Flying Without Wings

Chapter 3

Cara smiled lightly, her fingers caressing the fabric carefully, as if it would unravel at her touch. Tom and Bill looked on, satisfied. After several good meals, they could already see the skeletal frame taking on shape and curvature. Smiling, Tom turned to his brother beside him and patted him on the shoulder.

"You did well, little brother. I'm glad you got to her in time." Bill smiled back, his eyes never leaving the back of the girl in front of them.

"Thank you Tom. I am glad also that I got to her before she could..." The pair grew silent as Cara skipped up to them, a crimson shirt in hand.

"How about this one?" She held up the small, low-cut shirt to herself, comparing it to her frame. Bill nodded, hanging onto the article as Cara ran off to find more clothes. Shaking his head, Tom laughed and patted his brother once more on the shoulder.

"You are spoiling her...Share!" Tom took hold of the few shirts Bill was holding and walked off towards the cashier. Bill watched after the boy with his mouth hanging open.


Bill smirked to himself as Cara hugged him, enjoying the fact that he no longer felt like she would break if he hugged her too hard. As Cara let out a sniffle, he looked down.

"What's wrong?" The girl lifted her head, brown eyes watering.

"You're an angel...stunning and...and so...perfect! I'm so boring and plain. Why would you bother rescuing someone like me?" Eyes widened in horror at the girl's words, and Bill frowned.

"Why would you think that? You are not plain and boring. You have a...natural beauty." Cara shook her head.

"In other words...plain!" Bill sighed, holding the girl closer. "Thank you so much for the clothes, Bill. I really love them."

"I'm glad...Come on! Let's go eat!" Cara smiled and giggled at Bill's attempt to lighten the mood. The two of them strolled into the kitchen of the apartment, spotting Tom at the table with a cup of coffee.

"Why are you drinking coffee this late in the day?" Tom quirked an eyebrow at the girl, smirking as he took another sip.

"Because not everyone has the amount of energy you and Bill have." Turning to his brother, Tom smiled wider. "Is it time for dinner yet?" Bill nodded.

"Yes...How about pizza?" Tom nodded enthusiastically, snatching the phone off the wall mount and dialing before Cara could voice her opinion. Bill smiled down at her apologetically. "Sorry. We could eat something else?" Cara shook her head with a smile.

"No, pizza sounds tasty." Bill laughed at the girl's easy-going temperament and sat down next to where his brother had been sitting. Cara joined him with a sigh of satisfaction, leaning back comfortably in the wooden chair.
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sorry it's short. not in the mood today, but felt the need to update for those that do read this.