‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

Slytherin Princess: 01

"You becareful and owl me everyday do you hear? And watch out after your brother even if he gets into a different house!" My mother would NOT stop rambling on and on. Her little boy going off to Hogwarts.

"Love, love!" My father grabbed her face and forced her to look into his eyes.

"She'll be fine, and I'm sure Vince will get into Slytherin just like his father," my father smirked and my mother glared at him.

"You never know! Don't forget Draco I was in every house," I chuckled and my father looked over at me.

"You think that's funny?" I stopped laughing and shook my head no.

"I'll give you something to laugh about!" My father chased after me, trying to tickle me. I screamed begging my mother for help.

"DAD! I'm 16 years old!" He caught me and held me tight.

"I know. I just wish you weren't growing up so fast." My mother looked at us, smiling and shaking her head.

"You'll always be daddy's little girl." I rolled my eyes and hugged my mum.

"I'll write don't worry."

"Yeah mum, don't worry. Bye dad, love you mum!" Vince hugged my mum and smiled at my dad. We both got on the train and stared at each other.

"You find your friends," my brother stared, "and you find your own," I finished. We smiled at each other and shook hands then spliting up as I tried to find my two best friend's Aly and Tess.

Okay, while I'm looking for those two let me let you in a few things. My parents back there, you know the pychotic ones? Well that happen's to be Draco Malfoy, once known as the Slytherin Prince here at Hogwarts. My mother, well she's a very odd story. Her name is Emmany Rose Malfoy. Somehow my mother softened the ice around my father's heart and they were married. Now me and my brother...we're an odd couple. We're always there for each other but, we do have our boundries, unless we're trying to pull a prank on someone. I happen to look a lot like my mother but have my father's personality. My brother on the other hand looks like he could be our father's twin, but he is so much like mum it's kinda scary.

"ATHAME!" That would be Aly. I turn and see her head popping out of the compartment door.

"HEY!" I ran over and placed my stuff inside and sat down to see her and Tess beaming.

"Okay, what's going on spill,"

"Well...first...I was made head girl! I get to be head girl for the last two years!!" Tess squeeled.

"You never told me that in your letters! YAY!" I hugged her tight and Aly came in and sat next to me.

"Yea, well she didn't tell me either but now! It's time for my news!"

"Your news?" Aly beamed and nodded her head rapidly.

"I have a boyfriend!" Both me and Tess looked at her wide-eyed. Now we knew Aly was a bit of the crazy one but whenever she had a boyfriend it would always be during the school year and she was never really this happy with one.

"What's so different about him?"

"Yea? I thought your goal this year was to find someone to be with in Ravenclaw since you've been dying to see if your way into getting in works?" Tess asked leaning back in her seat.

"No, I really like this one. He's so different, so distant, so mysterious. He's everything! Tall, dark, and handsome!" We laughed at her as she looked as she was day dreaming.

"Well we want to meet him! Where does he go?" Aly snapped out of it and looked at us nervously.

"Well you see...he's home schooled. I met him in Diagon Ally and we just talked and talked. Soon enough we were spending so many days and nights until he told me something," she paused looking down at her shoes, fiddling with her hands. Tess and I gave her a confused look and motioned for her to go on.

"He's a werewolf."

"H-He's a werewolf? You're dating a werewolf?" Tess stuttered.

"Well he's a fantastic guy what does it matter that he has a curse! And he cares about me. First time any guy has ever really cared about me." I smiled at her and hugged her, Tess also joining me.

"We still want to meet him."

"Athame's right. We need to see if he's good enough for you with our own eyes." Aly laughed and went to reach for her bag.

"We're almost there we should change into robes." We all nodded our heads and got our robes and headed to the changing rooms.

"So what do you think this year is going to be like? Even more pranks since our girl Tess here is head girl?" Tess glared at me.

"I'll help in some, but any big ones you're on your own, I want to keep my title," I stuck my tongue out at her and when we got there, only two were empty.

"You two go, I'll wait," they both went in and I waited outside. At that moment I regretted it.

"Well, what do we have here, the Slytherin Princess all alone out on her own?"

"What? Now that I'm all alone you're going to finally have your way with me?" I smirked, something I got off of my father, and leaned against the wall.

