, I couldn’t help but to stare at the bright lights of Vegas. Usually I would find them beautiful, but anymore I found them hideous. Maybe it was from the fact that my boyfriend, Aubrey, was spending more time consumed in them, instead of spending time with me.

Almost as if he knew I was thinking about him, I heard the glass door slide open and close. I didn’t even bother to look at him, and kept my intent blank stare. I felt him snake his arms around my middle and nuzzle his face into my neck. Whenever he would do this, I would normally turn around and kiss him. This time was different however; I almost stiffened at his touch.

“Babe what’s wrong,” he asked spinning me to face him.

“It’s nothing don’t worry about it,” I said going to turn around, but was stopped by him.

“It’s obviously something,” he said becoming annoyed, “Otherwise you wouldn’t be so distant lately.”

“I’m the one being distant,” I said scoffing, “FYI Aubrey, you’re the fucking distant one. You’re hardly around anymore, and when you are you’re on the phone! And if that’s not bad enough, it’s always with some mysterious girl. I could understand if it was one of the guys about the band. But a fucking girl!?! I think what hurts the most, is that you get all hush hush when I’m in the room. If you really wanted another girl that badly, just leave me. Save me the pain. Please.”

About halfway through my rant, I was practically yelling with tears streaming down my cheeks. At the end, I felt close to a breakdown. I knew he had to strain to hear my almost plead.

I couldn’t even bare to look Aubrey in the eyes. I tried to quickly walk around him, but he caught me pulling me into a hug. This caused even more tears to spill, and I let my emotions get the best of me. I tried pushing away from him, which only caused him to hold on tighter. I threw my fists at his back, and felt him stiffen.

“Kelly, babe, you know I would never do that to you,” causing my punching to stop, “And I’m trying my hardest to be around as much as possible. There’s just something incredibly special, that you can’t know about yet. I promise, that tomorrow night, everything will be cleared up. I’m taking you to the nicest dinner you’ll ever have I love you Kelly, don’t forget that.”

Aubrey always had the ability to calm me no matter what. I pulled away from him a little, and wiped the tears from my face. I looked up into his eyes, and saw only sincerity in them. I instantly wrapped my arms around him.

“I love you too Aubrey,” I said into his shirt.


The next night, I constantly kept checking my appearance. I smoothed my hands over my dress one final time, before making my way to the front room. With a quick glance at the clock, I noticed Aubrey should be back any minute. He said he had to run an errand while I was getting ready.

About 3 minutes later, Aubrey walked through the door looking rather nice. He had on nice skinny jeans, and a black button down shirt. His brown hair was straightened, and he wore his million-dollar smile on his face. I could see him taking in my own appearance. I had chosen a deep red dress that ended a little above my knees. I had also put my dark brown hair in loose curls, causing the highlights to stand out.

“Are you ready?” he asked holding his hand out for me.

“Definitely,” I said linking my fingers with his as we made our way out to his car.

We only drove for about 20 minutes before we arrived a little local restaurant; the same restaurant that was the site of our first date. I shot him a knowing smile, which he gladly returned.

As we made our way into the restaurant, he did every possible thing to be a gentleman. He opened the doors, let me in before him, and even pulled my chair out. The whole night, he seemed a little fidgety. I just thought it was because of the collared shirt, since he rarely wears one. About halfway through our dinner, Aubrey spoke up.

“You know I love you right Kelly?” he said fidgeting a little.

“Of course Aubrey,” I said reaching across to hold his hand, “And I love you too.”

“I mean, I love you so much,” he said grasping my hands, “So much, that the only girl I can think about is you. You’re the reason I wake up in the morning, and always have a smile on my face. You are the epitome of perfect to me. You know how to make me smile like no other, and make me feel like I’m perfect too. I love how you can look gorgeous right when you wake up. I love the fact that you’re genuine, and don’t care what the other people think.”

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and a smile spreading on my face. I opened my mouth to talk to him, but he quickly interrupted me by walking to my side of the table. He dove his hand into his pocket, and dropped to one knee. I think my jaw just about dropped to the ground.

Everything fell into place now. He hadn’t been cheating on me at all, he was talking a ring designer. I remember having a talk with him once about how he was going to have a customized ring made for whatever girl he married. And he was distant because he was nervous of my reaction.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is: Kelly, will you marry me?” he said revealing the prettiest ring in the world.

“Yes,” I said barely audible, “Of course I’ll marry you Aubrey.”

He quickly stood up and slid the ring on my finger. He then preceded to snake his arms around me and plant a sweet simple kiss on my lips.

“I love you so much Kelly,” he said still not releasing me.

“I love you too Aubrey,” I said hugging him tighter, “Forever and a day.”

“Forever and a day for sure,” he said kissing me once again
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