‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

To Take The Pain Away: 06

"MUM! You cannot! You just...NO!" Hogwarts let us take a trip into Hogsmead. I'm in my mother's shop.

"Sweetheart, I told them that since we spent the summer with them, that they could spend Christmas with us, please honey, you have to understand. They're family to me and to you!" My mother scolded me. Grr...I really didn't want to have to deal with Jason at my own house.

"But mum...I can't deal with that Weasley! Muuuuum," I whined. She was always the hard one to crack...maybe I should go find dad...

"No. They're staying, and that's final. They're letting you all out soon, are you almost done packing?" My mother handed the lady her box with whatever she had ordered and walked out the door giving a 'ding' as it hit the bell above it.

"You're evil." I glared at her. She just smirked at me and walked into the back. Just then, another 'ding' was heard and in came Rodger.

"I thought I'd find you here." He wrapped an arm around my waist and quickly pecked my lips. I smirked and put an arm around his neck.

"Yeah, I needed to speak with my mother, but obviously she seems to never understand me." Just them my mother and father came out from the back both smiling, my father holding onto her from behind. However, the smiles didn't last long, my father saw Rodger and me and that's when I realized. I forgot to tell them I had a boyfriend. Whoops. *Bites lips*

"Athame...is there something you would like to tell us?" My father's voice was deadly and dripping with ice.

"Uh...yeah! Mum, dad, meet Rodger, my boyfriend. Rodger, these are my parents, Emmany and Draco." Rodger held out his hand for them to shake and smiled. My father looked at it disgusted but shook his hand anyway.

"It's nice to meet you sir." Rodger said as he shook my father's hand. My mother smiled and held out her hand, but instead of shaking it, Rodger kissed it. That was shocking. Dad raised and eyebrow.

"Pleasure, ma'am." My mother looked shocked and then smiled.

"I assume you and Athame are in the same house?" My mother asked. He nodded his head and then added, "We also play Quidditch together, and I'm the captain of the team."

"Hmmm." My father looked at him untrustingly when another 'ding' interrupted the interrogation from going any further.

"Hey, mum, dad!" It was Vince. I smiled and hugged him, Rodger looked at him and bit disgusted, since well, he is in Gryffindor but I didn't care. As long as he didn't hurt him. I mean...he wouldn't...right?


"Malfoy" That's how they greeted each other. Saying each, others surname while at the same time nodding their heads. Why do men who don't like each other do that? I don't get it.

"Well, I'm off to find the girls. I'll see you soon mum. Kiss Auroro and Angel for me! See you back at the castle Vince." I kissed my parents bye, and gave Vince a little push. I pulled Rodger out with me.

"I still don't understand how your brother got into Gryffindor." Rodger found it absolutely revolting.

"Well, my mother was in every house at least once. Don't ask, if you really wanna know, she's in one of our history books." I smirked as Rodger just looked at me confused.

"Listen, I'll see you on the way back, you are riding with me, yea?" I nodded my head and kissed him hard on the lips.

"I'll see you then." I then went to the tree where Aly, Tess, and me usually meet up at by a center time only to find Aly there.

"HEY!" I ran over and hugged her and she hugged me.

"Hey, have you seen, Tess?"

"Nope. How much you want to bet she's off snogging with your brother?" Aly glared at me and then shook her head.

"Please, I don't need that image. I'm happy for her...but he's still my brother!" We both laughed. We then saw Tess running over to us.

"HII!!!" She yelled and then tackled the both of us.

"What took you so long?" I asked as we all got up and dusted the snow off of our robes.

"Sorry, I was with Steven." She blushed when she said his name.

"Awww." Aly and me said in unison.

"Oh, sod off. Anyway, I'm going to miss you two! We're all leaving tomorrow." Aly and I nodded out heads as we all took a seat under the tree.

"Well we could always see each other, right?" Aly asked looking at Tess and me.

"Sorry, my dad has to go to Italy on some business thing. Can you believe that? They have him working still for Christmas. Hopefully he'll make it for supper though." Tess sighed sadly.

"Not fair. Well I guess we're stuck just writing to each other." Aly pouted and I scrunched my nose.

"Well, don't worry, we've spent long times apart, we can survive one more!" I fake cried and took their hands as if trying to be strong. We all cracked up and spent the rest of the day together buying each other presents in secret while the other wasn't looking.

When we got back to the castle we all finished packing, went to dinner, and went to sleep. Unfortunately, I was dreading the next day. I seriously wanted to hurt my mother! Okay, maybe not...but still!

The next morning I said bye to the girls and went off to meet my brother. Sadly, I also had to meet up with Jason and Olivia too. Since one, we lived in Hogsmead we get to leave a different way, and two they're coming with us. Ugh...I wish my father had more power in the relationship. He's such a wuss when it comes to mum.

