‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

Free Me: 12

I looked at my surroundings...oh wait, I can't look at my surroundings, I'm being blinded with a blind fold.

...I'm going to kill this son of a bitch.

"Rodger let me go!" I screamed at him, not even really sure if he was still in the room. I heard a chuckle and turned my head towards it, being tied to a chair. I could feel my anger burning inside of me. He had already said the spell on me so I couldn't use magic, not like it would be any help since well, I think I dropped my wand, and I couldn't do wandless magic like my mother.

"I can't do that. Not until I find the potion I need!" I heard Rodger going through some things, large objects falling to the ground, I really wasn't sure what he was looking for, all I knew was that I wanted to get the hell out of here.

'Athame!' Oh thank bloody hell!

'Mum! Thank Merlin, are you okay? Do you have your powers back?' I heard her let out a mental sigh, her voice sounding a bit frantic.

'Yes, I have my powers back. Everyone is okay, how about you? What's he done?' I strained my ears to hear if he was doing anything. Nope still fumbling around like an idiot trying to find his 'potion'.

'I'm fine, he's done nothing yet. He's looking for a potion didn't say what kind. Dad didn't kill Jason right?' She chuckled...crap I shouldn't have asked that.

'No he hasn't. Jason hasn't really said much since you were taken, I assume there's a little something sparking between the two of you?' How did I know?!

'Mum...FOCUS! I've been kidnapped, we'll talk about boys later!'

'Right, right okay! Do you know where you are?' I knew she was going to be majorly pissed when I told her no and why. She was last time I told her.

'No...I'm blind folded, and he took my powers away, although I think I dropped my wand over there by you guys.'

'That little-alright don't worry, we're coming. And yes, your wand is here. Stay brave sweetheart.' I smiled a little. My mum loved me and I knew that, I wish I could show her that I loved her more.

'I'm a Malfoy mum! Danger doesn't scare me.'

'Hunnie you get that from me, your father's a big pansy and you know it. Be there soon. I laughed out loud, causing Rodger to stop what he was doing.

"That the hell are you laughing about?!" He slapped me across my face, I could feel my anger rise, heating up within me.

"At how pathetic you are. Kidnapping a girl, tying her up, blind folding her, all so that you can have her all to yourself! You even hit her now do you really think that's going to win you point?!" I shouted in a direction not really knowing if it was in his but I didn't care. I wanted to get him all worked up, distract him from whatever he was doing because the fact was no I didn't have a wand and even if I did, it wouldn't help me.

"Shut up you bitch!" I heard him growl, his breath on my face.

"No, Tess is the ruling bitch, I'm the spoiled brat!" I yelled into his face, feeling the heat radiate off him.

"It doesn't matter! You'll be mine, once I find that potion!" He walked away from me and went back to looking for whatever he was looking for. Sadly Rodger wasn't that stupid so I knew whatever he was doing it wasn't good.

"Son of bitch! Your that sad as to have to use a potion to have me, huh!? Come over here and let me see your pitiful face." I heard him start to snicker at me. Soon it turned into a loud malicious laugh one that would haunt you in your dreams.

"You really think I'm that stupid Athame?" I heard his footsteps walk towards me, he bent down and was once again so close to my face. His hands grabbed onto my cheeks and held them still.

"I won't get distracted by your stupid comments and fight with you. I'm not Weasly." I glared at him through the cloth that was covering my eyes as his laughing started again. God I hate him, I didn't know what to think.

I just wanted to get out of there.