Get Hip or Die Trying

Chapter One

When you wake up to a guy dancing to “Can’t Touch This” in his boxers in your living room, your first reaction would probably be something along the lines of “Honey! Git my gun!” Yeah…not here. That is, unfortunately, all too common for me to wake up to. Isabella Blakely here. Tech extraordinaire for We The Kings. And part-time tour mom as well. Or maybe tour big sis, considering at 21 I’m a little young to be the mother for this bunch.

“Daniel Duncan get dressed or I swear to god I will castrate you with a bear trap.” A squeak of fear escaped his mouth and he slipped into Travis’ pants. Or at least attempted to. But when he tried to walk, he tripped.

“Sorry Dan Dan, you’re just too damn short.” Travis said from the kitchen area of the bus as he munched on some Honey Nut Cheerios. Dan Dan, or Danny as I called him since I refused to sound like a caveman, pouted and got back into his PJ bottoms, leaving off his shirt.

I ran up to him and pinched his sides, then promptly poked him in the belly. Little known fact about Danny. He’ll giggle like the Pilsbury doughboy if you poke him in the stomach. He gave a large pout and Travis laughed.

“Dude you woke her up at…” He glanced at the clock on the bus’ TV. “7:30 in the morning. You know she doesn’t function that early. No twen- well hell no one under forty functions that early unless they have a boring nine to five. And me. But Gabe made a starbucks run at four thirty so he got me three things of coffee. I’m pretty damn wired.”

“OH MY GOD GABE’S HERE!?” Danny said, jumping up and running off the bus. Well, actually just attempting to. He forgot that tiny little detail about not being able to walk through a closed door. I snickered as he managed to open the door this time and run around looking for Gabe.

“I take it you didn’t tell him we were opening for Cobra?” Travis asked, raising an eyebrow.

I gave an innocent smile. “Slipped my mind.” I said as I took one of the instant coffee packs we had swiped from a hotel about a week ago. “I swear he has a man crush on Gabe.”

Travis laughed. “Nah. Maybe he just thinks if he rapes him he’ll get fly ass dance moves.”

I laughed and shook my head. The only reason I was here was because of the fact that Travis and I had grown up next to each other all of our lives. So when he started touring with his band he got me a tech gig with them. Which I will be forever grateful for.

“You’re basking in my awesomeness again, aren’t you?” He asked, only half jokingly. I had probably thanked him at least twenty times since we piled into the bus yesterday. I had toured with them twice before, but this happened every time. I nodded and gave an innocent smile.

He shook his head and pouted. “I told you not to do that anymore. The guys already loved you for how many times you took care of our shit during practice, so all I had to do was say “So I was thinking of asking Bel… and then I would get interrupted by ‘Oh my god holy shit yes’s from the entire lot.”

I laughed. “The sad thing is, I can totally see that happening.”

He nodded. “Because it totally DID happen.” He said. “We all love you. Really. Plus, you’re a cheap date.” He joked, playfully kicking me from his spot sitting on the counter across from me. “Anyways, I’m gonna go see if catering’s here or if we can jack some Red Bull from anybody. Lord knows we’re gonna have to stay awake to keep everyone in line.

I smiled and nodded, trying not to smirk as he walked towards the door. I had conveniently forgot to mention a few details about the tour. Mainly the other bands. About five seconds out the door, he turned around and walked right back in.

“Uh why are Pete Wentz and William Beckett standing out there and waving at me like I’m supposed to be expecting them?”

I gave a cute, innocent smile. “Weeeeeeellllll…” I said, shifting a bit. “You know how I said no one had told me who else was supporting for Cobra? Well…that’s kinda because no one is. Cobra’s a support.”

Travis rolled his eyes. He hated being tricked in any sense of the word. “So The Academy’s opening too and Fall Out Boy are headlining?”

I nodded. “And Panic at the Disco on selected dates.”

“God woman, you sound like a tour poster.” He said with a laugh. I just grinned innocently. “So what’s this little party called anyways?” he asked.

“The Get Hip or Die Trying tour.”