"Oh trust me Malfoy, I could've had my way with you, plenty of times over this summer." I glared at the man-well boy really standing in front of me. He was about a head taller than me. I curse my mother for being short. His red hair falling into his face, as he hovered over mine.

"Really, Weasley? Then why didn't you? Are you really not attracted to me then?" Pouting my lips and letting my hand caress his chest. He looked down at my hand and raised a brow.

"No, not really. I'm to 'common' for the Princess." With that he smirked and backed away.

"You're right. You are. Plus I don't think it would be much fun kissing a weasel." I smirked as he glared at me. I saw his hand twitch over his wand as I went for mine.

"ATHAME!" God why, why, right when it's just me and him, YOU have to come along.

"Go away Vince this doesn't concern you."

"JASON! You know better!" There was Olivia. She did grow up to be a very attractive young girl.

"Athame, what in bloody hell? Oh..." Tess and Aly came out looking at me and Weasley, glaring at each other.

"You know I never knew why the both of you fought but to bring out wands!" Vince exclaimed. I glared at him now.

"It's not like we haven't done it before." I turned my attention back to Weasley and saw Olivia just roll her eyes.

"Honestly. As if it wasn't hard enough to stop the two of you from killing one another over the summer. Listen, can this at least wait until we get into Hogwarts?" We both just glared at each other finally coming to terms with Olivia.


"Fine." Olivia and Weasley walked off as I turned to the girls and Vince.

"Really, what happened between the two of you that made the two of you hate each other?!" Vince asked looking at me with desperate eyes. He had the same icy blue eyes as my father and when they showed sadness and pain, it really got to you.

"Nothing, Vince. I have to change, I'll met you two in the compartment?" Tess and Aly nodded their heads and went off to our compartment.

"I really don't get you sometimes." I smiled at him and hugged him.

"I'm your sister. That's all you really need to get." He chuckled and headed off as I went to go change. I just couldn't believe I already almost fought with Jason. We're not even off the train and we're already beginning the usual, I-hate-you, Yeah-well-I-hate-you-too, thing. I just can't believe we've gone this far without talking about what happened. Me and Jason were so close and everything fell apart when I came here.


{Flashback to Your 1st Year}

I had just gotten into Slyertherin and had met these two really nice girls, Tess and Aly. I looked over at Jason and waved at him, smiling. He sort of waved back and he quickly turned his attention back to his girlfriend. They had been going out since his last year here. She was a blonde girl who was pretty, but looked like she had on too much make up. She seemed to be all over him, laughing at him whenever he told her something funny and caressing his hand the whole time. I felt something sharp hit my heart. I had always told myself that I didn't like Jason when I really did. But I knew he never liked me. He looked over and I tried to smile but it just didn't wanna come out, so instead I just looked away. I left dinner early not seeing Jason there or that girl he was with. I walked around for at bit when I found him and the girl snogging.

"Jason?" He pulled away from her and smiled a bit.

"Hi, Athame." The girl looked me up and down and glared.

"You know someone in Slyerthin?" I glared at her.

"Yea! I'm his best friend!" I yelled. Jason stepped in front of her, knowing I was about to jump at her throat.

"Listen, go to your common room, I'll talk to you later okay?" I sighed and nodded my head. I stood there for about a second or two waiting for my hug, but it never came. I looked up at him, the hurt clearly seen in my eyes and he just nudged me down the hall. I left only to find out a month later, that he didn't want to be my friend anymore. He didn't want anything to do with me.

"Listen I really don't think me and you should be friends. Plus it's sort of getting in the way of my relationship with Kelly and I really love her and I mean...we've grown apart from one another...plus you're in Slytherin and I'm in Gryffindor, it just won't work."

"What do you mean?! We promised each other we'd never leave one another! Jason...you...I HATE YOU! NEVER EVER TALK TO ME OR EVEN LOOK AT ME!" I screamed at him, I didn't even feel the tears run down my cheeks. He just stared at me in shock. He'd never seen me this angry, probably because I've never been this angery. I was always so nice and sweet but everything changed that day. Including both me and him. After that we've been enimies ever since. Our mother's never really understood and even though I am close with her I could never really tell her. I ran to the common room and found Tess and Aly and told them what happened.

