‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

The Plan: 10

"We sent a letter to McGonagall letting her know the situation and convincing her that she better let us handle it. She said Fox should be over soon and your brother and sister said that they would go to Remus' and Tonks? They brought the twins with them. " Aly looked a Jason and I confused. We nodded our heads knowing exactly where Olivia and Vince went.

"They're friends of the family." I explained and she nodded her head just then, Fox came rushing through the window and landed on our couch. Everyone looked at him slightly scared, even me as he just stared at me.

'What happened Athame?' My eyes went wide hearing his voice echo throughout my head.

'My mother was kidnapped. She said you could help?' I saw his facial expression change. He looked worried and he nodded his head.

'Did she say anything else?' I thought about it. Then remembered.

'Suppositly they're by Black Manor. Please hurry.' Fox nodded his head and flapped his wings and took off. Everyone just stared at me confused.

"What the hell was that?" Steven asked looking out the window trying to see where Fox went.

"He's gone off to find them, Tess what's the rest of the plan. They might just be waiting for us or might just use the same spell on us." Tess cleared her throat and stood up, I sat down a bit shaky. Jason looked at me noticing how I was getting and sat next to me, holding onto his shoulders.

"Athame?" Tess looked at me and I just smiled feebly.

"Just say it." I leaned into Jason, everyone except Davey looking at me oddly.

"Well, we'd figure we'd send in Aly first, with her being an anigmus she can distract them and then we would go in ten minutes after.

"But you can't appearate." I commented and that's when Aly came in.

"Davey would take me there and hide while I make my move. He'll try to save your mother first since we're assuming that she could still probably use her fire power." I nodded my head thinking about it. It sounded good and I figured I should try and talk to my mother. Just to let her know everything was alright and that things were on there way.

"Um, I'll be back." I stood up and went to go upstairs when I felt a hand around my wrist.

"Athame." I looked down at Jason, everyone was watching us, Steven on is toes as usual.

"I'm going to try and contact my mother. I'm fine Jason." Tess and Aly's eyes went wide hearing me call him by his name. I smiled at them and went upstairs to my parents bedroom. Pictures littered the place, pictures of them, of me and my mother, me and my father, the twins, Vince and me, they were everywhere all smiling and waving at me.

I sat on their bed, smelling the both of them. Mum's muggle body mist that she was in love and my father's Armani Code which was also big in the muggle world. I sat down on the bed, crossed my legs and closed my eyes. I concentrated hard thinking about only my mother and wanting to speak to her when I heard her voice.

'I'm going to kill these two, stop touching my husband!' Mum was pissed.


'Honey? What's happening? Are you and everyone else okay?'

'I'm fine mum so is everyone else. We have a plan to come get you all.'

'Good, okay sweetie. Please, be careful. I don't need you to get hurt or anyone else.'

'Don't worry. We will.'

'I love you.'

'I love you too, mum. See you soon.' I opened my eyes and saw Jason standing there in the doorway.

"Your friends were starting to ask too many questions." Jason smirked and I gave a small chuckle.

"My mum knows that we're coming." I said as I stood up fixing myself. I made my way out the door when Jason hugged me from behind.

"You don't have to be so strong Len. I'm here for you." I held back my tears and took a deep breath.

"Jason...I have to be. I'm the Princess, remember?" With that I walked downstairs to see Fox perched on my couch again.

'I've found them.'