‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

Why...Why'd You Leave me?: 03

"ATHAME!!!!" I looked up from my breakfast to see Vince running to me.

"What's with him?" Aly asks, I shrug and wait for him to come to me and Aly. Tess had some Head Girl stuff to do.

"Look!" Vince handed me a letter...well actually a howler.

"Uh-oh...it's from Dad isn't it?" Vince nodded his head.

"You wanna open it?"

"I don't know. You think I should." I bit my lip as I saw most of the Slyerthin's glaring at my brother and the Gryffindors looking at him like he was crazy.

"Go ahead, just...watch out." Slowly and carefully my brother oped up the red letter and it immediately came to life and the sound of my father's voice.

"Gryffindor...GRYFFINDOR?! HOW COULD YOU PUT THE MALFOY NAME IN GRYFFINDOR?! You are so lucky I married your mother because I would have dragged you out of the school myself! Do you hear me!?" The letter yelled. It let out a frustrated sigh and then changed.

"DRACO! Listen I'm proud of you sweety just, let your father get used to the idea okay? I love you honey!" My mother's voice was a bit worried but still loving. The letter then ripped itself up and I just stood there staring at the tiny falling pieces of paper.

"Well that was interesting." Vince nodded his head sadly.

"Listen. Don't worry about dad, if anything, I'll try to talk some sense into him okay?" I hugged my brother and heard all the Slytherins sneer and the Gryffindors gasp. I glared at the Gryffindors and they shrunk back, then turned to my fellow house mates.

"LISTEN! Any of you have a problem with my brother here, I swear I'll put a hex on you that'll last for a century, GOT IT!?" I yelled and gave them the meanest death glare and they all nodded their heads and looked away. I smirked and hugged my brother again.

"I got your back." He laughed and walked off to his table.

"You're such an...odd weird older sister."

"Why thank you Aly!" She laughed at me and we continued to eat. Once we were finished the both of us met up with Tess and headed off to class.

For that whole first day I had tired to avoid Jason and sometimes I was able to sometimes I had to pass by him and if so, I'd just glare as he looked away. By the end of the week a lot of people were surprise neither of us were in the hospital wing because of the other.

"Tess, for the millionth time...NO!" Aly and I were trying to convince Tess to stay in the common room because me and Aly had to go meet up with her brother. I had given him a letter on Thursday telling him that he needed to meet the both of you on the roof of the Divination tower.

"Are you sure? I mean I need to go out and patrol the halls." Tess was trying to get out of bed but Aly just pushed her back down.

"NO! You've been working too hard, and you need to rest okay? We'll go tell McGonagall that you're not feeling to well and that you need your bed rest." Tess glared at Aly and then looked at me.

"She's right you know! We'll be back in a few." Aly and I both headed out quickly before anyone was to see you.

"I can't believe she bought that." Aly laughed.

"I know, but come on we gotta hurry!" The both of us ran quickly getting to our meeting place and saw Steven.

"HI!" Aly ran over to him and punched him in the stomach.

"That's a great way to great your brother." I laughed and shook my head. Steven glared at her and shoved her away.



"I hate you."

"I hate you too!" With that Aly and Steven hugged laughing. One of the weirdest brother-sister relationship I've ever seen. Aly calls me weird.

"So, what do you girls have in mind?" I smirked and placed an arm over his shoulder.

"Well you see Steven, we're thinking..." We told him our plan and he smiled widely nodded his head.

"That's GREAT! You two are the best thanks!" He kissed us and then ran off to patrol the halls.

"You think it'll work?" I asked Aly. She smirked and nodded her head.

"Of course. We are two of the most smartest girls including Tess." I laughed as we head back down to go to bed.

It was the end of the month and the first game of the season was finally here. I hated it though because Rodger-our captain-trained us to no end. He really wanted to beat the Gryffindors this year since it was his last. We'd be facing them in our match today. OH, I'm almost forgot! I'm a chaser on the team. Pretty wicked if I do say so myself. I learned from my mother.

"Alright team, get a good eat and then we go and kick those Gryffindors asses!" My team cheered as we sat at the table in the Great Hall.

"You better get that snitch because I swear if you don't, I'll knock you right off your broom!" I glared at Steven and he just glared back.

"You worry about getting us points Princess." I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same. We laughed and ate our breakfast. Aly and Tess would be in their usual spots in the stands so I would be able to wave at them from the air. They were awesome, cheering me and Steven. I love my friends!

"Malfoy, listen up, I want you in the middle since you maneuver around them better and if you have a chance throw it in, if not throw it at Johnson or Moffet, got it?" I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"Listen, I know what to do. I'm the best damn player you got so don't worry." Rodger sighed and took hold of my shoulders.

"I just don't want you and Weasley at each others throat out there. You need to concentrate on winning the game." I just smirked and kissed his lips lightly. He looked shocked but then smirked.

"Don't worry." I whispered close to him and then walked back to Steven. I turned to see Rodger still standing there smirking, then shake his head and walked away.

"Why'd you kiss him?" Steven glared at Rodger as he walked away.

"What? He's cute, and I wanted him to trust me and stop complaining." Steven shook his head and then put a protective arm around me.

"I swear he hurts you, you tell me okay? I told the same thing to Aly when she got her new boyfriend. I still need to meet the bastard that stole my baby sister." I laughed as he looked off thinking. We all went out and lined up as Lydecker-the announcer-named all the players on the Gryffindor team and then ours. We all came out one by one.