"I just don't get it..."

"Shhh, it's okay, don't worry, we've got 4 more years to get him back." I chuckled and clung to Aly even more. Tess came hugged my legs and a grabbed her hand and she squeezed it letting me know she was there for me.

"Thanks. You guys are the best."

"We know," I laughed and smiled through my tears. Since then the three of us have been insperable and also rule most of the school.


{End of Flashback}

Even though he is a year older than me I've gotten him back plenty of times along with his girlfriend. I found out that they had recently broken up over the summer since I had to stay over there. My mother always did that. If we weren't traveling over the summer we stayed at either Fred's, George's, Harry's, Hermonie's, or Ron's. But that was only if Dad was working a lot. He wasn't to fond of Mum's friends but they made due. I made my way back to the compartment and saw Steven, Tess' crush who also happens to be the seeker for our team and Aly's brother.

"Hey Athame, I heard you already starting trouble with Weasley." I smirked and shrugged.

"You know me, always causing trouble. Now why do you happen to be gracing us with your presence?" He chuckled and I took a seat next to Tess who was looking down at her shoes. I nudged her and she looked up at me giving me a look that said, "Help me!"

"Well I was just about to tell my sister and Tess here that, I've been made head boy."

"Really?" Me and Aly smirked at each other.

"Well you know Tess is head girl," he looked shocked at first and then smiled.

"Well good for you. I never thought you could become one in sixth year." He smiled at her and she blushed and nodded her head shyly.

"Yeah, they said that I would be head girl next year too. As long as these two don't get me in trouble." He laughed and she blushed yet again.

"Well I better get going, I'll see you girls later," he left and I decided I was going to play match maker.

"I'll be back,"

"Where are you going?" Tess asked warningly.

"Somewhere," I smiiled and quickly left and found Steven.

"Steven!" He turned around and smiled.

"You need something Athame?"

"Actually I wanted to tell you something. Now this has been going on since Aly's introduced us to you and I think you should finally know." Steven looked worried and shook his head.

"Listen, Athame if you're trying to tell me that you like me, I'm sorry I don't like you like that. I see you as another little sister. I actually like someone else." I started laughing my ass off.

"No, no, no, not me. But who do you like?" Steven furrowed his brow and then smirked.

"You don't? Good. I was worried there for a mintue. And I fancy someone...you...may know..." I glared at him.

"Steven...I know practically everyone."

"True...but tell me what you were going to tell me first then I'll tell you." I glared a while longer and then nodded my head.

"Well, big brother, I was trying to tell you that Tess has fancied you since...well...we both met you. She's just to shy to ask you. Honestly sometimes I think she's in the wrong house." I chuckled and looked up at him. Damn everyone is taller than me!

"Really? She does?" Steven seemed to happy about this.


"That's sort of who I fancy...I just don't know how to tell her." I laughed.

"It's simple. Listen, when we get to Hogwarts I'll give you a letter telling you a time and place to meet me and I'll help you get your girl." Steven beamed and hugged me tight.

"Thanks! You're the best!"

"I know." He laughed and put me down.

"Oh, by the way, don't be surprised if your sister comes." He rolled his eyes.

"Of course she'll be coming." I laughed and ew both walked off.

"You're back." Tess raised a brow.

"Sheesh, if you MUST know everything, I was in the lavatory." I looked at Aly and she nodded her head. I swear we can read each others mind sometimes.

"Fine. Hey, are we going to do that thing we do every year first day of school?"

"Of course! It wouldn't be called a tradition if we didn't!" Aly threw her arms up and smiled wide.

"But I don't like knives!" Tess complained. Honestly...how the hell did she get into Slytherin.

"Hey, don't blame me, it's Athame who saw that movie and wanted to do that!" I glared at Aly.

"That was a good movie! And it renews us as sisters doing it every year." Tess glared at me looking as if she was going to go for my throat.

"You do know that's not really magic."

"But it's fun!" Aly exclaimed.

"You two are crazy." I smiled at Tess and jumped on her lap.

"That's why your the sain one in the our coven." She rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

This was going to be a VERY interesting year.
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The sequel hope you like!