‹ Prequel: Escape's Curse
Status: On Hiatus. Sorry.

It's In My Blood

Your Face Sickens Me: 09

::Athame's P.O.V.::[/c]

"Athame?" Jason grabbed my hand and I looked at him. My mother hadn't spoken to me in my mind since the day I was kidnapped. Something must be wrong.

"Mum wants me to go see Fox." Everyone just looked at me confused.

"How do you know that?" Tess asked.

"When I was little, I was kidnapped by some guy. Somehow, my mother was able to speak to me in my mind and she just did it again. She said I need to go see Fox, and he'll help us."

"Wait...the bird? You mean McGonagall's phoenix?" Steven looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah. I don't know why though."

"Hey...your mum...remember that one Christmas when your father really got her mad and all of a sudden the tree caught on fire?" Steven and Davey laughed slightly while the girls looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah..." I had no idea where Jason was going with this.

"Well then there was that time when me and you had gotten bit by that snake? It was poisonous and your mother cried, and let her tears fall on our wound?" I remember.

"They healed almost instantly." The other four were looking at us amazed.

"You're mum sounds like a phoenix." Aly commented.

"Okay, this just got weird. Not only is my mum OLD but she's part phoenix too!?" I knew my family was messed up but...must there be more surprises! Next thing I'll find out that I can fly without a broom!

"Well that must mean you have powers of a phoenix also." Wait a minute. Me? My mum's the special one not me!

"No. If that was true, Vince, Angel AND Auroro would have the phoenix in them." Jason just nodded his head at me as if it was obvious. That jerk!

"FINE! Whatever, let's say that I have powers of the phoenix, HOW is that knowledge going to help up rescue our parents huh?!" That's when the thought struck me. I remember faintly when I was kidnapped, he yelled a spell at my father and then when my mother came he did the same to her, what spell was it?

"Hey, uhh...is there a spell to bind a witch or wizard from doing spells?" I looked at Tess knowing this was more her area. She was always the smart one.

"Umm...yea there is. Why?"

"What if whoever has our parents used that spell on them? THAT'S why they can't fight back and...somehow they know about my mum's power because she's out." Everyone just looked shocked. We were really screwed if we didn't go in with a plan.

"You four stay down here okay? We'll go up there and see what we can get out of Rodger." Everyone nodded except Steven.

"You and Weasley? I don't think so, plus I'd like to give Crooks a piece of my mind!" Steven started to get up when Tess pulled him down.

"Steven. Let them handle it. We'll think of plan." Davey and Aly nodded their heads in agreement and Steven sighed giving in. I smiled at them and then ran upstairs with Jason.

::Draco's P.O.V.::

I couldn't believe my eyes. Those two were back and this was not good.

"Haydee? Val?" Potter asked shocked. Val smirked and nodded his head.

"Don't you just hate us?" Haydee let out a shrilling laugh and I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"What? Didn't you miss me Drakie?" Haydee caressed my face I tried to turn away. She just smirked and sat on my lap holding my head to face her.

"Fuck. Off." I hissed at her, and she just pouted. Not very cute I might add.

"Awwww. Poor Drakie. I know you missed me." She kissed me hard as I tried to move my head.

"ENOUGH!" Val shouted. She stopped and got off me, smirking evilly.

"BITCH!" I looked over to the glass box Val put Emmany in and saw her faced flushed with anger.

"EM!" I called out. Just a few minutes ago, she was passed out on the floor of that thing. She looked over and smiled at me feebly.

"You're strong aren't you." Val commented and he walked to the box. I saw Emmany start to focus in on him, knowing what she was going to do.

"Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you." What? Why not?

"And why not?" She sneered.

"Because, you do that, and I'll kill everyone one slowly. Right in front of your eyes, and you can't do anything about it. Why? Because the glass is meant to keep fire in, not out." That son of a bitch!

'Draco? Can you hear me?' WHAT?! Oh right she can do that.

'Yeah, are you okay?!'

'I'm fine, how about you?'

'Oh...I don't know...TIED UP!' She glared at me from the glass case as I just rolled my eyes.

'When we get out of here...I'll kill you myself, Draco!'

'Don't you mean if?' She smirked at me. Why is she smirking at a time like this!?

"What the hell is going on!?" Val saw the looks we were giving each other. Both me and her looked at him and just smiled evilly.

'I contacted Athame and told her to go to Fox. I think she's our only hope at getting out right now.'

'...the fate of our lives...lies in the hands...of OUR TEENAGE DAUGHTER?!'

'YES! Now don't scream so loud you make my head hurt. Uh-oh...'

' "Uh-oh," what "uh-oh"? Em what's wrong?'

'Gas...sleeping...gasssss...' And out she went. DAMNIT VAL!

"Now, what's taking my son so long." Son...?

::Athame's P.O.V.::

"Why did your father kidnap all of our parents!?" I yelled at him. I was going to get answers out of him one way or another. That's why Jason was here.

"Like I'll tell you. Just untie me and no one gets hurt." Rodger sneered. Please like I was really going to let him go.

"She's not going to let you go. Tell her what she wants, or I'd be happy to give you another bloody nose." Jason hissed in his face. Rodger flinched slightly and glared at me.

"You wouldn't let him." I smirked.

"Wouldn't I?" He looked at me shocked. HEY, I mean come on, I AM the Slytherin Princess. One of the biggest bitches in all the land. Besides Tess...but let's keep that between me and you.

"My father wants your mother. Says that they were together 7th year but something happened and she went to your father." That didn't make any sense. Mum and dad were together for 6th and 7th year.

"No, they were together during 7th year, all of seventh year!" Rodger rolled his eyes and sighed.

"My father broke them up and got her. Something happened one day and she took your father back." What...I knew dad had cheated on mum before I was born but during 7th year too? How could she take him back? After all that pain.

"What about Draco?" Jason asked seeing my face.

"This woman my dad knows wants him."

"The blond." He nodded his head and I slapped him.


"Your face sickens me."

The both of us headed downstairs because I really didn't want to speak to Rodger anymore. If I stayed I probably would've broken something on him myself.

"So, you guys think of a plan?" Tess and Aly smirked and I knew they had come up with something good.