‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

Mermories Past: 07

::Third Person P.O.V.::

"Tess is really going to Italy?" Aly rolled her eyes at her annoying brother. It was already three days before Christmas Eve and he was STILL asking about Tess even though she and him exchanged letters daily.

"Yes! Didn't she tell you?"

"Well yea but-" Aly glared at her brother.

"Don't tell me you thought she was going to cheat on you?! Steven!" He smiled feebly and shrugged his shoulders.

"I just, don't want some Italian guy sweeping her off her feet." Aly rolled her eyes and walked into her room. There on her bed she saw Davey's owl.

"AHH!!!" She yelled in excitement.

"What?!" Steven came rushing in acting like the big over protective brother he was.

"Nothing, I got a letter from Davey! I had invited him over for Christmas Eve!"

"Good. Now I can get a good look at the punk who stole my sisters heart." Aly glared at her brother.

"Steven. You do anything, I mean ANYTHING to scare him...you're a dead man." Aly looked back down at the letter and read it to herself.

"YES! HE CAN COME WOO!! I'm going to owl Athame!" Aly ran to get some parchment and quickly wrote a note to Athame telling her the good news, and also asking Athame to tell Tess about it. That and how Steven was worried about the Italian men sweeping Tess off her feet.

"You better not tell Athame what I said about Tess...and don't tell Tess either!" Steven shouted from his room. Aly laughed quietly to herself and yelled back, "Of course not Steven!"

::Athame's P.O.V.::

I had been locked up in my room most of the time. Writing; to both Tess and Aly. On occasion, I'd send Rodger a letter and he'd send me one.

"Athame, sweetie?" I looked up to see Louise at my door. I smiled and motioned for her to come in.

"I was just...well, I know I shouldn't be poking my nose in your business but, I was just wondering if you were okay?" I smiled at her and nodded my head.

"Of course," no not really.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." NO!! I'm in love with your son! Wait...no, no, no, no I mean I like your son! AHH!! I didn't mean that!

"Alright. We'll we're going to be trimming the tree so, come down soon okay?" She smiled warmly at me and I hugged her.

"Yea." I finished reading the latest letter the Aly had sent me. I was so happy for her. She finally found someone to really settle down with instead of always hoping from guy to guy. I put the letters in a box, ran down stairs, and jumped on my dad.

"Athame! Are you trying to kill me?" I smiled cheesy at him and he just hugged me tight. I stayed in his lap and watched mum, Louise, and all the little ones go get all the stuff for trimming the tree.

"Awww! My baby girl and my little boy!" I laughed at my mum and dad just glared at her.

"Little boy?" He picked me up, placed me on the couch, and slowly walked towards mum.

"Yes, you're my little boy." She teased.

"I'll show you little, come here!" He ran after her and Louise started laughing.

"I swear, those two are still teenagers. Fred could you hand me that box?" I looked at Fred and he was just staring at her mischievously.

"Fred?" At that he charged at her and she squealed running away. What is it, attack of the husbands?

"But what about the tree!" Auroro whined. Angel threw a small toy at her and she glared at him.

"HEY!" Gabriel laughed at her when she threw something at him. He stopped laughing and then they started chasing each other. Okay, this has just gotten strange.

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!" I looked behind me to see Vince chasing Olivia with his pet snake Iguana. Okay, I'm now convinced that everyone in this house should be put in Saint Mungos.

"HE WANTS A HUG!! GIVE HIM A HUG!!" Vince laughed at Olivia.

"YOU LITTLE RUNT! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Jason came down the stairs and just gawked at everyone. His father finally caught Louise and was kissing her all over her face, mum was yelling at dad while he tried to kiss her anywhere he could, Auroro and Gabriel were rolling around on the floor at each other's throat, and Vince chasing Olivia.

"What in bloody hell happened?" Jason asked stepping over the two rolling around on the floor.

"I have no idea. Hey!" I just then got an idea.

"What?" Jason was a bit cold toward me since we had last spoken. At least we didn't hate each other.

"Grab a coat and come with me!" I quickly grabbed my coat and Jason grabbed his. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Are you sure we won't get into trouble?" Jason asked. He was being such a wuss.

"Of course not, no one is going to know. Now come on it's this way!" I grabbed his arm and we both ran out of the house as fast and as far away as we could. The two of us ran until we came upon the shrieking shack. Jason's eyes went wide and he shook his head.

"Come on Jason you big pansy! We're going to go in there,"

"Oh no, I'm going back," he turn away to walk back when I jumped in front of him.

"You big baby! Come on, let's go in, it can't do us any harm." I argued with him. Jason just shook his head and continued.

"You WEASEL!" I taunted and watched him stop in his tracks. I smirked knowing that would get to him.

"That's real mean Athame!" I just laughed and grabbed his hand and started to climb the fence.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Jason too started to climb when a voice interrupted our attempts at going into the old shack.

"Neither can I Jason. A little name-calling and you give in. And Shame on you Athame, you're mother taught you better." Jason and I turned around to face Harry, smirking.

"Harry?" This was all sounding a bit too familiar.

"Come on you two, back to the house." I sighed and glared at him. Jason laughed hysterically.

"What's with you?" He just kept laughing like a madman.

"Shut up you dolt!" I smacked the back of his head not too hard and Harry gave me a gentle push.

"What? He's being an idiot!" Harry chuckled and Jason finally stopped laughing.

"Who you care to share with us what was so funny?" Harry asked.

"Do you realize that exactly 10 years ago that exact same thing happened. You dragged me out of my father's store to go to that bloody shack and Harry caught us and took us back to our parents?" No wonder it all felt familiar. I smiled and nodded my head. That was the same day mum and I found dad.

"I remember." I whispered and looked at Jason. He looked back at me. Longing; written behind both our eyes.

"I'm surprised they let you two out," Harry chuckled while me and Jason shared a nervous glance. "Well..." Harry raised a brow and I chuckled.

"The house was in total chaos so no one noticed." Jason nodded his head rapidly, the fear clearly written in his eyes.


"Auroro and Angel were at each other's throat, rolling around on the floor! Vince was chasing Olivia with his snake," I interrupted, "his name's Iguana, and mum was yelling at dad while he was trying to kiss her anywhere he could," I shuddered and Jason finished, "And my mum was laughing hysterically on the floor as dad tickled and kissed her." We both shuddered and Harry laughed at us.

"I see. Let's see if the chaos has ended then shall we?"