‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

Pink Vials: 13

I jerked my head up as I realized I was falling asleep. I didn't realize it but it must've been quite some time since I had actually laid my head down for a rest. I was getting more and more frustrated by the moment, however, no longer hearing Rodger's scuffling made me nervous.

Did that mean that he had found the potion? Did that mean that I was going to end up being with Rodger for the rest of my life? WHAT THE HELL!!!

Coming to this horrid conclusion I started to fight harder against the restraints that held my arms. I could feel the rope tearing at my skin as I fought hard to push it out to at least free one hand.

However, my attempts at freeing myself were halted when I felt Rodger's hand grasp mine. I held my breath as he leaned over from behind me and with his other hand caressed my face.

"I don't think so." With that he untied the blindfold and stood in front of me smirking. I held my breath not knowing what he was about to do, scared and yet willing to face him at the same time.

"What do you plan on doing with me?" Rodger smirked as he brought out a small pink vial.

"Making you mine. Now, Athame, open wide." I looked at him horrified. I shook my head and struggled to get loose, feeling the open cuts sting more as tears fell freely down my face. Rodger laughed at my struggling as I fell to the floor in my failing attempt to get away from him.

“Now, now, no need to be this way. Just say ‘ahh’,” he laughed again maliciously as he kneeled down, grabbing my face harshly forcing me to face him.

“Don’t make me hurt you Athame.” I spit in his face and he got really pissed. He punched me hard in the face, splitting my lip and then held my nose as I moved my head around as much as I could.

It didn’t work and I took a gasp for air and he poured the pink vial down my throat and made me swallow it like a cat needing to take it’s medicine.

Sadly, that’s the last thing I remember was his face smirking evilly down at me as I lost consciousness.
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Sorry it took so long to get out! Hope you like, I promise to write more and more! Hopefully more frequently but remember, it is the school year so it's not easy! Love ya all!