"CAPTAIN of the Slytherin team and Keeper is Rodger Crooks! Here comes the witty Ashley Moffet one of the chasers on the team, along with Jeff Johnson, and the Princess Athame Malfoy!" I speed out and waved at the cheering crowds, as the Gryffindors 'boo' us.

"Here are the beaters James Rickford and Alyson Nicklay and last but not least, their Seeker Steven Herris!" We all got into play as I made eye contact with Weasley. He was also a chaser unlike his father and uncle who were beaters. The quaffle went up into the air and I went for the dive. I caught it and stayed low. I turned around to see Weasley right behind me. I leaned in more and got close to a wall. Just as I was about to hit it I turned up sharply and threw the ball to Ashley. I followed her close as I saw a bludger come her way.

"Ashley!" I shouted as she threw me the quaffle and tried to avoid the bludger, just nicking her in the end. I rushed forward and saw Weasley and Dort coming up right next to me. I glared at the both of them and threw the quaffle over to Jeff. He caught it and scored. I cheered as the quaffle was thrown to Weasley. I chased after him and then got an idea. I back up and looked at Rodger. I waited until Weasley threw it and Rodger caught it. I smirked and Rodger threw it to me, as I rushed to Gryffindor's goal. I scored. This went on for about a good hour and a half and Gryffindor was up by 20. I had the quaffle in my hand as I rushed towards the goals, when all of a sudden my broom stopped in mid-air. I tired to hold on but I slipped the force throwing me forward into one of the goals. I tired to grab on there but instead I just pulled my arm out of it's socket. I screamed from the pain and fell to the ground. I didn't even see him coming. Tears blurred my vision as I felt myself being pulled up into someones arms, pulling me into them. I moaned in pain and grabbed onto whoever it was with my good arm.

"Bring her to the hospital wing!" I heard what I thought to be Madam Hooch. I kept my eyes closed as I tired to fight the pain burning in my left arm. I bit my bottom lip until it bleed, this really hurt.

"We're almost there, don't worry." I couldn't tell whose voice that was because the pain was too much. I tightened my grip on the persons neck, bringing my head into their chest.

"Oh dear! What happened?" I heard Madam Pomfery voice.

"What did the two of you do to each other out there?" She asked as I felt the person carrying me place me in the bed.

"Nothing, I'm not sure what happened but, trying to save herself she pulled her arm out of her socket." Now I knew that voice! It was...Jason?

"Oh dear. Leave or if you wish to wait, turn around I need to get these things off of her." I felt Madam Pomfery take off my gear as softly as she could. I still groan in pain as she removed my top. I felt her rub some cream on my arm and then hold a potion to my lips. I drunk what I could because that thing tasted so vile. I felt my arm go back in place and the pain somewhat dissipate. I opened my eyes slowly as Madam Pomfery covered me with the blankets.

"Now you stay here, until I tell you, you can go. And I advise you not to move that arm too much." She left as I looked to see the back of Jason. He slowly turned around as I sat up, bringing the blanket with me.

"I thought you would leave?" I asked looking down at the blankets.

"I wanted to see if you would be okay."

"Why?" I looked up at him and he clenched his jaw.

"Because I wanted to okay?! Excuse me for being nice for once!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Please. You saving me doesn't mean anything. Like that kiss. It doesn't mean anything." I glared at him and I saw some hurt in his eyes.

"Really? It didn't mean anything?" He got close to me and I shook my head no, tears glazing over my eyes.

"Nothing." I whispered.

"Right. You kissed back! Why? I thought you hated me? Remember what you told me, hmm?"

"Don't you blame that on me!"

"You were the one who ran off and never spoke to me again!"

"You wanted it that way! You told me you didn't want to be friends with me anymore because of your stupid girlfriend! YOU made me like this Jason, YOU! Just get the hell out..." I let a tear slip.

"Athame? Athame, look-"

"OUT!" I yelled. I looked at him and clenched his jaw again and left. Just then I saw my team come in and Tess and Aly. I hugged them both smiling.

"Are you okay?" I nodded my head.

"I can't believe Weasley caught you." Steven huffed.

"I know. I'm going to have to scrub my skin off just to rid of his touch." I sneered as the others laughed.

"Did we win?" Rodger smiled and nodded his head.

"Yup, next game is Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw so they can try and get back up for the final game." I smiled and he looked at me intently.

"Hey can you all give me a minute with Athame?" I was shocked. I looked at Rodger and he smirked. The others nodded their heads and said that they would see me later. Tess winked at me and Aly mouthed, 'GO FOR IT!' They all left and I looked at Rodger who was now sitting next to me.

"I was wondering...about that kiss before the game, did you really mean it or did you do it for fun?" I smirked and pretended like I was thinking about it.

"A bit of both." He smirked back and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back as his hand went to the back of my head. I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip and I let him in. We pulled apart after a minute or two and smirked at each other.

"That wasn't half bad." I chuckled and so did he.

"Be my girlfriend?" I acted like I was thinking about it and he pushed me lightly.

"Come on," I laughed.

"Yes." He smiled and kissed me again.

"Now, now, Mr. Crooks, please she needs her rest. You can see her tonight at dinner." Madam Pomfery scolded him.

"Find me at dinner!" He shouted as he was shoved out the door. I laughed and then it faltered.

"Are you okay, dear?" I smiled weakly and nodded my head.

"Yeah..." She nodded her head and left. I didn't know why I felt this way. I felt horrible. Somewhere deep down, I wanted Jason back. I missed him. My heart ached for him. I sobbed into my blankets shaking my head.

"Why...why'd you leave me..."