"Mae!" My brother only called me that when it was just us. When he was younger, he couldn't say my name right so he would just say 'Mae'. The little ones do it too.

"Hey, where the weasels?" I snickered as my brother just gave me a look. I hated when he did that. Made me feel guilty the little shit.

"Hey! What was that for?" I hit him in the back of his head.

"That's for that look!"

"What look?!"

"Oh shut up!" We glared at each other when we heard a cough and turned around to find both Olivia and Jason there.

"Are you two finished?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah,, yeah. Let's go." I handed Jason the bags as did everyone else...I hated him...damn bastard had his apparation license.

"See you there." He went off with a smirk. Right when he left I made a gesture that was, if he was still standing there, I would choke him. Olivia laughed at me while Vince shook his head.

"I don't get what happened between you two. I mean, I remember being best friends, the three of us." I faltered and just looked down at the ground.

"Things happen, people change. Now come on before the asswhole touches something in my room." I growled and we all made our way to my flat.

"MAE!!" Auroro screamed, ran, and hugged me while Angel ran to Vince.

"Hey!" I picked them up and made my way into the living room where Mum, Dad, Fred, Louise, and Jason were all waiting.

"Welcome home my darlings." My mother kissed us both and I hugged my father.

"I'm going to my room, call me when it's diner time." My mother looked at me funny and made a move to go after me when my father stopped her.

"I'll come help you unpack." I nodded my head and me and my father walked into my room.

"Spill, Athame." I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed.

"You're a pansy," I told my father simply. He was going to KILL me for that.

"Excuse me?" My father's voice was deadly.

"Can't you once...ONCE! Convince mum to NOT have them over or us go over? Dad, I hate him, can't STAND him!" My father then glared at me.

"You know I can't go against your mother. She's about as stubborn as I am. Plus...she's too wise, too old." My eyes went wide...he didn't know it but, my mother was right behind him.

"OLD?!" She screamed. Nearly half the house came running to see what was going on. My father's eyes also went wide and turned around to see my mother's red face, her queer eyes glaring him down.

"Love! I didn't mean it like that!"

"Then how exactly did you mean it?! Honestly, I didn't think I looked that old! I know I'm old in age but honestly...do I look old?" My mother's face becomes contorted with fear and sadness. My father ran to her shaking his head.

"No long, you look beautiful." She glared at him.

"Doesn't mean I don't look old!" I couldn't help but laugh.

"You think it's funny?!" My mother yelled at me.

"No of course not! Dad how could you?" My father glared at me and my mother smiled a bit.

"Yes, how could you?" My father then looked at my mother pleadingly as she walked away.

"Em!" My father ran after her and left me alone with the staring crowd in my doorway.

"SHOWS OVER!" I yelled and the all left. I closed the door and started to go through my cds. I found the album I wanted and put it on. I sat at my window, and sung along to the song that was just perfect for me. Almost too prefect...

::Jason's P.O.V.::

"Listen, Em, I love you, I don't think you look old, okay? I meant you're not one I would want to mess with, you might hurt me." Draco smiled gently at his wife who was currently trying to ignore him. She looked over her shoulder, thought about something and then asked, "Are you sure I don't look old?" Draco chuckled and nodded his head.

"I'm sure, love." He kissed her gently and she kissed him back smiling.

"Wow." Athame's parents were really an odd pair. The son of one of the most prized death-eaters was married to a 'do-gooder', had children, and worked for the order. Did I forget to mention killed his own father when his father tired to kill Emmany? Yup. All happened during the battle. The battle my father has told us countless stories about, while Emmany would just hush him. Then dad would make some wise crack about her being too smart for her own good. Emmany was a beautiful woman, and Athame looked just like her. Although Athame was different. She had the Malfoy attitude and Draco's smirk. Something he would always use when he'd look at us. However, when it came to his children or his wife, is about the only time you'd see a smile.

"How come you never told her you liked her?" My eyes bulged out of my skull and I turn to see my noisy little sister.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you like her. I knew it all along. I just never got why you went out with the stupid whore who ended up breaking your heart. Athame was always there for you and you tossed her aside." Olivia was about the only one who had figured out why Athame and me no longer spoke to each other.

"I don't know." I looked over at her bedroom door sadly. All I had left of her was the nostalgic memories.

"Maybe it's not too late." My sister smiled at me feebly and walked away. Maybe she was right. Maybe it wasn't too late.

"Never Meant To Be"

I remember when I still believed the things you said
Never would have thought that this would come to an end
How was I to know that you had
Another someone new?

I recall the days, I loved you in a million ways
Suddenly; you and me
From friends to history
I realized that my trust ain't coming back no more

'Cause my love for you
Will always last eternally
You are in my heart
I loved you from the start
Baby, it's hard to believe
That you and I were never meant to be...

Does anybody know, this feeling of despair
When you really love someone
When You really care
It's hard to walk away
When I really wanna stay with you...

Does anybody know, it tears you up inside
When you tried, to decide
Between what's wrong and right
Gotta know for sure
That my trust ain't coming back no more

'Cause my love for you
Will always last eternally
You are in my heart
I loved you from the start
Baby, it's hard to believe
That you and I were never meant to be...

Ohhhh Oh
'Cause my love for you
Will always last eternally
You are in my heart
I loved you from the start
Baby, it's hard to believe
That you and I were never meant to be...
Yeh Yeh Yeh
That you and I were never meant to be
Yeh Yeh Yeh
That you and I were never meant to be"
I heard her sing. I peeked through the door and saw tears run down her beautiful face. She took a drink out of a flask, fire whiskey, is my guess.

I opened the door quietly and closed it. She was crying harder now, another song coming from somewhere played...the words were so sad, almost like the song she had sung. The piano was high pitched and echoed throughout the room. Athame whispered the chorus to herself, "30 minutes, a blink of an eye. 30 minutes, to alter our lives. 30 minutes, to make up my mind. 30 minutes, to finally decide. 30 minutes, to whisper your name. 30 minutes, to shoulder the blame. 30 minutes, of bliss, thirty lies. 30 minutes, to finally decide," she was hurt, and in that moment, I realized. It was my fault.

"Athame..." I whispered. She turned around shocked, her eyes glistening with tears.

::Athame's P.O.V.::

Oh, Merlin...he's here...seeing me...seeing me cry...for him. I quickly glared at him and stood up in front of his face.

"What in bloody hell are you doing in here?" I almost sounded like my father, such malice thrived in that one question.

"Don't act like you hate me, now I know you don't." Slowly he was backing me up into a corner.

"Jason, please...just go. Don't you think you've hurt me enough?" I looked into his eyes, there was something there I had never seen. Such sadness, such sorrow. I couldn't stand to look at him, I took my flask and took another drink, I finished it off, and Jason ripped it from my lips right when I did.

"What the fuck!? Leave me alone!" I yelled at him.

"NO! Why are you doing this to yourself?" His hands caressed my cheeks and whipped away my tears.

"To take the pain away." More tears came, I just couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Athame...I never meant to leave you, hurt you, and choose 'her' over you. I was stupid, I ignored my feelings, and thought all we'd ever be was friends. But, I can't deal with that. I can't just be your friend, I've loved you for so long now...please, forgive me?" His eyes were pleading, I could tell he was sorry. I could accept his apology but...love? I couldn't. I've tried to get over him for 6 years now. Plus, I'm with Rodger...I like Rodger...I...I...

"Len..." Did he just call me...Len? He hasn't called me that since we were little. He was the only one who could call me that. The only one. He came in close, so close I started seeing two of him...or maybe it was the fire whiskey kicking in? Oh, Merlin no...

::Jason's P.O.V.::

This was it. Now or never. I leaned in, closer, and closer. I could feel her breath on my lips. She looked nervous, but I had to do it. I couldn't help myself, I didn't care about anything else but this moment, her lips, and mine.

"Jas..." She whispered almost breathlessly. I smirked and went for it. I kissed her softly at first, leaving small pecks on her velvet lips. I let my arms wrap around her waist. I let my tongue grazed her lips, begging for entrance, surprisingly, she granted it. Her hands ran through my hair as she kissed me back. Our tongues danced together, my hands caressed her back as hers went to my chest. The moment was pure bliss. Then she pulled away, the both of us trying to regain our breath.

"I can't. I'm with Rodger." She was kidding me right?

"Len...Crooks?!" No, not after that kiss, you're not going to get out of this easy.

"Jason, I did, I liked you, a lot. You pushed me away and I spent 6 years trying to get over you, and now I finally think I may be able to. I'm sorry Jason, I'll forgive you and be your friend, but nothing more." Wha...she wasn't doing this to me, she wasn't.

"Len, please, he's not right for you!" She closed her eyes and then finally looked at me.

"He's coming a day before Christmas eve. Friends?" I clenched my jaw, if this was what she wanted. I swear...she'll be the death of me.

"Fine. Friends." My words were forced out. I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I punched the wall in front of me, cutting up my knuckles and possibly breaking my pinky.

"Bloody hell!" I cursed, grabbing my hand. My mother and Emmany ran and saw my hand.

"Jason Weasley! One, you do not use that kind of language in this house or ours and two, what happened?" My mother came over taking my hand from me.

"I punched the wall." Emmany looked at me confused and snapped her fingers. My hand was healed.

"Thanks." I muttered looking at the ground. Tears glistened in my eyes. What do you expect? She broke my heart.

"What happened?" Emmany asked. I looked at her and my mother. they were both shocked to see the glassiness of my eyes. I clenched my jaw again and glared at Athame's door.
